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|| Peter Mysterio ||

8 Disclaimer Okay, short and sweet. Layout, top banner and one to the left is made by Sykez from the FcW. The roleplay it self is 100% property of Peter Mysterio.

8 Role-Play Title 7 8 Opponent 7 8 Career Record 7 8 Role-Play Number 7
"Window of Oppurtunity." El Diablo 011 - 008 - 000 - 1 -
8 Achievements :- Suicidal Champion, Cruiserweight Champion(current)

The scene opens up in Peter Mysterio's home on location in Los Angeles California. The camera fades inside where the Peter's television set is on while he is curling a 45 ILBS weight bar. He does about twenty curls then sets the bar down next to his Cruiserweight championship. He starts rubbing his muscle as it seems to ache him for a little bit. He stands up to reveal to the camera that he is wearing a red Ecko shirt with the white rhino on it. Some baggy blue jeans and some white hanes socks. He stands up to tighten his muscle then sits down and speaks into the camera.

This is the chance to prove myself that I'm no joke. This is the chance to prove that I can do what others can't do. This is a chance to earn a better championship that I have right now. And that championship is the FcW European championship. The current holder of that championship makes me sick to my stomach. The title holder that I'm talking about is none other then El Diablo. Talk about your paper champions, he's now going to get a chance to see if he has what is takes to become a true European champion. But I know that he doesn't have what it takes to become a true title holder. I mean look, I've already beaten him for the Suicidal championship and held that championship longer then he could have imagined. But after the screw job that Skyez did, I never wanted to gain that title again. But that is old news, because now is the present and future. In the future, I will become the new European champion as for the present I will be the number one contender for the title. You don't represent that title like nothing. Your just a paper champion that can't put up a decent defense. Well all that is about to change when I gain the number one contender status and go on to Ground Zero for the European championship. Diablo, I will shatter your dreams of keeping that title and accomplish mine of being the new champion. Soon enough, It will be Mysterio 2, Diablo 3. Then at Ground Zero, it will be Mysterio 3, Diablo 3. That is right because I will get two for the price of one when I be the contender for the European title and go on the Pay-per-view for the title. I'm not scared of you because I know that I can and will beat you at Wednesday night assault. FcW is going to see that a new champion after the ppv. I have to give you your props because you overcame all the odds in that hellfire and brimstone. The Inferno match was one of the greatest matches in FcW history but I will make history at the ppv. You are going down to the canvas wishing that you had some talent that I pocess in my arsenal of moves. My aerial tactics are going to overcome your dull and boring style that you think that will get you victorys. Look at this championship that I hold, this proves that I'm the best damn Cruiserweight in the federation, in this company and in this business. Being the Cruiserweight champion has it's ups and downs but I'm damn proud to hold this championship. Your championship symbolizes a different story. A more elegant story that involves the representation of the country of Europe. That champion represents that your the champion of Europe. Sure it doesn't make any sense but hey alot of things don't make sense. My chance has come and I'm going to take advantage of it. Diablo versus Mysterio in there fourth meeting. Well this is going to be a broken record because the I've went againest you only when there was championships on the line. Well there is no championship on the line wednesday only contendership. If I win, I get a right to fight you for the European championship. So prepare yourself for an overwhelming fight to the finish Diablo.

Peter stops rubbing his arm and starts to pick it up with his right arm. He begins to curl it and speaks some more.

You probably think that I'm crazy right now, but I'm actually feeling good. My chance has finally arrived to gain the European championship. You don't have a chance this time Diablo. I've done my homework, trained hard and ready to beat some serious competion. This is my time to shine and take away that championship. Not only will I be Cruiserweight champion but I will be the European champion after Groundzero. Wednesday night is going to be a real killer when Diablo goes againest me, Mysterio. If I win then I will go on to Groundzero for the FcW European title. Diablo, what do you have to lose in this match? I mean, it is not for your championship so what is there to worry about? Certainly nothing, but I do except a fight from you. Now it is time to take out the former Intercontinental champion and end his European title reign. Nobody is going to end my reign as Cruiserweight champion and there will never be anyone that can match my skill level and charisma. Just me and you Diablo, in a match to determine if I got to Groundzero, or if I have to stay where I am right now which is home. Well I'm not sitting in the side lines and watch as everyone is having fun. I'm going to have fun kicking your ass and getting a chance to gain another championship for my achievements. The match is actually your choice, either you stay side lined or you go on to the event to see what a true champion you are. Till you make you're decision, I'm out.

Peter sets the weight bar down and starts rubbing that arm from all that curling that he has done. He sits back into his seat as he grabs his title and sets it on his lap. He turns on the television screen and watches some basketball game. As the camera backs away and leaves the house, The scene fades black.


8 Defeated 7 504 Boyee El Diablo Veronica Caine
Skewl Boy |2x| Nikki Nite Sykez |2x| Mike Joseph
"Sick" Nick Mansion |3x| Pyscho Boy |2x| Claw Slezy D
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