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The Rejected Child.....Murdoc
MurdocHeight: 5ft. 11in.Weight: 195 lbs.Finisher: The AhnialatorHometown: Atlanta,Georgia
*The scene opens up with a man with dreads sitting in a chair in his home.*
The crowd recognizes him and begins to cheer. Vampiro throws his arms up and a pyro sets off behind him. He then proceeds to the ring. He gets in and grabs a mic. He brings it to his lips.*

Vampiro: “Yes, yes, it is I! It is I the man you all love. The one man you have missed and wanted to see in action for oh so very long. It’s me, it’s me, IT’S MURDOC! And I am glad to be here in Rochester, New York! (Fans cheer and yell) Yes, ladies and gentlemen I have made my return and I am glad to be in the AWA! It’s been a while since I’ve been in a ring but I am back now. You know the past year and a half or so I was sitting back at home. I was just sitting there with nothing better to do. I woke up each day went to a job behind a desk and then I came home after that. Man I'm tellin' ya that shit is whack as hell! But this story gets even better. Now as I sit there at home with nothing to do I started flippin' through channels and there on the television I see the AWA. You know I've missed this business so I decided to watch it. I watched it and I was amazed. I saw the entire show and it was good. I liked what i saw. I angles and everything were just great. I loved every minute of it. And as I sat there watching this episode of Xplosion tears began to fall from my eyes and run down my cheeks. After about 5 minutes of that I wiped my eyes and say do something about it pussy. So you know what I did? I got up looked in the back of my closet and found my boots, my knee pads, my pants, and this bottle of face paint. I grab the pants put 'em on. I reached for my knee pads and shoes put 'em on and then went and looked in a mirror.

He paues for a minute

As I put this face paint on I got in the zone. When th e face was finally all over and ready I grabbed my leather jacket and my led pipe and got in my car. I put the jacket and the pipe in the passenger seat next time to me and hit the highway. So now I'm on the highway, goin about 80 just cruisin', switchin' from lane to lane. I'm on a mission to get to the AWA headquarters. So about 7 hours later I reach the AWA Headquarters where they are located. I walk in trhough the front doors, and right away some little mail guy runs up and says..(Guy: hey you're Murdoc!) I looked at him, pipe in hand and said yes, yes, I am and walked up to the front door. I asked the lady at the front desk I said let me speak with Christian. The lady reached for her phone and said there's a Mr. Murdoc here to see you. She kept going with theconversatikon for a little bit then she hung up the phone. I said well? And she looked back at me and said take the elevator to the floor 75 go down the hall take a right it's the door at the end of the hall way. So now I'm doing as she says taking the elevator and going down the hall and as I get in front of Christian's door I get cold feet and nervous.

I hadn't done this in a while I'm used to being at the top but now I gotta work my way up. But I didn't care I love this business. So i reached and turned the door knob. I said hello Mr. Christian and closed the door behind me. And from then on I continued to have a conversation with him and then after about an hour sitting in that office talking to him he tells me welcome to the AWA organization. I smiled and grinned. I reached out shook his head and said thank you. And I got in my car and drove out to this arena here tonight and got ready to speak with you fans. Because you, you are the reason why I came back. I have come back to bring some exctiement to the fans and fill these seats. I know that you fans have missed me and I have missed all of you and soon very soon as I make my way to the top you will all be chanting, MURDOC! MURDOC! MURDOC!

(Fans chant murdoc for a few minutes)

It has already started. The era of Murdoc is coming soon. I want everyone in the back to remember that. Murdoc is here, and here to stay. I was a 3 time cruiserweight and light weight champion back in the W.E.W and n.W.o. federations. I went on to winning tag team championships, undisputed championships, intercontinental championships, u.s. heavyweight championships, I even won a king of the ring crown. And as I enter the AWA I am bound to become great and win championships once again. But I'm not gonna come out here and brag about winning championships and complain and argue about who I'm going to fight I am just gonna sit back and do what I have to do to get the job done and it's simple as that. So, whether you like it or not....Murdoc's here and he's here for good. Now you see I'm sitting around in my home waiting. I'm waiting for my first match to happen when it happens I'm coming in a big way.

-Scene End-
You can no matter where you hide murdoc's gonna whoop that ass