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~Begin Scene~

Sleep...a few fleeding hours of peace in a horrific world of despair and pain hidden behind a mask of slumber. That is the mask that BZ wears along with his usual face. His gentle sleep starts to turn into a reoccuring nightmare. He starts almost having a seizure like reaction until he suddenly sits up and screams. No one can hear him scream though...for three minutes he sits there trying to make sense of the world until he comes out of it. Night Terrors...He's had them since the incident. The diffrence between his Night Terrors and other people's is that when other people have these they shout out blood curtling screams and people come running to help them. BZ must have to put up with this pain alone. He composes himself and lays back down in the bed. He tells himself it's just a dream...they're all dead. Suddenly the door to the adjoining hotel room kicks open and we see the form of Megan Franklin. She is wearing a pair of black shades, black hip hugger jeans, red tanktop that says "I'm up here" on it, and black goth boots. BZ turns his head for a moment and then rolls over to the other side.


BZ sits up and signs the following.

BlackhearT-ZerO:(I'll rise but I won't fucking shine!)

Megan Franklin: Mornin' Blacky!

BlackhearT-ZerO:(...You and I have to talk about this nickname.)

Megan makes a pouty face...

Megan Franklin:...You don't like it?

BlackhearT-ZerO: (No I don't and there is a logical reason behind it besides the fact you make sound like the family pet...HERE BLACKY!! One. I am going into DRWF...calling the guy who is half white and half japanese "Blacky" is not going to go over well!)

Megan looks puzzled

Megan Franklin: I...don't...follow...

BZ smacks his forehead.

BlackhearT-ZerO:(IT'S A PREDOMINENTLY BLACK GANGSTA FED YOU STUPID TWIT!!! Imma get my ass either ridiculed or more than likely beat up because of it.)

Megan Franklin: Oh that's just silly...come on we gotta go shopping for your new image. I'll be back in ten minutes and be sure to put on a clean mask and take a shower...your all sweaty!

She goes back into her room and a secound later we start hearing pop music blaring at the highest decibals. BZ sighs and gets up to start his new hell of a day.

~Few hours later...A mall.~

We fade in on Megan Franklin checking out a few things in the GAP store window. She is wearing the same clothes as earlier. Suddenly a fingerless gloved hand taps her on the shoulder. She turns around and gets that cute smile on her face.

Megan Franklin: Awww you look so thuggin'...

BZ does not look pleased as we zoom in on his mask and then zoom out. He is wearing a blue and black backwards ballcap on top of his mask, white wifebeater, baggy blue and black army pants, and some blue and black Addias shoes. His neck is covered with oriental looking Bling Bling and his arms have got a lot of jewelry on them to. Each finger on his hands have a ring on it.

BlackhearT-ZerO: (Let me spell this out for you...H...E...L...L...NO!)

Megan Franklin: Oh but you look so tough and buff...Grrr.

BlackhearT-ZerO:(Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby on a lot of occasions?)

Megan Franklin: Yeah...I bounced...Hey where's that other bling I got you.

BZ shakes his head.

BlackhearT-ZerO: (I am not wearing that...that's to much.)

Megan Franklin: Pweeasssseeee...

BZ holds up a necklace that has a freaking office clock on the end of it. BZ then starts signing again.

BlackhearT-ZerO:(Not for all the saki in Osaka am I going to wear the worlds largest timex around my fucking neck! You got me wearing about ten pounds of shit on my neck and my arms. I can't wrestle with this shit and these rings are going to break my knuckles if I punch someone with them hard enough like I intend to during The Scramble Cage!)

Megan Franklin: Oh silly you can take them off before you get in the ring.

BlackhearT-ZerO:(It took me fifteen minutes to get all this shit on woman! I can't take fifteen mintues to get down to the ring taking off my jewelry! This is bullshit!)

Megan Franklin: All right you don't have to wear a lot of them but I think the outfit besides that works don't you.

???: HEY YO ESSA!!!

BlackhearT-ZerO: (Es what?...Who da fuck is talking to me Megan?)

