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Shane: Here he is. Rob Van Dam. He got to this match by defeating the Rock on the first episode of Velocity.

Ventura: RVD put up a great fight in that match a month ago on our debut show.

Shane: Jeez, it's been a month? I think we've been pretty successful.

Ventura: And here's Kurt Angle. My pick to win this match since the minute he pinned HHH one month ago.

Shane: And the staredown. Some one is walking out of this match and arena as the first ever TCW World Champion.

Ventura: You can see the determination on both of these guys' faces. This feud has gone into a new level of whose the better of the two.

Shane: And here we go, both men grapple it up to start this match.

Ventura: This match is going to be a classic.

Ventura: Angle takes RVD down by the legs.

Shane: Angle has an amateur background which gives him the advantage in this match.

Shane: And a facelock applied.

Ventura: Angle is trying to wear down RVD in the early going of this match so he can start pulling off other moves in his arsenal.

Shane: Absolutley, and now he locks in the Crossface Chickenwing.

Ventura: But RVD rolls over Angle and locks in that rear chinlock.

Shane: A nice escape from Van Dam, and he looks to take control from here.
