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Above Average Title: " He has arrived "
XWF Record: 00 - 00 - 00
The Above Average: 'above average ' Mike Sanders
Never Will Be Above Average: Everyone in XWF
3.0 Productions Number: #01

Next Match: Vs. T.B.A.

"XWF all suck "

[- The scene fades up as we see a flickering sign. The camera is from a far away distance so we cant really see exactly what the sign reads at this point, but as the camera zooms in closer, and gets into focus, the sign reads "XWF Headquarters." We hear a slight chuckle in the background as the camera slowly pans around to where we see Mike Sanders laughing, stroking his chin with his right hand. Trish then comes out of the car with a grim look on her face. Mike is still in awe at the big piece of crap that he is staring at with his own two eyes -]

above average - - Mike Sanders: " Its true you complete set of jackasses. At last someone to walk the corridors who is above average, unlike you pile of ingrates. Prepare for Mr Sanders as I tramble through each and everyone of you. Whether its Nitro. Arcadia. Wilson. Burchill. I'm here and I'm here to make it a better place"