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Who Dat Jumpin Out Da Sky? R-E-Y M-Y-S-T-E-R-I-O

[Record - 00-00-00]
[Next Match - ] Jeff Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. The Hurricane
[eCw Event - Anarchy Rulez ©]

[Achievements - None Yet!]
[6 1 9'd - The Hurricane?]

[West Coast Pop]

*Scene One*

[The scene opens in the apparent front seat of a car. The windows on each side slightly cracked, and distantly heard is the slow rush of air flowing through the cracks of the descended windows . On the passengers side an empty Burger King bag is crumpled as are, around the outside, the previous contents of that bags, wrappers. The car drives slowly by the surrounding scenery on the streets of Philadelphia, while catching only the look of a few passerbyes, but only for the reason that the car is going well under the speed limit. The mounted car phone on speaker lets out a familiar voice as the driver engages in conversation.]

{Familiar Voice}: “You can’t be serious Rey! ECW! Your kidding. . . that place, everything that the ECW stands for Rey, every god damn thing. None of it is you. None of it was ever or will ever be you. All of that aside Rey, you’ve said it yourself, the ECW is a joke. You and I both know that that’s true Rey.”

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “I know, I know what I’ve said and I know what I think. That’s not what matters. What I want you to do is look at this like a new beginning, a new start along the continuing journey for Rey Mysterio Jr. Everything has to start somewhere, just like everything has to end somewhere. This is only the next step.”

[Familiar Voice]: “You say that so calm, I don't understand it. . . the confidence in your voice. As a man, it's said your more open to your situation, and the circumstances around you. It's said that you are more aware, and are willing to listen to the thoughts and worries of those who confront you. If that was true Rey, you would listen to me now! Rey. . .If only you understood. You say this is next step for you, but like it or not that may not be the case. This could be the very demise of you, the very end. Not the next step, but the last. You can get hurt Rey, you WILL get hurt. Suffer an injury Rey, so devastating that it will threaten your very career as you know it and with so much ahead of you! Your entire future ahead of you Rey. Like you said everything has to begin somewhere, so what about that? What about little Colbri? You remember him? I do, a little 15 year old Oscar Rubio is what I seem to remember. I still remember how proud I was, as I watched him in the very beginning as he fought Shamu. You remember it, that is where Rey Mysterio Jr. began. As a child, I remember you telling me about your dream. To be able to wrestle, it didn't matter who, not then. You wanted that more than anything! And we supported you. We wanted it for you! Just as much as you did if not more. But with that tear in my eye Rey as I watched you year after year, I watched you grow and evolve as a superstar. If I'd have known that this would be where you would wind up, I would of stopped that dream! Snatched it right out from under you when you were a child! What about the AAA, or the WWA Rey, you want extreme? Mexico Rey, remember? The Mexican Death matches - the. . .”

[The voice is cut off by a eager, anxious voice. The voice of Rey Mysterio Jr.]

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “Injury is a risk that I accepted when I first had this dream. A risk that I was well aware of when I chose to fulfill my dream, and still injury is only a slight risk, that I am still completely aware of now. But injury can happen, anytime and anywhere. Here in the ECW, just like it did time after time in the AAA. The chance of injury here in the ECW is just as great as it would be anywhere in Mexico. You talk about what can kill me, anything can kill me. . walking down the wrong streets at the wrong time can kill me. Eggs and bacon for breakfast can kill me! NOW maybe you didn’t hear me the first time?! I asked you if you knew where the building was. I’ve been driving around here for an hour and - nothing. 'The building isn’t hard to find Rey, really.' 'You can’t miss it Rey, honest'. Jesus, of all the pla. . . oh. I um, yea I think I found it. Well look I really have to go, nice talking to you.”

[Rey shuts the phone off, ending the connection before a reply is made. The car comes to a screeching halt, accompanied by many screaming horns. The trunk pops open, as the car nears a complete halt, and upon doing so the door opens. Rey grabs his bag out of the trunk and walks towards the entrance of the arena. A slip of paper falls out of his pocket, as the doors fling open, then shut.]

