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HHH, Lita, Jr and The King Austin, Angle and Lita The Return Of The Game! None as of yet Give me a bloody chance

Cameras show a recap of Lita making her debut and Austin running his mouth about a load of bull shit like always, it also shows Angle asking Triple H to reform Dx with him, it then shows Stacy making her debut the cameras then come on air and the cameras are focused to the top of the ramp and the pyros shoot off Red and White as 'Across The Nation' by 'Union Underground' plays and the cameras zoom round the arena and we see signs such as 'Angle Sucks' and 'Triple H The Game' the cameras then go down to Jr and Jerry 'the king' Lawler.

Jr: Hello everybody and welcome to the WWE im Jim Ross alongside Jerry 'the king' Lawler and what a night we have in store for you tonight as we will be seeing the arrival of a big star who used to be here when it was called WWF INC the arrival will certainly be of worry to Austin and who ever steps in this persons way

King: Yeh and if anyone steps in this persons way will have alot of hell to pay and i suggest you stay out of his way because he dont take shit from no one and he is one hell of an athlete and can mix it with the best of them

Jr: Well only time will tell as we have news that this person has arrived

The Cameras go backstage and a white limo pulls up and the door swings open and out steps 'The Game' Triple H he walks across the Parking lot and walks into the building he walks down the hall and reaches his locker room and unlocks it and slings his bag in and then walks off down the hall and reaches Lita's locker room he knocks and hears a faint hello who is it so he walks in.

Triple H: Hello Lita

Lita: Oh hey Trips

Triple H: How are you

Lita: Im Ok you

Triple H: Yeah im ok i was just wondering do you want to become The Game's girl

Lita: Erm its a good offer but i have to think about it and when i have thought i will get back to you

Triple H: Ok i understand well get back to me As soon as possible, anyway im going to go out to the ring now i will see ya soon.

Lita: Yeah see ya round Hunter

Triple H opens the door and walks out and walks off down the hall he walks until he reaches the curtain and asks the sound guy to play his music. In the arena 'The Game' by 'Drowning Pool' plays and out from the back walks 'The Game' Triple H and he has his infamous bottle of water with him he walks a little bit down the ramp drinks a bit of his water shakes his head and spits the water out he continues down the ramp walks round the ring climbs the steel steps and gets onto the apron and walks to the centre he drinks more of his water shoots his back and spits the water out he then chucks the bottle into the crowd and then turns and gets into the ring and walks over to the turnbuckle he gets on it and raises his arms in the air he then gets down and asks Lillian Garcia for a mic and she passes one up to him and he begins to speak.

Triple H: The Game has finally arrived and has arrived to reek havoc and i am gonna become top dawg in this place, but theres a few people standing in my way and they will wish they hadnt been born when i get to them, now theres one certain someone i want to start with and that is, Stone Cold Steve Austin[[What?]]The Texas Rattlesnake[[What?]]Shut up[[What?]]Shut your mouths[[What?]]NOW!!![[What?]]Im gonna just carry on[[What?]]Just keep talking[[What?]]Your not bothering me[[What?]]I said your not bothering me[[What?]]Now continuing with Stone Cold[[What?]]The Texas Rattlesnake[[What?]]The Bionic Redneck[[What?]]You should Really stop running your mouth[[What?]]You should stop talking trash[[What?]]The More you say that the more i am gonna kick Austins ass[[The Crowd die down]]Now Austin you have shot your mouth off to many times and i have had it up to here with you and thats why i am gonna take it into my own hands and kick your god damn ass, and i am gonna kick it so much you wouldnt know what hit you, Austin you will be so mangled up that no one would wanna touch you with a barge pole and Austin i would team with you one day but i go by your words D..T..A, Dont..Trust..Anybody or as i like to say Dont..Trust..Austin and thats the bottom line cos THE GAME said so. Now Angle, The Olympic Champion you ask me to join you and your measly group to reform Dx but guess what Angle i dont wanna team with you cos do you know what you suck, now Angle me and you will go one on one at Raw and i heard it will be a King of The Ring Qualifier as well as a World Title match but that just remains to be seen now Angle Monday Night i will beat your ass till your black and blue, you will be the Red, Black, Blue and White Jackass, and if you come back for more i will kick your ass more, i will advance in the King of the Ring and i will also become the World Champion if you people are doubting me then bring it on. I will become the World Champion because I AM THE GAME AND I AM THAT DAMN GOOD.. Oh its True Its Damn True

Triple H drops the mic as his music hits he leaves the ring walks up the ramp and exits backstage as the cameras fade to a commercial



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