..::[The Hand God Delt]::..
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-The New Mike Powell!-
-The Hand God Delt!-
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"Shattered Dreams!"
Mike Powell
Mastermind, Shawn Hunt!
Episode Number
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1 3/0/0
Hell in a Cell Title Match
OOC Comment: I shall Make it so that thou never foreget the name that Slay Thee!!
:Mike Powell: Kicking Ass and taking Names!!!!
-Scene Opens- Mike is in his hometown of Las Vegas. We find him at Circus Circus. The place he loved as a child and tends to linger the halls still to this day bringing back memories of hustling as a sixteen yearold. Mike sits on the same slot machine for hours before even playing once. He's had a few drinks but nothing has been felt yet. Powell begins to wonder what kind of a mess he has gotten himself into, coming into the ERWF, and coming out of retirement for that reason. Shawn bailed on him faster than David Lee Roth and Sammy Hagar's combination tour. Mike takes a look at what he's accomplished here in the Revolutionary federation as he so calls it. He begins to wonder if he even deserves a world title shot and thinks of the last time he held the big one. Its been awhile, hell almost a decade. Sitting at this slot machine watching bystanders walk in, out, in, out, playing all sorts of games like blackjack, poker, texas hold 'em, and anything imaginable makes Mike wonder what if. What if Shawn had stayed. What would have happened. Would the corporal takeover been in completion by the PPV. What if he and Shawn had taken the tag title shot they earned and won the titles. Would he even be in this world title match mess in the first place. What if the moment we made our way into this fed, the day The Prince took a superkick to the chin, what if they had been the good guys. What would have been had we been here saving a fed instead of tearing it down from the foundation which remains crumbled yet still standing? What if they had played the good guys for once and not the rebellious outkasts coming in and making hell for everyone else. What could have been. Would if Mastermind never won the world title. Would he be where Ronnie McNeil is now? Upset and frustrated needing time off to sit back and think about things while someone else struts around with the title he knows he deserved, yet eluded him his entire career. What if the masses finally choose Mike Powell as the favorite going into a match for once. What would happen if Mike didn't have to prove match in and match out why he is here in the first place. He's been an underdog his entire stay here at Holiday ERWF, yet he remains unbeaten. Why can't anyone else see what he has worked so hard to obtain. Hell he's been in this business longer than fourth fifths of the chumps here. Hell hes twice as old as some of our wrestlers. What if he does what everyone sees as the impossible and defeats Mastermind at Deadly Games. What will become of Powell. Will he still be reguarded as the underdog going into fight after fight. Will he be the Patriots of the ERWF, having people telling him constintly he can't do something yet continualy proving them wrong. Could this possibly be a stopping point of Mike's life? Could this be a new beginning. What if Mastermind does what everyone thinks he will do and pulls a victory out over the Hand God Delt? Will he be acclaimed as one of the greatest champions to date. Certianly one of the in this new age of the ERWF. Hell what if Mike wins, who will be the next person aimed at stopping him, handing him such a short reign. Hell young guns like Ace, Damon Black, Sean harrison, are all out to become what they feel they are destoned to become, the World Champion. Powell never joined this fed to become the best of the best. He joined because his best friend had a plan. A plan to take down yet another fed, as the two had done so often before. Hell the only reason Powell joined was because of Shawn. Well Shawn left, so why is Mike Powell still in the game? Is it because he's on the top of his game, unbeaten as is. What if Mike had lost a match or two before Hunt left. Would he still be doing this agonizing shit day in and day out. Wasting valuable "self" time thinking about the shit we're thinking about right now? Hell would Mike even be around the ERWF as he plans to do, even after his retirement? What Mike thought was his best friend in suicidal sickness turned into what now looks as a scam, to quit join Sin wrestling and become a scouting agent for a man by the name of Mac? Oh my god, f###ing Mac!? If that gives you reason to leave than so be it. But I'm no longer the same man. Hell, i never walked on and said, "sorry bro, I'm going to some shitty fed worse off than this to become an agent for some second rate dumb f##k, because he means more than our eight plus year friendship and partner ship!"