Megan looks a little scared as she points behind BZ.

Megan Franklin: I think those...gentlemen are BZ...

BlackhearT-ZerO: (Let's see look of terror plus your not being annoying right now must mean I'm in deep shit right about now.)

BZ turns around and he see's three men glaring at him. All three are wearing red and black combat pants, and black boots. One man is a average size latino with dyed red hair and a lot of tatoo's. He has on black fingerless gloves, a bling that says "El Diablo" on his necklace, a red bandana on his right arm. Behind him is a very tall and fat black man wearing a black t-shirt and a red bandana along with a pair of shades. The last guy is a white guy with a big ass red fade haifcut (not as bad as Kid from Kid N Play but damn close). He has on a red tanktop and black fingerless gloves. BZ looks at what he is wearing with the blue colors and figures this is a badddd case of mistaken identity.

"El Diablo": Hey boys looks like we got a Scorpion in our territory? Now Big Slam what you think we should do to this masked bitch?

The big black man strokes his chin and grins.

"Big Slam": I dunno Devilman...I got it...Hey SpaZ what you think.

The white guy keeps staring at Megan's face and...other attributes.

"SpaZ": I'll leave that up to you Diablo...I got a plan or two for the pretty girl he's got with him.

BZ grabs Megan and signs for her to translate what he is signing to her. The gang members look puzzled at this.

Megan Franklin: Umm...Gentlemen I think you have me mistaken. I'm from out of town and I just bought these clothes. I didn't know they were the colors of your rivals and I apologize greatly.

"El Diablo": Man what the fuck is this shit? You deaf or just scared shithead...hiding behind a woman. Just like a Scorpion.

Megan Franklin: I don't think they understand your reasoning.

BlackhearT-ZerO: (NO SHIT! Explain this to them.)

Megan Franklin: Okay...I am a mute sir but not because I was born this way or because of something accidental. I had my vocal cords ripped out in Japan...

We shift behind BZ as he pulls up his mask enough to show his scars. SpaZ's mouth goes wide open as he see's this.

"Spaz": Man...They fucked you up bad homie.

"El Diablo": I don't care if they ripped out your kidneys and made you eat it homie...No one crosses the Black Street Dragons. You can do this the easy way Essa...or my way whichever way I win. The easy take your beating like a man and don't fight back and maybe just maybe I might let you go off with a warning...if not your going to be a dead jap and your girl is going to be joining your real quick.

BZ nods and he signs something to Megan.

BlackhearT-ZerO:(Stay behind me...this will end quickly.)

"Big Slam": What'd he say.

Megan gets behind BZ and he takes off the rings and drops them on the floor. He reaches up with his right and rips off the gold chains. His glare is of pure anger as he takes his fighting pose.

Megan Franklin: Umm...He wants to try it your way!

El Diablo nods his head and all three rush at BZ. BZ leaps into the air and kicks SpaZ in the face knocking him back into a wall. He backflips and rolls in between Big Slam's legs and then kicks him in the back of the knee's with a mulekick. Big Slam falls down and BZ uses him for a springboard and flips in midair coming down on a confused El Diablo...high speed karate chop to the neck. El Diablo goes down holding his side. BZ looks at all three of them and signs something to Megan.

Megan Franklin: Give up and he lets you live...

El Diablo: Yeah man...we we're only kidding Vato.

BlackhearT-ZerO:(So was I)

~Ten minutes later...Food Court.~

We fade in on the three gang members eating a variety of foods with Megan and BZ. BZ does not look happy about this as he signs to Megan.

BlackhearT-ZerO: (I can't understand hired this three member gang to be my "image" consultants along with you? What the hell is wrong with you.)

Megan smiles at the other three guys who are acting like perfect angels right now. She signs to BZ.

Megan Franklin:(Look at it this way...they know more about being thugs than I do. Two if something happens they can be your bodygaurds or've got your own crew now BZ.)

BlackhearT-ZerO:(A crew?...Some crew...these guys make the Three Stooges look like the CbK!...I'm going to go cut a promo now Meg...keep these three idiots out of trouble.)

