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Damage Inc. - The Beautiful People

Damage Inc., formerly known as the Triple Threat, is the most devestating force to be encountered since the Great Flood. Love em or hate em, you can't deny that Damage Inc. has certainly changed the face of Premier Championship Wrestling. Before, they each were going their own way, trying to bring down Countryboy and anyone else that got in their way, all striving for the same things, championship gold. One by one, Stylin Stacy Starr and her friend Ben Franklin convinced the top talent of PCW to come together for a single cause, to rule PCW and destroy all that would oppose them. Originally called the Triple Threat, it consisted of Beautiful Billy Maverick, the Regulator, and Lonewolf Mike Stone led by Stylin Stacy Starr. Under her guidence Lonewolf became the Hardcore Champ, and Billy Maverick defeated Countryboy (with a little help from new recruit Prettyboy Eddie T )to become the PCW Heavyweight Champ. More and more talent begged for the chance to join the group, some were admitted, and some were just not up to standards. Eric Draven lost a match to his brother Billy Maverick, thereby forcing him to accept invitation into the group. Drake Barr, always a fan favorite, turned on Countryboy and the Maniacs to become one of the Triple Threat's top men. After a lengthy discussion among the other members, and an executive discision by Stacy Starr, Lonewolf was fired for screwing up one too many times. By now, tales of the feasome group were reaching all over Kentucky and into the surrounding states. Calls were recieved night and day from bloodthirsy warriors wanting to share in the glory. Late one night a mysterious voice called, promising money beyond their wildest dreams to help in the fight. That mysterious voice turned out to be Brian Thomas, the aptly named "Mr. Money". With him he brought Little Diesel to replace Lonewolf as the muscle of the group. Most recently, PCW commisioner Mike "Pickel" Collins set up a match between the Regulator and "Countryboy" Jimbo Collins declaring that if the Regulator lost that the Triple Threat would be no more. The Regulator announced that Rage's partner in the Maniacs, Ripp, would not be in attendence, as he was being detained by the athorities. It seemed that some very reliable witnesses, namely the other members of the Triple Threat, had seen Ripp steal the Regulators U.S. title belt at the last show and later pawn it. Due to outside interference by Rage, the Regulator was defeated, at which time he announced that although the Triple Threat was gone in name, it was not broken up due to a loophole in the contract. The new group was renamed Damage Inc. and was declared to be more dangerous than ever. The end of the night saw the Countryboy and Rage left beaten and bloody in the center of the ring.


Beautiful Billy Maverick
Prettyboy Eddie T
The Ruff Boy Eric Draven
Tim Lightning
Stylin Stacy Starr

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