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Molly Holly

Current Saga: Mentions Lords of the Ring, mentions divas, shoots for women’s title, and still pure


*Molly is being interviewed in the lounge room by Ryan Miller. She is talking about her match with Torrie on warzone. This is also concerning the women’s title. Molly will definitely go for it. She explains her plans.*

Ryan: Ok, we’re here with molly holly, finding out her thoughts about warzone. I understand you’re in a #1 contendership. Right Molly?

Molly: That’s right. Torrie Wilson and I are going at it to see who will have a chance at the title. To see who will face Bobbi.

Ryan: Yes, and what are your plans? How confident are you?

Molly: Very confident indeed. I have nothing against torrie and all, but I don’t think she can beat me. Like I said, it’s nothing against her. All superstars have talent in them. Some more than others. I’ve been involved in gymnastics, aerobics, karate, and straight up wrestling. I use all those techniques and even teach those to some people. Well, Torrie will be in for a surprise. I’m not saying I will win, I’m saying I have a better chance at winning. If I win, I face Bobbi. If Torrie wins, she faces Bobbi. I guess it’s either one of us. If she wins, I’ll probably be upset. Same goes for her. If I win, she’ll probably be upset. So, I have to be ready for this match just in case I come short of an opportunity for the gold. Go for the gold, that’s the motto. Molly Holly, Pure and Wholesome, will go for the gold. Once I get the title, I will polish it and put it around my waist. Torrie, you will see how serious I am about reaching my goal. If I beat you, whether it’s using all kinds of techniques, submissions, molly go round or whatever, don’t take it hard. It’s cause I wanna be a winner. See, Ryan, you have to be a winner in life.

*Camera gets closer on molly * Molly: This goes to torrie and the other divas. See, you have to win in life. Whether its on the job, as a housewife, or even for some of you divas, in the strip clubs, and most important, as a wrestler. But, you win some, you lose some. But who would be crazy as to say they wanna lose? So, some divas will talk trash, use profanity, do whatever it takes to say they will win. Every diva, no matter how sorry some of them may be, think they will always win. Uh uh. *double points* I, Molly Holly, will win. I will win on warzone and when it’s time to go one on one with bobbi, hopefully one on one, I will win and become the next women’s champ. Now, I’m surprised I haven’t heard from her ever since she won. Well, if she’s listening, I hope she gets the message. When I beat torrie, you better watch out. With my gracefulness and passion, I will move on up. I will also earn my respect. Well, with JoJo. I respect her. I see how she feels about winning and stuff too. I also know that both of us got screwed out of the title. I almost had it, and lost. She almost had it, and lost. And look where it’s at now? Well, no more screwing up. It’s time to be real. No time for games. No time for Russian Roulette. Just be straight forward, if you can. See, some may just take me for granted cause I’m a virgin, goody two shoes, yada yah. Well, I’m a good wrestler. I can prove it. Don’t say nothing if you get beat. Don’t come home to your momma. Don’t beg and beg for forgiveness cause you should’ve learned. And Ryan, I will be an example for my fans. I will show them how justice can be brought.

Ryan: I see. Ok, what do u have to say to torrie as far as wishing her luck for the match?

Molly: Well, in a friendly way, good luck. She’ll need it. But I will most likely win. I really am that hungry to become a winner. I need no pepping up from a coach nor do I need it from you or anyone else. I pep my own self up, coming prepared for whatever obstacle I have to face. You see, at the blink of an eye, things can change. Torrie and others will see that. You saw how my looks changed, right? Well, what else could happen? Main thing that won’t change is my purness and cleaness. So, I hope these words stay in people’s minds as it will stay in my heart. I will win at warzone. Well, that’s all I’m gonna say for now.

Ryan: Ok then. Well, we’ll see as molly continues her saga on warzone. Thanks for the interview and I’ll see you in the ring. (they shake hands and the scene fades)


Next thing going on is that Molly will face Torrie come Wednesay Warzone. It will be a war indeed. Not personal, but for one thing, the title. One on One is how molly wants to deal with it. If she beats torrie, she wants the match for the title to be one on one. Her goal stays the same. Depeding on how things happen, it could change. But molly will always have a goal.