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"The Real F*ckin Deal" Mike Austin
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The scene opens inside the SCCW arena in Barrie Where Mike Austin has already arrived with his fellow Mercenary ally "The Hellcat" Kirsta Lewis. As they walk down the hallway, Mike is carrying his gearbag and Kirsta is holding her Young Gunns championship belt in her right hand and her gear bag in her left hand....

As they approach the doorway to Mike's personal dressing room they notice that none other than SCCW top reporter Craig James is standing nearby holding a microphone and a cameraman is standing nearby....

Mike Austin: "For christs sakes Craig can't I even make it in the freakin door first before ya bother me?"

Craig James: "I'm awefully sorry to bother you Mike but I figured I'd catch you now so I wouldn't be interrupting while you prepare for your match tonight against Morpheus!"

Mike Austin: "Whatever! C'mon in and let's get this over with! (pauses) You really are a pain in my ass Craig, I hope ya know that!"

Craig James: "Yea I know Mike, but you of all people should know that part of being on the top means having to put up with me every week!" (laughs)

Mike Austin: "Oh yea? Keep laughing Craig, let's see if you're still laughing when a proctologist is removing that mic from your ass someday!"

As Mike and Kirsta enter the dressing room, Craig James and the cameraman follow them inside as Mike puts his gearbag on the table and turns around to face Craig as Kirsta drapes her Young Gunns championship belt over her left shoulder and drops her gearbag on the floor and stands behind Mike with a smile on her face....

Mike Austin: "Ok Craig, ya got five minutes so make it count!"

Craig James: "Ok Mike, well I have recently viewed your opponent Morpheus' recent promo and I am sure that you have as well and I would like to get your reaction to some of the durogatory comments that he's had to say about you in that promo."

Mike Austin: "Yea I seen what the jackass had to say and as usual his stupidity never ceases to amaze me! Just when I think I've heard it all leave it to Morpheus to talk more shit than I've given him credit for! arsenal is limited huh? my barrels almost empty? He hasn't seen anything yet! As far as I'm concerned I've only fired my first shot at that idiot and I've got more than enough ammo left to finish the job!'re one of a kind alright Morpheus, unlike all those other vampire dressed up freaks you model yourself off, YOU are the only one stupid enough to step into the ring and actually think you have a snowballs chance in hell of taking me down! Do yourself a favor and just stick with your own kind and stand in line to get into that goth club and hope that Count Dracula or whoever runs that freak joint signs an autograph for ya!"

Mike leans over and unzips his gear bag and begins to unpack his things as Craig James continues on....

Craig James: "Well what about Morpheus' comments regarding how you consistantly mention your past accomplishments while he in fact doesn't find the need to do so?"

Mike Austin: "Tell me something it that he truly doesn't find the need to do so or could it be the mere fact that he just has never accomplished anything that he can actually brag about? Think about that!"

Mike looks over at Kirsta and she gets a devilish grin on her face and shakes her head in agreement and then leers back over at Craig as he continues....

Craig James: "Well I suppose you've got a point there Mike, but what about his comment regarding how unlike him you need to be surrounded by talented teammates in order to look good?"

Mike Austin: "Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? I can certainly say the same thing about him Craig! Is he truly a loner? NO! Doesn't he allign himself with Viper who happens to be the current Legacy champion? Well atleast up until tonight when he'll lose it to Wolf of course! And also some guy named Peroxide or whatever the hell he calls himself? And he has the balls to try and ridicule me? I don't NEED anyone by my side to be successful and you of all people Craig are well aware of that fact! I recognize talent when I see it and I choose to allign myself with people that not only share common intrests and goals and enemies as myself but also people that much like myself can back up everything they say! It's not a NEED my friend, it's a choice! a very wise choice!"

Craig James: "And what about his comment directed at the Hellcat herself here Kirsta calling her the village doorknob?"

Kirsta steps closer and irately begins to speak...

Kirsta: "DOORKNOB? That piece of shit calls me a village doorknob? I'd love to see him try to say that to my face! Pretty ballsy when you make a statement like that standing miles away from me doncha think? Next time stand a little closer Morpheus and the only doorknob will be you as I will be the next one in line to kick your worthless, talentless ass!"

Mike Austin: "Woa...don't hold back baby, tell him how ya really feel! (laughs) Your damn lucky that you caught her in a good mood Craig! But not to worry, with statements like that he's just digging himself a deeper hole once we bury him! Now not for nothing Craig but your five minutes is up, any last words before we throw your annoying ass outta here?"

Craig James: "Just one more Mike...what about Morpheus' comment referring to you thinking your some kind of god?"

Mike Austin: "God huh? That couldn't be further from the truth my man, I'm not god, I'm the Devil remember? (laughs) Anyway the only thing I gotta say before I wrap this up is this...Morpheus, when that bell rings to start the match YOU will be the only one that the carnage and the three count will fall upon! Mark my words! Now your times up Craig, we need to get ready so beat it!"

Craig signals for the camera to stop and exits Mike's dressing room as Mike slams the door behind him as the scene fades to black....