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The Rabid Wolverine - Chris Benoit

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..:|[Prologue]|:..Matt Hardys contract has been terminated by the CWF Owner Vince Mcmahon for unstated reasons but Bret managed to keep his contract and now he has decided to stop doing in ring matches and stand at ringside. He know watches the back of his fellow Canadian wrestler the man they call The Canadian Crippler and The Rabid Wolverine Chris Benoit. The second Benoit signed with the CWF he vowed to take down Rhyno for The World Heavyweight Championship unless someone can beat him first. The main goal of The Crippler is beating all than taking the ultimate prize just like so many times in past federations. The time for fun and games is over and the time for The Crippler to arise after a period out of the business has come and Benoit sure as hell isnt to pleased about the recent events in the wrestling business. The only thing that can be guaranteed right now is that Randy Orton and The Big Red Machine Kane are in for a ride of such intensity they could have ever seen it coming even in their wildest dreams or worst nightmares. Everything that Kane and Orton can say or do will all be in vain because the bell will ring and the war shall start with three men at first but ending only with one. This match may just shape the future of all three men with the winner jumping up in the ranks. But what is going through all three mens minds is an unknown story that will unfold when the match begins but all desire to excel and become the World Champion. Now that the blood of victory runs through all their veins CWF is truly in for a new era...But one man will ascend above every champion in history soon enough The Rabid Wolverine, The Canadian Crippler Chris Benoit and many words have been spoken in the past but none better than a specific combination of three...PROVE ME WRONG!

Chris Benoit pulls into the CWF parking lot and tells his driver to make sure that there are no cameras or anything else around before he steps out. The driver comes back and its all clear and Benoit steps out. Chris Benoit goes to the other side and grabs his bags and walks into the building. He walks down the halls and no one knows that he arrivied at the arena. Chris goes to his locker room and throws his bags down. He heads down the remainder of the corridor and reaches the entrance area after about three minutes of walking straight forward with a few turns. Chris reaches the point of the entrance ramp and sees Bret Hart who follows him and smiles. The sound of galloping horses followed by Turn Your Back and Run by Demon Hunter lasts over the pa system into the arena and the entire arena looks towards the titantron and it shows Chris Benoit and Bret Hart.The entire arena lerupts as the thousands of fans in attendance stand up as Chris Benoit and Bret Hart step out onto the entrance ramp.

..:|[Chris Benoit]|:..
Tonight I do have a match against two boys in this very ring where I have proven myself to be the best damn athlethe to walk the face of this planet. But now look who is standing in the very same ring as me now. Another Canadian legend Bret "The Hitman" Hart who for now maybe at ringside but thats all I can tell you. But the bottom line is that tonight won't even be considered a match and do you have any idea why? The true reason is that noone who is competing in this three way match other than me is worth a shit. They claim to be some of the best but they are in reality just scared jokes because they know what they are facing. But still I realize that they are gonna be cocky and Kane is going to bring all the fire from hell that he claims to have at his fingertips. Well I say bring it burn face and that's the facts. I am more than ready to face anything you can dish out even if it means going down to hell and coming back up many times. You see Kane I don't fear the devil or any other force of darkness you think you can summon. I don't care if you bring all the hellfire and brimstone from all over the world and from the deepest depths of hell. You know what Kane I want you to bring all the damn game you got and all the power crap you got because in this ring you will need every last bit of it to even lay a damn finger on me. You can claim to be whatever or whoever the hell you want but the fact remains that making claims and acting like a big shot don't prove anything only victory does. You can continue to go off into that little dream world of yours and expect the world to believe that you can control all of the darkness but guess what Kane? You will continue to fail just like your brother. You think this is a place of games well Kane prepare to learn a lesson and its called this isnt your world to rule its my world and I only let your sorry ass exist in it out of pure pity. I will show you how I can be cold as ice when it comes to the ring though...

..:|[Chris Benoit]|:..Now who else must I face? Oh yea you Randy Orton a third generation wrestler who want's to prove he doesnt need to rely on his name in the wrestling business. You see I will take you on tonight Randy or any other night and its not because of your family. You see I enjoy beating the hell out of some wrestlers who have the potential to go far because fighting those who are nothing more than jokers who couldnt take the big leap of faith ever like Kane arent worth my time. The question isnt who will win, but Orton the question I have for you is are you a survivor or a failure? I will see when the bell rings and when you finally feel the wrath of the Crippler Crossface but what else can be said about you? A rookie? Nothing really so..If you think you have ever had a true challenge than you better be prepared for me to drive you to and past all the edges of your abilities. You know what though Orton for some reason I truly pity you and feel some sorrow for you but just a little bit. I don't know why I am doing this but I will give you just one chance to stay out of this ring tonight and just leave the arena before I cripple you. No this isnt quite life or death but in a lot of ways the situations are similiar and you only have two damn choices. Your first choice is to leave peacefully and your second is for me to cripple your ass.

..:|[Bret "The Hitman"Hart]|:..Now I don't have much to say right now but Chris Benoit will show the world why Canada is the best just like I did.

..:|[Chris Benoit]|:..Now I only have a few more words and they go out to many people such as Orton, Kane, and all the Champions mainly you Rhyno so I hope your listening old friend..I am the best there is damnit and if you don't like it than try and...

..:|[Scene]|:..Chris Benoits music hits the pa system and he goes up the entrance ramp to the backstage area. The camera follows them to the locker room area and Bret just walks away as Benoit smirks. Benoit heads down the hall and the camera fades to black.