*Scene Two*

[Rey appears once again, present within his locker room, towel securely wrapped around his waist. Drops of water drip down his chest as he stands, looking too happy. A wide grin across his face. Cell phone in his hands Rey speaks.]

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “Soon, but you know how it works. C’mon, don’t give me that. You know the routine, it’s been like this for how long? That’s my point exac. . .”

[Dominik Rubio]: “Mommy, said that your going to, get . . hurt? Bad? I d. . .? You, m...ight not come home?”

[A look of sadness and fear appear in Mysterios eyes. As if he’d heard the words he’d never wanted to hear. The moist look, while not crying, that you give when a love one has passed. . the look of comforting a loved ones fears - with lies.]

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “Tell me you believe mommy?! [Falsely laughing to comfort Dominik, as well as himself] You’re kidding me! Have I ever. . not come home? No! That has never happened, and that will never happen. Trust me, the ECW is no different than anything daddies ever done. I’m a professional wrestler, I do this for a living, because I love it - but then I come home, because I love you. Me not coming home, can’t happen. It won’t happen. Trust me, everything will be . . .”

[The door shoots open in a flash. With Joel Gartner blasting in through the door, in an obvious rush. He takes a second staring down Mysterio, a grin on his face, though no wider than usual. He takes a second catching his breath. Rey turns his attention to him in a confused look, that all the while says ‘Quiet’.]

[Joel Gartner]: “Really, really sorry Rey. Sorry I’m late, I don’t mean to be of. . any . . well either way. I’m late, we had our appointment scheduled and this is obviously all my fault. Now if you don’t mind - what I mean to say is if you aren’t busy?”

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “As a matter a fact. . I [. . . putting his ear back to the cell phone, waiting for a voice of recognition], well I was on the phone. However. . . we had an interview scheduled? I, - well sit then. Now I think I’d be making an understatement to say that I wasn’t quite prepared for this. To say the very very least Joel. But that doesn’t really matter, if we had this scheduled then this was my fault. So - how, can I help you then?”

[Joel Gartner]: “Well. . . before we begin, off record - off, I’m sorry. You look, tense, distressed. I don’t know if it was the call, but are you okay? Would you like me to come back another time? Or?.”

[Intentionally Mysterio drops the look of sorrow out of his eyes, revealing his usually happy self. A half grin spreads across his face]

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “I’m a man of honesty Joel. . so lets be quite honest here. I don’t think what concerns you is my well being. My emotional state of mind, or quite simply, in this situation my personal life. So we’ll leave that at that, okay?”

[Joel Gartner]: “O...kay [suprised] then. . we should begin. As if it’s not obvious where, Rey what are your thoughts on the ECW, on coming to the ECW. This does not seem to be in character of anything you’ve ever done (as far as we know) and the hardcore theme just doesn’t seem to suit Rey Mysterio. . .”

[Rey shakes his head slowly, laughing a bit. His foot tapping, a nervous tap. A phone rings in the distance, clearly heard, but left unanswered, ignored.]

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “You see, that’s all I’ve heard. Ever since I even had the damn idea. I’ve heard that, it’s not me. I have nothing to gain from it. The fact that it’s dangerous and just not me. But who are you to tell me what is me? Who are you to tell me who and what I am? What is characteristic of me? Your not in the place to do that, and you simply can’t. But I’ll tell you what you want to hear. What everybody wants to know, is what I think of the ECW? Right Mike?”

[Joel Gartner]: “If, that would make you more comfortable, then sure.”

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “It’s not about what makes me comfortable, it’s about what people want to hear. So I’m just going to take a swing at it. The ECW simply put disgusts the hell out of me. Not the owners, don’t get me wrong. But everything that has ever happened in this hell, and everything that this place stands for, makes me sick. Where the crowd judges you, based on how hard you can swing a chair, how well you can fall through a table. . . how much you can bleed. You see, right now I’m wrestling in a company where the ability to wrestle and the simple talent aren’t necessary. All that you need here is a tolerance for pain, and a nice selection of weapons - and bet your ass you’ll get a cheer from the crowd.”

