(The scene fades in at a sold out first Mariner Arena in Baltimore Maryland where nineteen thousand screaming fans are going nuts in anticipation of Sunday Night Judgement Day! They have already seen a variety of superstars make their presence felt in the WWE. Some of them are the Owner of the WWE Stephanie McMahon, Raven, Stacy Keibler, Dawn Marie, Kurt Angle, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Trish, Nidia, Victoria, and the Hurricane. The crowd is chanting many things. Some are chanting for Stone Cold. “WHAT?!” “WHAT?!” “WHAT?!” “WHAT?!” “WHAT?!” Some are chanting for Undertaker. “REST IN PEACE!” “REST IN PEACE!” “REST IN PEACE!” “REST IN PEACE!” The crowd is loving it, and all of a sudden the lights go off. BOOM! The crowd recognizes the explosion. They rise to their feet. Kane emerges from the back and the crowd is screaming wildly. They are electrified by the presence of this seven foot monster. Kane gets to the ring and steps over the ropes, he then lifts his arms high in the air and slams them down hard and the pyros explode.

(The crowd is in awe of the monster and he requests a microphone from the announcers and receives one. He paces back and fourth a few times before the crowd finally calms down and lets the big man speak


Well…well…well. You’re damn right I’m back and I'm glad happy to be back, whooping ass only like the big red machine knows how to. You see I was sitting back home and my phone rang, and on the phone was none other then the owner of the new world wrestling entertainment, ms Stephanie McMahon. You see, I was curious as to why she called so I heard her out, and then I decided, that the reign of terror of France will be nothing compared to the reign of terror that Kane is going to inflict on the WWE. You see I looked around in the back and I would like to say something to every superstar on the roster, and believe me Mr. Mattitude, I’ll save you for last. I’m going to start with Stephanie. Now you made a brilliant move beginning this federation one again, and I believe you can make it the best it has ever been. And I am here to help you do that. That’s why I am going to showcase my ability like I have never done before while I am here. You are going to see sides of me that you never thought was imaginable. And after I beat Matt Hardy for the Hardcore Title, I will once again be champion. But I am not going to stop there. Eventually, you will see world championship gold around my big waist. Nice recruitment Stephanie, you won’t regret it. Next we have Stone Cold Steve Austin. A man who defined wrestling in the nineties. Austin I have no problem with you. You see, back in the day, me and you use to have those crazy rivalries, but I’d like to believe that is all behind us. But who knows? If a title is involved, I may just have to fight you one more time. Next we have the Rock. You see Rock, I know we have never seen eye to eye. And I know we will never be friends. But we have had some of the best matches I can even remember. Rock, all I can say is that I can’t wait to fight you again, and put on a match that these people will never forget. Now rock, if you win that title, remember, I will be waiting. Next we have a man who quite frankly, has no idea what he is doing. That is my brother, the undertaker. Now deadman, I don’t know why you turned on Austin, and quite frankly, I don’t even think he deserved it. That is why, I am issuing you a challenge. One on one after Judgement Day. This will be on that smackdown. If I win at Judgement Day, and believe me I will, I will put my title on the line, and I will set your ass straight. You hear me? Someone has to slap a sense of reality into you brother, and I am glad to be the one doing it. I’ll be waiting for a response. Next I have to talk to a very lucky individual. Matt Hardy. Now you see, Mr. Matt, this Sunday, I am going to rip you apart. The only reason you walked away alive on smackdown, is because of that no good ingrate John Cena, who as you saw, I disposed of soon after with my chokeslam to hell. But don’t worry Matt, this Sunday, there is nowhere to hide. It is hardcore rules. An over the top rope battle royal for the hardcore title. All is legal. I will let you live thought, only long enough to say goodbye to your family before your body is shipped to the city morg. So get ready Matt, cause I know I am. Next we have the Brooklyn Born Thug himself, TAZZ. Now Tazz, I know you grew up in a cruddy environment, but believe me so did I. I was abused when I was a child, and I was always picked last on the kickball team. And now, I am out seeking revenge, and nothing can stop that fire from burning inside of me. Not even you. Next we have a trailer park hick that doesn’t even belong to be in a match of this stature. Jamie Noble. Now Jamie, you may enjoy making porn flicks with that skank of yours Nidia. But that isn’t going to get you anywhere in this business buddy. Try it, and your ass will get chokeslammed. Last but not least we have Scott Steiner. Genetic Freak. Really impressive. Let me see you press me over your head. The only pressing you will be involved with is me pressing my hand against your throat and throwing your ass over the top rope. John Cena, I haven’t forgot you interfering in my match, and I will be closely watching you at Judgement Day, and who knows, maybe I will take a closer look. For everyone in my match, good luck, because you’re definitely going to need it. REST IN PEACE AND BURN IN HELL!

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-+-DISCLAIMER-+- This layout was made bye A friend. Don't steal it. If you want the layout, ask me please. Good luck to my opponents. Thanks!