Mastermind. Now thats a new subject! As if it wasn't enough to escape Code Red with the title, you havn't had a challenge yet! I hope your back from vacation friend, because its time you face someone whos not in their debut match. Konnan, give me a break man. It took you way to long to finish that match. I'm sorry to say big man, i'm not Konnan. This shall be one battle for all battles! They call you Mastermind. What does that mean though? Are you the "Master" of "Mind"games? Whats your real name mastermind? Is it something that will embarass you? Something like Reginald Towliski? Hey man, i'm just taking a guess. Tell me if I'm close. I still don't understand why wrestler's choose fake names. Is it for the intimidation factor, cause a name like Mastermind doesn't cut the mustard, if cutting mustard is even possible. Use your real name Mastermind, unless that is who you've become. A character in some video game. Nothing more than a fake. Someone who is nothing as he truely is, or as i like to call them, ACTORS! Thats what you are huh. You're an entertainer first wrestler second, am i correct? Mastermind, uhh sends goosebumps down my spine every time i hear the name, hahaha! Thats why you were so up and going at that conference huh. I saw it as a pathedic display of explotation of talent by the ERWF and it's staff. This is not some mockery such as the boxing leagues. For you in was another chance to show what you've got, in hopes of maybe landing that big time movie gig one day. Is that who the real Mastermind is. Nothing more than some guy following in the Rock's footsteps. "You're a legend." Hell mastermind, your a EFWF Hall of Famer huh. Hell who isn't. That Hall of Fame list is half the guys who have ever been on the true roster. But who am i to question the champ. I'm just some aged dog, someone passed his time who over stayed his welcomed. Some grandpa that came in with a faulty purpose and a band of pirates by his side, who succeded in everything except staying together. I hope you thank God for the dismantle of Eight Ball, if not for that, you would be out of the job right now. There would be no ERWF as we speak. This would all be turned into ZPW III. But that doesn't matter, because whats passed is passed. Mastermind at Deadly games something will fianlly happen. You will realize your dream. Thats right, you will finally take grasp of what you have accomplished. They say you only truely love something when its gone, and at the PPV thats exactly what will happen. You'll see what made you what you are be taken away. Your dreams wont be crushed. Oh no, quite the contrary. Your dreams will just repeat. It'll feel like da-ja-vue. YOur time has come. Its time for the mater to take a back seat on the bus, sit next to Rosa Parks, zip your lips, and watch. As the saying goes, I hope you kissed your mom at the bus stop, cause i'm talking your weak ass to school. This ain't about the fame or glory of the game. This isn't about the money for once. its all for the fact of proving to one man, Shawn Hunt. Shawn you said i'd never get the title. You said I'd be screwed out of the federation by Rodriquez. You said i was no where near the caliber a champ would have to be. Hell you said you no longer have to carry my fat ass on your shoulders any more. Shawn, the only carrying you'll be doing is carrying my baggage from arena to arena kissing my ass to even get a glimpse of MY title.

Back to Mastermind for a second if you would hold off for a minute Shawn. Master, I'm not gonna stop short of winning. Man that sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before. Oh yea. When everyone put Mike Powell down, said he would loose in the tables match with Damon Black. What did i do again. Oh thats right, i came right out and whooped some ass not falling short of victory. I always find a way to win, and this time will be no different. My mind is on your Mastermind. Time to get to the nitty gritty my friend. Move after move we shall fight toe to toe, or more like face to chest, since your only like six foot five. Monster vs. Master. Big foot vs. brianiac. Hell your no master. Your nothing more than my bitch. Face the facts, the title has had my name on since i joined this revolution in wrestling. It just a matter of time before i have what rightfully is mine. This hell in a cell will be the most deadly match ever. The wwe brought the hell in a cell into our lives, and for that i please them. For this match will serve as the purpose of nothing more than time for your departure from this world. Its about time your reign ended and a new tyrant be crowned ruler. Ruler of a federation with nothing less than great talent at every corner you tend to look. Mike Powell, The Hand God Delt, will soon be the one "they" call champ. Mastermind i know this sounds like a shock to you. Hell you probably wonder how i even got the number one contender slot anyway. The same way you got three or four title shots before, yet unlike you, i plan to finish the job on the first try. Theres not much more than needs to be said besides the fact that you should kiss your wife and kids before the match. Get all the love you can before entering my cell. Cause i'm gonna tell you straight up Mastermind, you won't find much love in the ring come PPV. Oh i have respect for ya, don't get me wrong. Hell you've done what i havn't, that is untill Sunday. But in the hell in a cell, respect is about a dime a dozen. And it doens't do much for me stopping short against ya. Respect can by your way out of jail, but not the hell in a cell! So Matermind. Leave your act at the door, get your game face on, and come READY!

Huss Magic Incorporated, 2004 Copyright