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Roleplay Number Next Match Career Record Current Team
001 Vs. Rob Van Dam - IC Title Match 000-000-000


Achievements - None Yet
Felt An Unfortunate Twist Of Fate -No One Yet

|- Prologue -|

The First WWF/wCw card has been posted and hard to belive it's not a pay per view! Lot's of superstar's have signed and great matche's are booked. Matt Hardy has gotten a shot at the vacant WWF Intercontinental Title but it won't be easy when his opponent is Rob Van Dam. It should be one hell of a match and promises not to dissapoint.

|- End Prologue -|

Roleplay Title: WWF's First Intercontinental Champion?
Style: Off Camera.
Location: A Diner In Memphis.
Time: 1:05 P.M.

|- Start Scene -|

|- We open the scene with Matt Hardy, Version 1.0 pulling up to a local Memphis diner. As he parks his newly bought, black Lincoln Navigator he sees a bunch of "hicks" giving him dirty looks. He looks around and sees nothing but old and beat up cars. He gets out of the Navigator and puts his safty club on the stearing wheel for saftey. The people now give him even more dirty looks. Outside are 3 boys with skateboards. Matt walks up to them and starts to talk. -|

'Version 1.0' Matt Hardy - Listen here you little punks. I AM Matt Hardy, Version 1.0. I am the founder of Mattitude and The Mathematician of Mattamatics and I would appreciate if you guys wouldn't do anything to my car. Cause if I come back out here and there's so much of a scratch, im gonna...well, someone WILL feel an unfortunate twist of fate! You got that?

'Teenage Punk' Bobby Hall - Jeez Mr., you must not be from around here, huh? You see, around here WE do what we want, when we want, and how we want. But don't worry Mr., nothing's gonna happen to your big, expensive, city car.

'Version 1.0' Matt Hardy - See that it doesn't...punk!

|- Matt then walks by the boys. All three boys laugh and make fun of Matt but he doesn't notice. Matt walks in the diner where there's a line of about 10 people waiting to be seated. Matt starts to cut everyone in line. -|

'Version 1.0' Matt Hardy - Look out people, move it or lose it, beat it, Version 1.0 comin' through!

'Big Man' Bubba Jones - 'Scuse me feller, I belive we were all waiting here before you. I'm hungry and you won't like me when im hungry! So for your saftey, I suggest you go to the back of the line were you belong!

'Version 1.0' Matt Hardy - Fine, fine, but im not doing it because of you, im doing it cause I wanna do it! Obviously you don't have any Mattitude and you are nothing but a wanna be MF'er!

|- Matt gets an angry look on his face and stomps his way into the back of the line. After a few minutes he's first. All the waiters and waitressess are dealing with other costomers and ignoring him. Matt gets very impatient. -|


'Waiter' John Holmes - Right this way sir...-|

'Version 1.0' Matt Hardy - Well it's about damn time. I can't belive im even in this god forsaken dump! I can't wait to finish my meal and get the hell outta here. Matt Hardy has importent things to do, like get ready to beat Rob Van Dam and be the WWF's first Intercontinental Champion