RAW Results!

RAW Results

RAW: 11th November - Jamie's WWE results!

The show kicks off with the usual firework sand expectancy. RAW GM Eric Bischoff's music hits and he walks out to the ring... he says how much he loves the fans and he talks about the main event at Survivor Series, with the 8 entrants, Brock Lesnar (champion) - heel, The Rock - face, Chris Jericho - heel, Triple H - face, Kurt Angle - heel, HBK - face, Stone Cold - heel, Booker T - face! The rules are simple, a cage will open every 2 minutes and let out a new competitor... the first to eliminate all their competitors by pinfall or submission is the victor!

The Rock's music hits and he walks out to the cheers of the fans, he undermines Bischoff, calls him "a WWE reject" and is about to give him a Rock bottom, when his current rival Chris Jericho's music hits! Jericho tells "the Rock" that he's never been a "roody poo", he's a huge international rockstar but The Rock invites Jericho to come down to the ring and tells the "millions" that he's not a roody poo, face to face with The Rock. jericho refuses and calls The Rock, "an assclown"... The Rock responds by saying that he's going to get Jericho's beloved guitar, shine it up real nice and stick it straight up Jericho's candy ass! Jericho interrupts The Rock as he says "if" and says that he doesn't like The Rock's cooking and he can't smell it but he can smell victory in the air and a victory over The Rock at SS. Bischoff agrees with Jericho and The Rock tells Bischoff and Jericho that eitehr of them can just bring it and he Rock Bottoms Bischoff!

Victoria takes on Jazz for No1 Contendership to Chyna's women's Title. Victoria is agressive and ruthless to Jazz but Jazz blindsides Victoria and manages to hit the Fisherman's suplex for the pin!

Angle is backstage, getting really frustrated over his defeat to HBK at No Mercy. Edge and Christian walk in and console him by playing the "has-been kid's" music with funny lines about how he can't be an Olympic Gold Medallist! Kurt isn't impressed... he says he needs time to think... E and C are interrupted by Mark lloyd, who tells Kurt that he ahs a match against Triple H later this evening! Kurt says it was supposed to be his night off but E & C tell Kurt not to worry because they're going to make sure that Kurt kicks the snot out of HHH's huge nose and that HBK doesn't come near him...

The opening match kicks off with Austin making his way to the ring... Austin is a desperate man, especially after his defeat to Booker T on last week's RAW! His opponent Al Snow makes his way out... the fans go wild for snow! The match is pretty one-sided, as Austin dominates but is desperate to get a pin and get out of the ring! Al Snow fights back, Austin is out of it but he hits a lowblow on Al Snow, followed by a Stunner and the pinfall!

Backstage, the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar arrives with Paul Heyman and is told about tonight's main-event, where he will team up with Chris Jericho against The Rock and Booker T. Heyman tries to persuade Bischoff out of the match but Bischoff stands firm and tells Lesnar to make sure that The Rock knows why he's the Next big Thing!

The Dudleyz take on the Guerreros and Matt Hardy in the NO1 Conetndership amtch for E & C's Tag Team Titles. The Hardyz dominate early on but The Guerrero's cheat their way into getting rid of Matt and Jeff and isolate The Dudleyz. however The Dudleyz fight back and Bubba nailed a Bubba Bomb and teh 3-count was broken up by Jeff. Jeff nails a Swanton on Eddie, and Matt nails a Legdrop on Chavo but The Dudleyz pull Jeff out and 3D him through a table! Edge and Christian end the match in a dq, after breaking up Bubba's pin on Matt after a 3D and they hit a conchairto on D-Von.

After the commercials, Edge and Christian are told they'll defend their titles in a 4-way Tag Team Table match!

Benoit takes on Rikishi and Rikishi dominates early on but The Rabid Wolverine fights back, Rey Mysterio runs down to the ring to distract Benoit, Benoit is distracted and is taken out of by a kick from Rikishi for the win!