BZ gets up and walks over to the camrea that has been following him all afternoon. He motions for us to come over and starts signing

BlackhearT-ZerO: (Great more lunatics to add to my merry band of stress creating elements. Ugh. I swear this is getting about as random as a D-12 music video. Not saying that's a bad thing but my life is slowly becoming a Neil Simon urban comedy...I know I lost most of you on that reference but that's your own fault so get the fuck over it. I am not going to spell it out for you...I do that enough with my staff as it is! So my first match in DRWF is for the Scramble Cage and all I know is that a bunch of people have yet to respond to me which is fine. Take your time and think up some good shit...and I have no problem turning them around and making you look like an asshole. Now this EA C person...I don't know you and quite frankly I don't want to but you seem to be under a wrong impression.)

BZ points to himself.

BlackhearT-ZerO: (You don't know me mother fucker...I have never faced you so for you to claim that I have failed to defeat you is bullshit. Stay sharp me you need to think before you speak. Now as for you being this "curse" or whatever the fuck you want to call yourself is also...bullshit. You honestly think after living the life I have day in and day out that I am afraid of a beating at the hands of you. Let me tell you what a real curse is...never being able to verbally abuse someone because you don't have the proper tools but you have the drive. The last sound I made was a scream that haunts me to this last last use of my voice right before they ripped out the cords. You honestly think you intimidate me mother fucker? You think I fear you? Think again...You have not faced BlackhearT-ZerO before and after you do you will beg your bitch Madrid never to let you face me again...I am going to do more damage to you than anyone in DRWF ever could. Remember this masked face...Remember the silence...Because if you piss me off again mother fucker I am going to personally show you what a life of silence can bring you...when I stab a turnbuckle post right in between your ears!)

BZ pops his knuckles and continues.

BlackhearT-ZerO: (Now Vitone...Let's clarify this to you man. Have I called you lazy? No. I don't know you like that. Here's the thing man...why the fuck are you bitching about it? They call you lazy...smack 'em around and say "FU" after you beat their ass. Who cares what people think of you? I don't care what anyone here thinks of me I am here to do a job and that is to beat the living hell out of everyone on the roster in that match and give the fan's their money's worth. Tell them why you mad son...then make them mad at you by putting them in the ICU! So Kalis kicked your ass and tried to take you out. So what? Take a knife mafioso and feed his own balls to him and be done with it. I don't have the blessed ability to talk but I shouldn't have to hear people who can waste it by BITCHING about their situation. I could complain day in and day out about my handicap but I don't...I rise above it. Rise above it Vitone and quit trying to give these dogs bones. They're going to use your words back on you like a bitch and I would to but that aint my style.)

He lets his hands rest for a secound as he starts again.

BlackhearT-ZerO:( So you triggered the return of this guy and this guy. Great. You wanna a cookie because I don't care son. I don't care if you brought APOC back from the old negro's resthome. I don't care if you blew up IW. I don't care who the hell you brought back or what you've done. The only thing I gotta worry about with you is ONE match. One match...that's it. I got nothing to lose but you do with all this crap your building a pedestal out of son. This however pissed me off. ""THE WHOLE DRWF ROSTER" to me, The Hen, Ice and a few guys that are just there to fill the spots. " Now if I was a man with a ego I would normally not see this as a bash...however mother fucker since it was cheap, lowdown, stupid, and obviously full of bitterness I know it was your best attempt at insulting the likes of me. Nice try Gambino...good luck in the casino. If this is your best effort Mr. Vitone I think you should sign your letters more like so..."Bitcho Di BitchHO" Anthony Vitone. Anyone else wanna step up now or do you want to be buried by your own words yet again? Later boys.)

BZ walks back over to the table. He signs to Megan and she relates the message.

Megan Franklin: Good idea...Okay boys if you are going to be on the team you have to learn sign language. If not...BZ is going to make sure you don't ever have children.

The gang members look at each other in terror...they aint learned shit since they dropped out of middle school. They're screwed up the ass more than the next person who insults BZ. Fade Out!

~End Scene~