Rule #1: When rping, do not attack or use any other wrestler, unless you control that character OR you have the character handlers permission.

Rule #2: On The RP Board, do NOT Post oocs...thats what the ooc board is used for. If you want to get a staffs attention and think that we wont find it on the ooc board quickly, then email me...

Rule #3: If you win a title, you defend it at every ppv...and once a month on Parental Advisory (exception to world title). Also, we give titles to people who rp good and rp for every match, not to people who rp every once in a while and rp long.

Rule #4: You can only be 2 active wrestlers in the federation.

Rule #5: Tell the staff if you are leaving by emailing us OR tell us on the ooc board. And by leaving I mean quitting, vacation, or for a short while due to other problems.

Rule #6: If you lose a match, dont begin to cry. Its like crying over spilt milk. You'll get better or the person you were fighting just tried harder than you. So that means to try harder next time, and soon you'll be one of the greats..

Rule #7: If you do not rp for two events in a row, u'll be suspended...when you come back and do it again, you'll be fired, no questions asked, sucka.

Rule #8: CREATED PEOPLE ONLY We here at nLw want to see creativeness. So make up your own person to be in the fed...

Rule #9: When you rp, try getting a feud going..if you have an open challenge and dont get it accepted..dont just stand there crying to me. Go after somebody by rping about them or reply to a persons debut. So you can get to them first. And in the results, the better feuds will be pushed in the cards. We'll try to help the lesser feuds a little bit but not as much as the most talked about feuds.

Rule #10:Quality over quanitity. If someone posted a 100 line rp, and his opponent posted a 50 line rp, and the 50 liner won, dont be surprised. its probably because the 50 line rp was better. And try at least getting over 15 or 20 lines, you dont have to, but try to.

Rule #11: I dont consider this a rule but...HAVE FUN! THIS IS JUST A GAME/EFED. Its nothing serious, just out there to have fun.. And respect your co workers.

Below is the sign up, if you want to sign up as a tag team just send me two and say in the sample rp box that your two people are tag teams. And you can only be 2 people!

Wrestler(s) Name:

Your email address: (e.g.:

Finisher Name

Finisher Description

Wrestler Stats


Does your manager wrestle?(If you have one)

Heel Or Face Or Neutral?

Sample Rp


AIM Screennames(LIST ALL)

Have you been in a fed before?

Link To Wrestlers pic?

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