Mysterio and Benoit will go 1 on 1 at SS in a Ladder Match

After the commercials, a new European Champion is crowned. Test delivers a Big Boot to Rhyno to pick up the victory, after a distraction by Stacy Keibler. he thanks his testicles for helping to achieve this but the man beast Rhyno spears Test, as punishment!

Triple H finds Stone Cold in the parking lot, Triple H is arriving and Austin is trying to leave... the 2 exchange some frank comments and end up in blows, with Austin piledriving Triple H onto the cold stone floor! Only a matter of minutes before his match... Austin drives off in his car!

The Undertaker takes on Dave Batista 1 on 1 and the match is very even with Taker dominating early on and Batista's power showing near the end but Kane and The Big Show interfere and give Dave Batista a chokeslam and the Undertaker a Shwostopper. Kane celebrates but Big Show turns on his Tag Team partner from last week and big boots him over the top rope, before demolishing Kane by slamming him into the steel step and slamming him into the security wall.

After the commercials, Angle is on the way to the ring and told that Triple H might not be able to compete... he makes his way to the ring anyway!

Backstage, Big Show is told that for his antics on RAW tonight, he will face Kane, The Undertaker and Batista at Survivor Series in a Battle Royal!

Angle makes his way to the ring and tells the crowd about what he's going to do HHH tonight and to HBK at SS. To his surprise, HHH's music hits and The Game hobbles to the ring... Angle dominates an injured HHH and delivers numerous suplexes, mocking HHH. He stalks HHH waiting for the Angle Slam, the fans rise to their feet as HBK makes an appearance. Angle is distracted, but he hits the Angle Slam but HBK breaks up the cover... Angle chases HBK round the ring, HBk slides in, Angle follows and walks straight into a Sweet Chin Music. HHH crawls over and gets a pin to win... he hobbles away victorious but HBK has the last laugh on the ramp, as a distraught Angle gets to his feet!

Rob Van Dam defends his IC Title against William Regal and the 2 fight it out and Regal just canm't handle RVD's technical ability early on... Regal fights back but he gets caught out by RVD and Rob hits a 5-star Frog Splash for victory...

After the commercials, Booker T tells The Rock that he's a 5-time WCW Champion, The Rock tells Booker that the spinneroonie is a cheap attempt to try and get the fans to cheer as much as they cheer the people's eyebrow and that Booker can never electrofy the crowd quite like The Rock. Booker tells The Rock that he's going to enjoy kicking his ass at Survivor Series and proving The Rock wrong but tells The Rock that tonight they put away their differences and fight together to stop a bigger evil. The Rock say "ok, partner" and the 2-men grin at each other to the cheer of the fans!

Rob Van Dam walks out of the arena and bumps into Smackdown commissioner Mick Foley! Foley tells RVD that at Survivor Series, he will defend the title against the World's most dangerous man, Ken Shamrock, returning from injury! The fans go nuts... and Rob says that he's "cool" with the match!

The main event begins and out comes WWE Champion Lesnar, Jericho joins him there and their opponent's Booker T and The Rock arrive with huge cheers. Lesnar and Booker T start things off and Lesnar assaults Booker, leaving him decimated in the centre of the ring, Jericho continrues the onslaught, tags Lesnar back in and he looks for an F5 but Booker manages to nail a DDT in desperation. He tags in Rock, who takes out Lesnar, Jericho tries to interfere but Rock takes out them both! Rock nails a Rock Bottom on Lesnar but the WWE Champion is svaed by Jericho. Rock and Jericho fight outside the ring, Booker misses a Scissor Kick on Lesnar but Heyman distracts the referee, this allows Lesnar time to recover and hit an F5 on Booker for the pinfall

Lesnar and Heyman stand at the top of the ramp with a huge grin on his face and Booker T is at the bottom of the ramp and tells Lesnar to bring it back into the ring! As The Rock and Jericho go eyeball-to-eyeball in the ring, Jericho tries to attack The Rock but Rocky lays the Smackdown and sends Jericho over the top rope Jericho and Rock stare at each other, as RAW goes off the air!