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Now Presenting:


[:: "Hollywood's Biggest Star" ::]


..who's also..


[:: Wrestling's Biggest Star, as well! ::]


.."The Innovator Of Offense"..


[:: "Champagne" Chris Kanyon ::]



[[ Quick reference, before we start: If you want to listen along to the song, referred to in this roleplay.. Head here (in a separate window) at: ..and.. Look down to where you see the "play song" icon. Which, all you gotta do from there, is hit 'play'. And enjoy the melody. As you read the rp. ]]


[[ Now that we're set. Let's Roll! ]]


[[ Fade up: To a darken screen, of pitch blackness, and a musical score, just starting to be sung. ]]


[[ The Song: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Version 1)" by Jane Taylor. ]]


"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Version 1)" - by Jane Taylor
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Then the traveler in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark;
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!


[[ The last of the song's verse, is sung. And the scene opens to an illumination, starting to fill the scene. As it comes clear, that 4 shadows are in view, before us. As, we now.. start to make out more of an image, of who they are. ]]

'Champagne' Chris Kanyon: Evening friends. Your 'Innovator Of Offense' and all around 'M..V..P' of Hollywood and the Wrestling Business.. Kanyon, here. Informing you all.. That tonight's encore presentation.. of Insult to Injury, won't be seen immediately after. As advertised, on your cable t.v. program information.

[[- Kanyon's shown leaning against a cozy fire place setting, as to his sides.. stand his escorts, Chameleon and Baby, whom are holding song charts in their hands. Clearly, the voices behind our vocal instrumentals. And to the far off right, stands.. the personal sports agent to "Champagne" Chris Kanyon. J. Biggs. Standing stern, with his hands clasped to his front. -]]

'Champagne' Chris Kanyon: As tonight, right this very minute. We're here to wish a fond farewell to our dear.. "Dog-Faced Gremlin".

[[- The girls start singing the verse "Twinkle, Twinkle." -]]

'Champagne' Chris Kanyon: [ Rhyming to the verse ] Little Star. How I wonder, Where you are. Rick Steiner. [ Pause ] Up above the world, so high.. But, fallen down the dumps.. Decimated faster than Scott Hall, after going toe-to-toe with a pure-proof bottle of Wild Turkey. [ Flashing a grin ] Like a diamond in the sky.. Not even the star-studded allure of Pay-Per-View.. Or the 'Diamond Studd' of an opponent, who once was.. Could have, saved us the bore-fest. That was.. Scott Hall Vs. Rick Steiner. But, oh.. Thank Heavens.. it was over mercifully quick, and only seen by the live fans in attendence. For sure a sight, such as that.. Which you both put on.. Gets all the people going! GOING.. In another direction, away from the ring.. For a restroom break! [ Pause ] But still..

[[- Adding the vocals. -]]

Baby: Twinkle, twinkle..

Chameleon: Little star.

'Champagne' Chris Kanyon: How I wonder what you are.. Now that you've seen.. How futile you are! For you're no longer, that great tag legend of old.. But a broken down old foggie, headed for the scrap pile. Right along side, your "Mr. Machismo" amigo.

[[- Picking up the tone. -]]

J. Biggs: But, then..

'Champagne' Chris Kanyon: [ Continuing ] When the blazing sun is gone. When he nothing shines upon.. that sparkling glimmer of Champagne. Then you'll show your little light. Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. [ Pause ] For, that glamour.. That you COULD NEVER REACH.. With your scruffy, filth-under-the-fingernail tip.. undeserving hands.. Will be taken to the promised lands.. Once again. With a brush of greatness.. From C-C-K. Which shall make you..

[[- Supporting with song. -]]

Chameleon: Twinkle, twinkle..

Baby: Little star.

'Champagne' Chris Kanyon: From the rubbish, that you know.. YOU REALLY ARE.

[[- Following-up. -]]

J. Biggs: But, still.. How I wonder what you are. Given you.. Rick Steiner. Knowing that the only place.. the "DFG" is belonging.. Is right under, the heel of the feet.. of "CHAMPAGNE" CHRIS KANYON.

[[- Picking up, where left off. -]]

Chameleon: Then the traveler in the dark..

Baby: Thanks you for your tiny spark.

'Champagne' Chris Kanyon: For without Chris Kanyon.. To take you to the semi-Main Event status on the SMACKDOWN BRAND's first card.. You'd be scurring around the stands.. Hocking CWF fan merchandise. Collecting your day's pay.. In chump change. [ Pause ] So, be greatful now.. For the speck of stardom, that.. I'm allowing you.. To piggy-back a ride on. For, it'll only last.. For as long, as I allow it! Which, won't be soon after, 'til that ring bell sounds.. Then, you'll be reverted back. To what you are. [ Pause ] A Nobody!

[[- Finishing-up. -]]

J. Biggs: To which, he could not see which way to go.. [ Pointing to Kanyon ] If you did not twinkle so.

[[- Kanyon, Biggs, and the ladies.. all smirk. As, the girls sing in unison. -]]

Chameleon & Baby: Twinkle, twinkle, little star. [ Glancing to Kanyon ] How I wonder what you are!

'Champagne' Chris Kanyon: What I am... is BETTER! 'Cuz..


'Champagne' Chris Kanyon: Not Rick Steiner. Nor.. NOBODY ELSE! [ Grinning ] Because really...


[[- Lining up besides, their man Kanyon. -]]

Baby & Chameleon: NOBODY, baby!

[[- The girls give Kanyon a kiss on the cheek, from both sides. -]]

J. Biggs: Rick Steiner.. There's only one thing, left for you.. To prepare your career for.

'Champagne' Chris Kanyon: And that's.. To be..


[**Fade -To- Black**]