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Below and on the next two pages are statements about eight personality traits. Read each statement. If it is true most of the time, circle 2 If it is true some of the time, circle 1. If it is never true, circle 0

Total your score for each trait. Then figure your score for all of the traits together. The final score will help show you how well you will get along on the job. You will also see which traits you need to work on.

Understanding and Following Directions True Most of the time True some of the time Never True
1. I understand the teacher's directions 2 1 0
2. I think it's easy to listen when I give directions 2 1 0
3. I ask questions when I do not understand directions 2 1 0
4. I understand written directions 2 1 0
5. In school, I read written directions before asking questions 2 1 0
Understanding and Following Directions Total  

Cooperation True Most of the time True some of the time Never True
6. I get along well with my family most of the time. 2 1 0
7. It is easy to work with other students on projects. 2 1 0
8. I get along with others when playing games. 2 1 0
9. I help others when I can. 2 1 0
10. I get along with my teachers. 2 1 0
Cooperation Total  

Dependability True Most of the time True some of the time Never True
11. I am on time for my classes 2 1 0
12. I do my homework. 2 1 0
13. If I cannot meet a person on time, I call to let the person know. 2 1 0
14. I work well without supervision. 2 1 0
15. I do my chores at home. 2 1 0
Dependability Total  

Initiative True Most of the time True some of the time Never True
16. I finish my schoolwork before it is due.. 2 1 0
17. At home I do more work than I am asked to do. 2 1 0
18. When I see something that needs to be done, I do it if I can. 2 1 0
19. When I have extra time, I ask if I can do extra work at home or at school. 2 1 0
20. Among my friends, I help to decided what we should do. 2 1 0
Initiative Total  

Eagerness to Learn True Most of the time True some of the time Never True
21. Learning something new makes me feel good. 2 1 0
22. In my favorite class, I like to learn new things. 2 1 0
23. I want to learn more about some hobby. 2 1 0
24. Learning how to work on a job will be exciting. 2 1 0
25.After absences, I make up school work missed 2 1 0
Eagerness to Learn Total  

Loyalty True Most of the time True some of the time Never True
26. When a friend tells me something and asks me not to tell others, I keep the secret. 2 1 0
27. When a friend is in trouble, I do what I can to help. 2 1 0
28. I do not gossip about other people. 2 1 0
29. I say good things about my parents to friends. 2 1 0
30. I say good things about my school. 2 1 0
Loyalty Total  

Honesty True Most of the time True some of the time Never True
31. I tell the truth. 2 1 0
32. I know the difference between right and wrong, and I try to do what is right. 2 1 0
33. When I find something that someone lost, I return it if I can. 2 1 0
34. I do my own work on tests. 2 1 0
35. I only miss school for a very good reason 2 1 0
Honesty Total  

Ability to Accept Criticism True Most of the time True some of the time Never True
36. When my parents say I should wear different clothes, I think over what they say. 2 1 0
37. When someone criticizes how I do something, I think about how I can improve. 2 1 0
38. When someone criticizes the way I do a task, I listen politely. 2 1 0
39. I learn from those who criticize my work. 2 1 0
40. I do not get upset when others criticize my work. 2 1 0
Ability to Accept Criticism Total  
Total Score for All Behavior Traits