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Marc Hardy is shown being helped to his seat by an attractive air hostess, as he sits down into the first class retractible seat the air hostess stores his luggage in the above compartment while Marc struggles with fastening his belt*

Get in stupid buckle thing

You need some help with that

*Marc looks up slowly at the attractive lady as she bends over taking the belt from his hand and fastening it round his waist delicately*

There you go...can I get you anything else?

How about I give you a little something baby...


A newspaper would do nicely

No Problem

*As the Air Hostess walks off down the gangway Marc Hardy leans out of his seat to check out her ass as she leaves but accidently undoes his belt in his eagerness to perv at the air hostess*

Need some help big boy?

What the Fu...?

*Before he knows it the unusually eager male Air Host grabs his belt buckle and fastens it tightening it to unknown proportions leaving Marc Hardy struggling for breath*

*cough*thank you*choke*

No problem...sugar

*Marc looks scared as the male Air Host walks away after nearly crushing all his insides. Marc fiddles with the belt eventually loosenign it when the attractive female Air Hostess returns with his newspaper*

Here you go

Thanks a lot

Enjoy your flight

*Marc sits back into his comfortable 1st class seat reclining it slightly before unfolding the newspaper and peeling it open Marc immediately flicks through the paper to the sports pages which to his dissapointment is filled with results for NFL and NBA*

Damn Americans and their version of "football"

*Marc continues to flick through the pages when he comes across a review for CCW's Pay Per View "When Worlds Collide" it reads:*

Yet another sell out crowd for the ever growing in popularity, Cross Cut Wrestling Federation, at it's second pay per view presentation which didn't fail to impress. BTWF strengthened the hold they have over CCW by claiming both the now unified Spotlight and Grand Lethal Championship and unified Savory and Smash Championship. Since joining the ranks of CCW, BTWF has become an increasingly impressive and devastating force. Memphis Daniels and Scruffy Nuts showing that it's not just Percy Lionel who can win championship gold. Percy "Greatness" Lionel who following a magnificent match retained his title and more importantly the BTWF Championship. Circumstances seem to be swaying in favour of BTWF as the CCW struggles keep it's own championships within it's possession on a night when everything seemed to be going wrong Troy Matthews managed to delight the crowds by securing a victory against Ethanol and retaining the CCW World Championship. To almost everyone including myself a wrestling entertainment fan for years could not of fathomed the Criminal switch from CCW to BTWF and announcing it by costing his former friends Python and Marc Hardy their chances at the BTWF Championship.

*Marc folds the paper before tossing it aside when he is joined by a smartly dressed business man in the seat next to him*

I hope this isn't a long flight I don't fly to well

As long as your not sick on me

Oh no, I'll be able to contain myself it's more of an anxiety thing


*The man extends his hand to shake Marcs who returns the gesture*

The name is Jonothan

Marc Hardy

I thought it was you


I didn't want to say anything just incase

Well it is me

You know my son has pictures of you all over his walls

I don't know whether to be glad or scared

Could I get an autograph it would mean so much to me

Sure why not

*Marc happily signs the autograph then goes to sit back and relax in his chair but the business man now excited at the prospect of who he is sitting next to continues to hound him*

I saw you last week shame abotu the loss I thought you were going to win for sure

Suprisingly enough so did I. But while were on the subject let's get a couple of things straight I didn't lose that match I was cheated out of it by that dipstick Criminal. If it weren't for him switching sides to the BTWF there's no way Percy Lionel would of walked out of that match up still the BTWF Champion. you say you saw the match then you must of noticed then that it was Python who got pinned and not me. I'll admit Percy is a lot smarter than he looks he plays dumb but inside the ring he is a superb of the best, he knew that he couldn't defeat me that is why he targetted Python the fact Criminal intervened was a suprise factor that swung in Percy's favour allowing him to get the 1...2...3...because I was laid out cold on the outside unable to break up the count

I feel your pain me and my son were watching it live on TV, you probably could of heard us screaming at the TV, but I'm glad you're finally getting recognised and getting chances such as shots at th eBTWF Title and now you got a match for the Smash Championship I can't wait

I don't know if you know this but I'm a Generation 1 Superstar of CCW I'm also a previous Smash Champion, except when I was Smash Champion it meant something nowadays anyone can get hold of it for instance it's current holder Memphis Daniels. The BTWF are prooving quite the dominant force in this invasion in CCW but I cannot honestly find a reason to justify why. The only CCW Champion is Troy Matthews at the moment all the titles belong within the BTWF. I've asked myself several times why, and still to this day I cannot come up with an appropriate answer besides maybe the fact that CCW isn't taking this invasion seriously. Couple of weeks back I defeated Scruffy Nuts, Percy Lionels right hand man in his own match an Anarchy Rules match, Mr. Hardcore himself was beaten by me. Then last week I came this close to beating Percy Lionel and if it wasn't for that backstabbing Criminal I could be sitting here with a nice bit of Championship gold round my waist.

-[WWR Adverts..]-

*As the camera opens back up the business man next to Marc Hardy has sicne fallen asleep and Marc is shown fiddling with a web camera as he goes to shoot his promo*

Is this thing on? What's the blinking light mean...Oh Shit...I mean Hello. This week as many of you may know I have a Smash Championship match against another BTWF jobber. This time he goes by the name Memphis Daniels, the rookie sensation, you know what Memphis me and you are quite similar I mean we're of similar build, stature, we're both young but there are some very big differences such as the fact that besides our youth you're a rookie whereas I'm more of a seasoned Veteran. Another big difference that I want to bring attention to because I think it is very important, is that you still have a lot more to learn in this business you won the CCW Smash Championship at When Worlds Collide which I respect but right now you're thinking that you and the BTWF are undefeatable nut heres a news flash pal you're not. I defeated your little friend Scruffy Nuts and I came oh so close to defeating your leader Percy Lionel and some time in th enot so distant future I will get the rematch I deserve in which once and for all I can take away his self proclaimed "Greatness" title. Memphis you cannot comprehend what you're abotu to get yourself into otherwise you'd be phoning up Sharpshoota right now and throwing in the towel. You think because you've defeated PrimeTime you can compare to me well you're wrong, no one can compare to me I am THE future of CCW I keep improving and I keep winning, I keep raising the bar and I'm going to keep beating down your BTWF asses and making examples of each and every single one I come up against until you realise you're not welcome here. Troy Matthews did well to beat Ethanol and maintain thw CCW Championship, it's important that title stays within our ranks but now it's time for CCW to strike back and reclaim what is ours and that is everything that carries a CCW logo just like that title you hold Memphis right above your nameplate and the words "Smash Cmahpion" is the initials CCW and I'm gonna make sure that this sunday I bring that title back where it belongs in the ever deserving hands of me a CCW Generation 1 Superstar. This will probably suprise you Memphis but I'm a previous Smash Champion myself, Infact it's the only title I've ever won here in CCW unfortunately. But this time round in Generation 2 I hope to once again proove critics wrong, I was the man who lost to Troy Matthews when he won th eCCW World Championship but Memphis I was there competing for it then last week I was wrestling Percy Lionel for the BTWF championship, I'm an upper card Wrestler whereas you are just breaking through ther ranks. You beat Primetime so I cannot say you don't deserve that title because you earned it but you bring it into disripute. When and I mean WHEN I defeat you this Monday Night on the one night special of CCW's Unlimited I will claim that Smash Championship and give it a true Champion one it hasn't had yet here in Generation 2. I'll bring that title you hold some much needed respect that it deserves.