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(Ignore the stupid ass ad above)

*Scene opens up with Kevin Nash stepping out of the passenger side of a silver corvette (convertable) and approaches a Chinese restaurant with a odd looking banner above it that says: "Guntish Chinese Buffet". Another man about half of Nash's size comes out of the driver's seat and follows close behind as they walk through the door of the restaurant*

Nash: You're buyin' right, Spud?

Spud: How come I gotta buy? I'm almost out of money and always buy.

Nash: Because I can beat your ass, and besides, I'm completely broke. You know I been unemployed since...haha.

Spud: Oh yeah, you have nothing...right...leave the jack alone, you got a wrestling job dumb ass, they signed you least that's what you told me.

Nash: Oh yeah, damn I'm wasted off my ...

Chinese Guy: PEEZ PACE ORDA!!

Spud: Chill guy, we're gettin' the buffet...


*Nash and Spud get some food and leave the people behind them with nasty looks after they notice there is no food left. Nash stumbles on the way to the table*

Spud: Watch your step man, you about killed that old guy...

*Old guy shakes his fist at them as they find a seat and sit down*

Spud: So who do you think you'll be fighting on Monday?

Nash: Not sure, hopefully someone because you know that is just over a day away. Not sure if I can find someone with balls in that short of time. There are a few new guys in Ruthful Agresh...uh...Ruth's Agricultu...uh...

Spud: Jesus! I think you mean Ruthless Agression Wrestling. Yeah, there are quite a few new ones.

Nash: HA! Yeah, I saw a little cut that one did, you know a clip. That Raven, I don't know if he was challenging someone or what, he just put a bunch of big words in a sentence and then said he was new. I don't think he ever said he wanted a match, or maybe he did.

Spud: Don't know, couldn't tell ya'. I can tell ya' this though that Chinese waitress is pretty hot.

Waitress: Mo' wata'?

Spud: Sure...

*The waitress begins to pour the water in his cup*

Spud: Oh wait shit! I had sprite! Can't you tell the difference you stupid...

Nash: Chill out man, she just was trying to help you man dude bro...(trails off)

Chinese Waitress: I sowwy. Can I make up to you?

Spud: Yeah, later. Go away.

*She goes away*

Spud: So anyway, yeah hopefully you get a match.

Nash: zzzzz...

Spud: You god damn slob. Wake up we're leaving. Hopefully you'll know not to drink half a bottle of jack before a match...if you ever get one, tell you what if I was in that fed I wouldn't be scared of you, way you stumble around all the time.

*They start to walk towards the car* Nash: Hey...not like I'm al alkee. I'm gonna keep it legit after I get a match, hopefully Monday. Haha.

Spud: Nothing funny about what you just said, hurry up, get in the car and try not to touch anything.


*Scene cuts as Nash calls into the RAW office and tells them to find him a debut match quickly*