..:: <*> Queen Of The Trailor Park! NIDIA!!! <*> ::..

.:::|[Disclaimer]|:::. This Layout Was Made By For Me, Victoriafan1, If You Wanna Ask Her To Make You One You Can Contact Her By Clicking Here But If Not Then Don't Steal My Stuff Sucka's .:::|[End Disclaimer]|:::.

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<*> Nidia <*>

Ton's Just Read And Find Out Cause Your Probably Mentioned


Most Of The WEW Divas

To a WEW Title!!!



..::[ INTRODUCTION ]::..

.::The scene opens up to the WEW arena as the thousands of fans are screaming and holding up random signs of WEW Divas. The lights begin to flash throughout the arena. The cameras then show a girlish ring with pink ropes. The cams then switch to Jim Ross and Jerry The King Lawler by ringside::.

((Jim Ross))--- Well fans hi and welcome to Women's Extreme Wrestling! A new era in Women's Wrestling! And King! Boy do we have an exciting card for the fans for RAW!

((The King))--- Woooo! J.R! you dont even know how excitied and i mean EXCITED to be here in WEW! Literally! I mean this fed has nothing, but DIVAS AND MORE DIVAS! But J.R whos all on the card for RAW!?

((Jim Ross))--- Well King! We got some in my veiw some slobber knocking, cat fights! As we kick off the first WEW show starting the WEW Undisputed Championship tournament! As we will see Chyna take on Jazz....Nidia Vs Dawn Marie! But theres more, then a moutful to handle with these ladies!...So stay tuned with WEW and you'll see exactly why WEW will be the new headliner in sports and entertainment!

((The King))--- Woa! Im getting all hott and sweaty just thinking of it J.R! Chyna! Nidia! Dawn Marie! Sable! TRISH!! THERE ALL HERE! I cant wait J.R!

*Wipes forehead off*

((Jim Ross))--- Well we have to take a short, short break! ..So stay tuned!

*Commercial Break*

*Abercrombie & Fitch*

*Ford trucks*


*Toys for tots GLAPW convention/WWE*

*WEW Ticket sale*

*Divas flashback*

*WEW airs back to televison*

.::The scene opens up back to the arena as the fans start cheering as the fans run past them. All of a sudden a similar theme song starts to play as the fans give a mixed reaction as Nidia and Jamie Knoble are seen making there way from the entrance ramp. Nidia slaps a few hands and Jamie pulls her back. Nidia then slides in the ring and adjust her breasts. She then chomps on her gum before grabbing a mic from Lilian Garcia::.

<<*>> The Queen of the trailor park *Nidia*<<*>> You see that Jamie!....Look at these fans! *laughs* They're cheering for me! *pulls gum out of her mouth and twirls it* yeah! they want to see my breasts huh!?....*Nidia puts her hands on them and shakes* Yeah! My big fallumptuos breasts!....There nice aren't they!?....*fans cheer* Do you fans want to see them?....*cheers even louder*...

*Nidia starts pulling at the lace on her shirt and almost lets it loose. Jamie then covers her and she ties it back up. He then snatches the mic from her*

<<*>>Jamie Knoble<<*>> Nidia! What did i tell you! HUH!?....I told you that these pigs dont deserve to see you! They dont even deserve to be in your presence! So get down to buisness! And tell them what your really here for!! *Jamie gives her the mic*

<<*>>The Queen of the trailor park *Nidia*<<*>> But Jamie! They want to see my breasts! *fans cheer*

*Jamie grabs the mic back from her as she starts to pull the knot loose from her top once more*

<<*>>The Queen of the trailor park *Nidia*<<*>> Well, i guess you wont be seeing my breasts tonight! *fans boo* But besides my fallumptous breasts! Lets talk about my match for RAW! When i take on Dawn Marie! *rolls eyes* Who is she anyway!...I mean come on, im the best! I mean look at me! You ever see an ass that looks good as this!?....*Nidia slaps her ass* I mean isnt it nice! *fans give a mixed reaction* But you see Dawny!...Theres only one bytch around here! And its mauh!...Im going to enjoy beating the age out of you!....I mean just look at you compared to me! Your about 75 years old and im what 24 years old!!?....*laughs* Dawn, hunny, you dont have a chance against me! Your a washed up, not to mention loose tramp from a federation that couldnt feed off my trash can at home! ECW! How pathetic can someone get! I mean i myself came from well a large environment! WWE! One that took your scuzz bucket company and crushed it! You Dawn, you can ramble on, on how you think your the top bytch! but i am!..ME! The queen of the trailor park!!! *Nidia poses* You see me and Jamie packed our things up in the trailor park back in Tennesee! And got into our nice, olds mobile! And Stephanie McMahon signed me to a long term contract! *raises hands in the air and closes eyes* And This is what kind of treatment i recieive!?....Facing Dawn Marie!?....*twirls her gum* They could atleast given me someone who can wrestle!....Face it! Im better than her! And after im done taking out the ECW trash! Im then going to win the WEW Undisputed Championship! And then i will live the life that everyone wants to live! *sighs* The life of the "rich and famous" And soon enough Jamie, baby! Were going to move into a house! And have real food!...And, and! Nice clothes instead of these jeans!..Were going to live it up!! And baby, were going to buy the BIGGEST bed! So we can do...what we do best!....And come RAW! Dawny! Im going to beat you down on the position you know best!....On your back!!...*Nidia laughs*

.::Nidia's music hits and she twirls her gum before her and Jamie get out of the ring and head to the back::.

