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*M I R R A N D A*

*M I R R A N D A*









*The Sultry Seductress*

*-"The Jump Off" by Lil' Kim hits, and the fans wait to see who comes out. They are surprised to see a new women in the business. On the Titan-Tron they see the name Mirranda. Mirranda gets in the ring and demands a mic-*

Mirranda- I am finally in the OWF! I just signed a contract and I am here to stay! I am also here to take what should be mine! That is the OWF Women's Title. After training for so many years I am here and I will not take any prisoners. I will do what I want when I want to! I will climb up the ladder any way I can get there! I am going to go through every woman back there if I have to, to get the OWF Women's Title! I am also here to tell all you fans to shove it! My trainer Ivory told me not to take any crap from you, and I won't you all can go to hell for all I care! If you even think I came here to represent all the fans, well you are so wrong. I came here for myself!

--Crowd Boos--

Mirranda- See, Ivory was right! You are all nothing but garbage. But I have noticed some guys in the back since I arrived. I especially noticed G-Unit. I see talent in you G-Unit, and I would love to manage you if you would like! Just come see me if you want. If not any guys in the back I am looking to manage someone! So just tell me!

*-Mirranda leaves the ring flipping of the crowd that is booing her. She then makes her way backstage.-*