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"How do I hope the fans remember me years from now? I just hope they remember be at all...I hope they turn on their TV's and say, 'Yeah. These guys are good. But they're no Bret Harts.' " - Bret Hart, 1997
2 - 0 - 0 ... No titles held...

TD: Thank you for joining us. We're here live, thanks for joining us here for some TNT Wrestling!

KK: We've got a nice little card in store for the fans here tonight...

"Meant To Love" hits the loudspeakers. Marcus James, in flannel and jeans, comes out from the enterance ramp. He has a plastic bag with him.

TD: He must have something to say.

He slaps some hands on the way to the ring. He lays the bag on the apron. He jumps over the ropes and raises his arms one last time before getting a microphone from the timekeeper.

Marcus: You know, I've been sitting around, here in TNT Wrestling...and I've only been here a few short weeks. But I feel like...well, I don't know how to explain it. But I've been kicking some MAJOR ASS!

The crowd pops loud. A cameraman focuses on a sign in the crowd, that reads "Stretch 'em up, Mr. Submission!"

Marcus: I've been making a lot of progress...but I feel like it's not enough. Like I need to be doing better. That's why I'm glad. I'm going from other newcomers like myself to some real big dogs. And that's right, I'm talking about God's Disciples.

The crowd begins to boo.

Marcus: Well, hey...I'm a man of God myself. I believe in the Holy Trinity, I believe in salvation at the foot of the cross. But, let me go on record and say it right now...Joe Shmoe...Billy two absolutely make me SICK!

The crowd pops again.

Marcus: I have two beautiful children who I want to raise to be decent human beings, not a bunch of motherlovin' hooligans like you two! I'm tired of seeing you spread your infectious little rants like the plague all over TNT's airwaves and into the homes of our fans, our fans that deserve better than crap like you on their TV sets! Now, I know what some of you are thinking. I'm teaming up with Nicky Mills, a man who is rumored to be pushing drugs. A man who we know has past history with the Mob. A guy who you could say is as far from God as possible.

Well, you know something? I welcome this with open arms.

Nicky Mills is one hell of a wrestler, and one hell of a fighter. He's not going to sit around and wait for something to happen, no. He's going to reach out and bust his butt and he's going to get it himself. I have to respect that, and I feel honored just being in the ring with him. Thankfully, it's as a tag partner. Because I know, as much as I hate God's Disciples, he hates them that much more. And this Sunday, when we step into that ring, I have every bit of confidence that we're going to slap the piss right out of their mouths!

The crowd goes nuts on that note.

Marcus: Now, as for this little bag o' goodies I got here...this is my thanks to you all for listening t me. Let's see...

Marcus finds a couple of T-shirts bundled up. He flips them out in different directions into the crowd. He then pulls out several little items like keychains and hats, throwing them out. He then stops, and pulls out a pair of women's underwear.

Marcus: These are for you, Kraig.

To a huge pop and laughter by Tim, Marcus throws them right onto Kraig's face, who sits there stone-faced.

KK: That is so not funny...

TD: OH MY GOD...HAHA...sorry, colleague Kraig must be a little rosy-cheeked about now, huh?

Marcus: What else...

Marcus finds a package of Skittles about the size of a brick. He goes to put that inside his shirt, but the crowd boos that idea. So he heave-ho's the bag as far back as he can get it, which gets a big pop.

TD: Marcus James is just having fun out here, and we'll be right back!


As the scene fades away, Marcus is leaving the ring with his bag of candy, throwing out pieces to the crowd.