-.:::Disclaimer:::.- This Roleplay is in no way affiliated with the WWE, WCW, ECW or any other wrestling company. This Roleplay may contain bad language and offensive material. All roleplay material and content is copyright of ReyReyMysterio@aol.com a.k.a !! Rey Mysterio !! This layout will not be given to Anyone ok. Enjoy !
-.:::End Disclaimer:::.-

People Used:

People Mentioned:

Title's Held:

Win/Draw/Loss Record:


Rey Mysterio,


None Yet

0/0/0 !

??? !

Who's That Jumpin' Out The Sky?

*ReyRey, the New NODQ Champ???* *Rey is getting ready in his locker room*

*ReyRey's music hits as he is shot out of the Sacrafice stage! Rey is carrying a mic. He walks down towards the ring, and enters. He greets Lilian Garcia and prepares to talk*
Rey: "Yo, raven! In about 3 minutes, your music will hit, and out you will come, with a little trolley of crap no doubt! well, I wouldn't bother if I were you, just bring the title, because IT'S MINE!!!" *The Crowd scream. They Love REY!!!* Rey: "You see, Raven, I know that you have been in this business for years now, but I'm not sure you are aware of my career. I started wrestling, aged 15 in Mexico, then was hired by AAA, then I worked for a short time in ECW, your little *home*" *E-C-W chants start* Rey: "Then, I was spotted by Eric Bischoff and signed by wCw. Then a short stint in WWE followed by UKW. Although, After all my years in this industry Raven. I'm still young compared to you guys, I mean, you were dejecyted to HeAT in the WWE, whereas I was main-eventing every week! I mean, please...give it up!!!" (he pauses) "I mean, this is my first Hardcore rules match, and I know that it is your specialty, but I'm not afraid, Because I'm gonna burn you up like a fire dude, I am REY MYSTERIO, and I am here to WIN!" *R-E-Y chants as Rey awaits the start of his match*