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nWo 4 Life

Camera's zom in slowly on The Outsidres sits on a table in the back .

Hall: Kev you ready to go stomp a hole in The Perfect Event.

Nash: You know I'm ready to turn The Perfect Event to the Perfect Murder!.

Hall: Yeah we can do this one for Show, give Palumbo a taste of his own medican

Nash: The only thing that I have on my mind Judgement Day! All the gold in ome place at one time!

Hall: We get the chance to make history again?

Nash: I know what you mean, in one night we could become double Champions.

Hall: So is it safe to say that we are ready for there match tonight!

Nash: Man I have been ready for days now!

Hall: well lets go do it then!

Nash: Lets go!

The cameras Cut to The Outsiders and X-Pac walking down the hall.

X-Pac: The nWo is going to be in full force tonight!

Scott Hall: Yeah and tonight the nWo is going to end a few careers!

Kevin Nash: Fella's its time for us to show the WWE what we mean when we say new Era! Tonight is our night, its our time to run over anyone who gets in our way. The Perfect Event, Shane Douglas,or who ever! Are going to wish that they never stepped in the ring with us!

X-Pac: Yeah I get a little payback!

Scott Hall: And we get to send a few messages out to the superstars watching in the back!

Kevin Nash: On Smackdown we are going to leave each and every one of our opponets in a pool of there own Blood. They are going to feel the WolfPac tonight!

< Scene fades to Smackdown, and Cuts to Smackdown airing live on UPN, The arena is filled with fans as Michael Cole and Tazz are sitting at the annouce Table

Cole: We are here live on the greatest show on network television Smackdown!

Tazz: You said it Cole!

Cole: Tazz tonight there are some huge matches tonight!

Tazz: There will be a six men tag match .

Cole: Lets not forget Sting vs John Cena.

Tazz: And the Tag Team titles are on the line when The Perfect Event faces The Outsiders.

The nWo music hits the P.A. system as The Outsiders make there way down the ramp

Cole: Tazz it look like you spoke to soon, because here they come!

Nash step over the ropes and Hall slides in the ring. They pace around the ring and then Nash hands Hall a mic.

Kevin Nash: The WolfPac is in Da House!

50,000 fans blow the roof off the arena

Kevin Nash: Soon you all well see the greatest match of all time. You get to see The Outsiders to beat the hell out of The Perfect Event! I guess That Palumbo and Staiak think that they are something special, They walk around here talking about how they are the best tag team in the WWE! I say that they are full of crap! To be the best you have to beat the best and on our worst day you couldn't beat The Outsiders! Chuck when that bell rings, its going to be you and me! You think that you are a big man well we will see how you stand up against a BIG MAN! I am going to take away every thought of you ever wanting to be the champs! Tonight is the closest you will ever be to these titles!

Hall: Hey Yo! Shawnie! trash talkin Shawnie, I been looking forward to getting in the ring with you. because I want to be the one who shuts your mouth for good! I get tired of hearing all this you didn't know bull! You are the one who don't know who your dealing with. We will take everything you go util there is nothing left then we will defeat you. You will learn what its like to get you mouth in something that your ass can't get you out of! So boys do what ever you got to do because on smackdown the would will see how much you suck!

They stand in the ring and taunt the fans as the camera's fade to black.