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The Rated 'R' Supterstar<title> </head> <BODY bgcolor="#000000" text="white" link="orange" vlink="white" alink="orange"><center> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" > <embed src="themesong.wma" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="true"> <center> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.onmousedown=click var times=0 var times2=10 function click() { if ((event.button==2) || (event.button==3)) { if (times>=1) { bye() } alert("HTML Layout Owned by Ashlee Ikeda"); times++ } } function bye() { alert("You wanna mess with the Captain?"); bye() } </script> <style> BODY { scrollbar-base-color: silver; scrollbar-arrow-color: black; scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color: black; } </style> <center> <table border="2" width=700 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="silver"><tr BGCOLOR="silver"><TD BGCOLOR="red" valign="center"><center><table border="3" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="black"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> <table border="4" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="silver"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> <TABLE ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=black BORDER=2 BORDERCOLORDARK="blue" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="silver" CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=2 WIDTH=<600> <tr> <td colspan=2> <imgsrc="" width=625 height=250></td> <td colspan=2><img src="" width=100 height=200></td> </tr></table> <center> <table border="2" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="silver"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> <center> <table border="0" style="filter:glow(color=blue, strength=6)"><font size=6><font color=black> </font></table> </table></center> <center> <table border="2" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="blue"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> <center> <font size=2><font color=silver> <br><hr> EBWF Titles: None <br><hr> <marquee> The Rated R Superstar </marquee><br><hr> People Mentioned: <br><hr> People Used: <br><hr> </marquee></table></center> <center> <table border="2" width=725 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="blue"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center" align="left"> <p><font color=silver> <p><font color=silver><hr> TEXT HERE TEXT EHRE <hr> <center><font size=6><font color=gold><b><i><u><marquee> EDGE </marquee></table></center></font></b></i></u> <center> <table border="6" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="blue"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> <table border="5" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="black"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> <table border="4" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="blue"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> <table border="3" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="black"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> <table border="2" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="blue"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> <table border="1" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="black"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> <center> <table border="2" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="black"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> <center> <table border="2" width=600 bgcolor="black" bordercolor="blue"> <tr BGCOLOR="black"><TD BGCOLOR="black" valign="center"> OOC: OOC HERE <br><hr> Copyright © 2005, Phil Fitzhugh, All Rights Reserved. The html coding and layout design is the property of Ashlee and Tony Ikeda and may not be distributed, re-used, or re-produced in any way, shape, or form without the expressed written consent of Ashlee or Tony Ikeda. No reproduction of this rp is to be used without written consent, which I will NEVER give you. </table></center> </table></center></table></center></table></ </body> </html> </body>