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Big Poppa Pump! Scott Steiner!

Cameras fade in as Lady Lisa is seen walking down the hall backstage with a big smile on her face.

Pyro goes off all over the stage as the fans jump to there feet in anticipation. The cameras are just about to cue in on Michael Cole and Tazz when……

They Say I'm Cocky!!!!!

Blast Through out the arena, the fans scream and chant for Lady Lisa As she step out onto the stage wearing her ref outfit.

MC: Its Lady Lisa!

Tazz: Man is she a sight for sore eyes..

MC: Lady Lisa is one of the hottest diva in the business.

Tazz: And she does business with a very large man by the name of L_Train.

Lady Lisa makes her way down the ramp and into the ring. She poses for the crowd before she gets a mic.

Lady Lisa: I know that all you men out there are very happy to see me, but in just a few moments I am going to give all the ladies in the arena what they want to see! Ladies and Gentleman you are about to see the man who will single handedly destroy every man that steps in his path. I give you the hot, sexy, jacked up L_Train!!!

Sirens blast through out the arena once again as all the fans turn their attention to the ramp. The camera crew cues in on the top of the stage as L_Train steps out onto the ramp.

L_Train poses for all the fans before he walks over to a weight set that is set up on the stage. L_Train Pulls out a mic and begins to speak.

L_Train: Ladies can you feel me!!(The ladies scream) In just a few days I will walk down this ramp, step in that very ring and go head to head for the Hardcore title! Fans Boo!!!!! Scott Steiner: Now out of all the people in the back, All the guys who give it there all in the squared circle, there are only a few people who I know will be a true challenge and a test to my will. And JMK is one of them. Since I signed that contract I have seen you implant fear in several guys in the back. I have seen you come out to that ring and do everything that you said you were going to do! And there are only a few people I know that can do that…..And I’m one of them! FANS CHEER See you are the type of person that thrives on a good challenge, its what keeps you going, its what drives you to succeed! That’s what has kept that belt around your waist! But what you don’t know is that I am a mirror image of you! See Challenges push me to the next level, just like you. Its what we live, breath and die for! And when we step in that ring in one of the biggest stages there is, we will give the world something that they have never seen! We are going to beat the living hell out of each other and when everyone thinks that it’s over and we are down and out! It will be that mutual drive that picks us up and pushes our match over the edge! This match will be the first that I can not predict, because both of us are fighters, and when it comes to fighters its not about who is better over all, its about who’s better that night! Now you see these weights, they were my biggest challenge at one point! Some nights I beat them and some nights they beat me, but the moment that I stood up in victory! * L_Train tosses the weights off the stage* they never beat me again! So this goes out to all the ladies who love the L If you wanna ride! Hope on the Train!

Cocky blast through out the arena as L_Train and Lady Lisa head backstage.

MC: L_Traain is focused and read to taste gold!

Tazz: But he is going to have to get through the champ to get it!

MC: Wait a min Tazz, I got word that Terri is standing by in the Back.

Cut To: Scene 2 Terri stands next L_Train backstage.

Terri: L!! Can I have a word with you?

Steiner: Sexy, you can have all my time.

Terri: I a Few days you face several opponets for The hardcore title, your thoughts?

Steiner: It doesn't matter who steps in the ring I am runnight through them all non stop.

Terri: How do you prepare for a match of this caliber?

Steiner: You get in the ring, and first take your opponet apart mentally then you can destroy him physically!

Terri: Ok, well good luck tonight and back to you Michael!

Fades Out