[Joel Gartner]: “If that is indeed what you think Rey, which obviously. . . then why is it that you’ve come here?”

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “I’d like to answer that question for you, and one day I will. The day I can answer that question for myself I’ll answer it for you. Maybe deep down inside I feel I have something left to prove, to you, to the fans, the myself. Maybe I want to give you a side of Rey Mysterio, that some of you haven’t had the pleasure (literally) of experiencing. Or maybe. . just maybe - Joel I guess you’ll have to wait and see.”

[An odd silence. Both men stare at each other. The nearby cell phone rings in the distance, but once again is ignored. Joel Gartner opens his mouth several times as if going to speak, but continues to stay silent. Mysterio breaks the uncomfort.]

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “I’m not dressed, my phone is ringing, yet I sit here courteously waiting for this interview to end. Now if you have something to say, speak. If not - . . it’s ove”

[Joel Gartner]: “I do apologize, I guess I only have one thing left to ask then. Your match, any thoughts, comments - the match type, the superstars anything?”

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “I’ve never really been one to sit around, and insult. To go out to the stage, to the ring and insult. Especially when I can’t. Even though I’m wrestling today, for a company that half of its superstars have lost the passion for this business. . have lost the dream. I still can’t criticize. Jeff Hardy and Hurricane are both extraordinary athletes. Both of them have accomplished things that people entering this business could only dream to accomplish. Straight down to the fact, their ring skills are point blank impressive.”

[The phone rings again. Rey picks up the phone this time, looking to see who it is that’s calling. The two sit in silence as he does this. Taking a moment, Rey eventually manages to silence the ringer, avoiding any temporary disruptions.]

[Rey 'Mysterio' Jr.]: “Take Jeff Hardy for example. Upon being an extraordinary athlete, Jeff is willing to take risks. To take risks, be them stupid or not, making an attempt to win, all the while taking that extra leap to give the crowd what they want on top of it all. And Hurricane. . . a great guy. Yet I believe I was talking about skills, I’ll say the same thing. Hurricane is impressive. Hurricane can do things that I can’t possibly imagine doing, and has done things, that I probably never will. Both of these men are my opponents this Saturday night in the. .”

[Joel Gartner]: “In the Triple-threat flaming tables match. My god, can you - . . imagine?”

[The cold, sad stare appears in Mysterios face yet again. The silence fills the room, like a thick fog.]

[Rey ‘Mysterio’ Jr.]: “I was well aware of what kind of match it was. Yes, the Triple-threat flaming table match. So who is this match for??? Hurricane, Jeff Hardy, myself even at the risk of sounding cocky. We’re pretty damn good at doing what we do. Now we go back to what I was saying earlier, tables , on fire. . that is an un-necessary risk that we’ll all be taking. That could simply end in our lives . . you see I should be at my best, on my guard. . ready for anything that this match has in store for me. But I’m not. I have a son at home worried that some day, so long as I work for this company that I might not come home. A thought, that I hope honestly that he’s never thought before. Yet I realize that’s the way it is. Do people fear their own deaths? Or is it the death of others that they fear more. The match type I find un-necessary. but hey that’s the ECW for you. . . They want me to entertain, and the fans want to be entertained. It’s all no matter what the cost, and the price is too high. But you want a damn match then Saturday! I’ll give you the best damn flaming tables match you’ve ever seen. Joel if you’ll excuse me, could you please get the hell out I have things to do.”

[Joel Gartner looks up with a look of confused, yet simple understanding. He nods his head, and gathers his things. (Meaning just the Microphone, paper, and pen.) He looks around.]

[Joel Gartner]: “Even in your thoughts, Rey. . . on the ECW I mean. Welcome, on behalf of all of us. I do agree with you Rey, honestly I do. But it’s all a part of the game Rey, you’ll learn, someday.”

[Gartner stands up and walks away, with the warm look of welcome in his eyes. Rey watches him leave in complete disgust. He begins dressing now, pulling a shirt over his head, and taking out the cell phone. He dials a number, ready to make a call . . . a return call, to his son.]