((Jim Ross))--- I can't beleive my eyes King! *Laughs* the WEW has a real sleeze on our hands!

((The King))--- Yeah! One with great puppies!!...And her and Dawn! Are going to put on a HOTT and i mean HOTT match!

((Jim Ross))--- King! Im sure you cant wait! So don't bust any of your pant buttons just yet! *laughs*....Well fans we'll be right back after this commercial break!

*Commercial break*

>*< An hour into the show >*<

.::The scene opens to the back where Nidia and Jamie Knoble are making out in the hallway. Nidia starts licking his face then lays a huge kiss on him. Josh Mathews is seen watching from a distance, he then approuches her and Nidia slowly stops kissing Jamie::.

<<*>>Josh Mathews<<*>> aheemm...Nidia! Um could i get a interview with you, real quick!...*Nidia looks over* Sorry if im interuppting!

<<*>>The Queen of the trailor park *Nidia*<<*>> Heyy! Josh!...Wanna join!?...*Josh backs up a little*

<<*>>Josh Mathews<<*>> No!...I just...wanted a quick interview!?.....*looks nervous*

<<*>>The Queen of the trailor park *Nidia*<<*>> Ok, fair enough!....Why don't you go in the room Jamie and i'll be there in a minute. So what can i help you with Josh?

*Jamie Knoble kisses Nidia once more. Josh then gets even more nervous as Nidia starts lacing up her shirt showing her cleavage*

<<*>>Josh Mathews<<*>> Well Nidia! It seems as if this coming monday! You will face Dawn Marie for a chance to get closer to becoming a contender for the Undisputed WEW Championship! What are your feelings at this time, just about the match?

*Nidia wipes her chest off. Josh looks at her breasts. Nidia catches him*

<<*>>The Queen of the trailor park *Nidia*<<*>> They're nice aren't they!?....*Josh's eyes widen* Wanna touch them?.....*Josh swallows and gets a lump in this throat* Come on! You can't refuse an offer like this!....Wait!...Check this out! *Nidia turns around and bends over* Ever seen anything like it!?....Touch it baby!....You know you want to!

<<*>>Josh Mathews<<*>> Wont, wont, wont Jamie be mad!?.....*backs up*

<<*>>The Queen of the trailor park *Nidia*<<*>> Jamie! Nah! He wont be mad! The more the marrier he says!...Come on touch it! *Josh touches it and his eyes widen* Nice huh!?

<<*>>Josh Mathews<<*>> Well....yeah!...*smiles and gets nervous* But now onto the interview!....Nidia, what you said out in the ring awhile ago was pretty intresting. Knowing that your somewhat of a competitive woman, that you made it clear that Dawn Marie is going down and down pretty hard on RAW!

<<*>>The Queen of the trailor park *Nidia*<<*>> *slaps Josh's ass* Ooohhh nice!....*Josh jumps back and rubs his sore butt* Ok, listen Josh!....Dawn Marie, is nothing but a slut mmmkay!...You see i saw her back in WWE with Vince! And you know they were doing!...mmmkay! *twirls gum* Thats all she actually knows how to do!....mmmkay! *Josh looks confused* But you see im Nidia! The very first female Tough Enough Champion! And unlike Dawn Whorrie!...I have what it takes to hold a Title as worthy as The WEW's Undisputed Championship!! Me! And im not going to stop until i do that!...Okay!?...Im on a misson! And a misson! To make me the Queen of WEW! And not the queen of the trailor park!...*smiles and twirls her gum somemore*

<<*>>Josh Mathews<<*>> So, what your trying to say is that, there is no way any other Diva, with the exception of Dawn Marie, thats going to beat you? Am i correct???....

*Nidia rolls her eyes and sticks her gum back in her mouth*

<<*>>The Queen of the trailor park *Nidia*<<*>> BINGO!....You see i might be a low class! Trailor park living, hot woman! But i didn't make it to WEW for nothing!....Am i right, or am i wrong? *shrugs* So when i am crowned the NEW!! WEW Undisputed Champ! You and all these people can kiss my ass, because i told you so!....But Josh! If you mind! *smirks and twirls her gum again!* I got some buisness to take care of..with Jamie *laughs* So if you dont mind!

.::Nidia takes out her gum and puts it on Josh's shirt. She then smirks and winks. Nidia then opens the locker room door and Jamie is seen drinking a beer on the sofa. Nidia kisses him and the door closes. Josh looks disgusted as the gum is wet and stuck to him. He then walks away::.

*Camera Fades*