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[ Wins - 002 ]
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[Punks - Al Snow, Matt Hardy, Rhino, Scott Steiner]

Achievements - US Champion c Resistance Top Ten [

Suddenly the crowd start cheering OH MY GOD HERE COMES GILLBERG! Rodney Mack's buddy, GILLBERG has a chair what’s he doing. He gets into the ring behind, RVD and wham! WHAT THE HELL! Gillberg just nailed him with a chair, this is pathetic damn it. RVD is not even hurt. The ref calls for the bell, as RVD has this one! But he is distraught, he did not win the title. RVD starts stalking Gillberg as WHAM! From behind comes Rodney Mack with a LOW BLOW! DAMN IT! Rodney Mack and Gillberg leave back-stage as RVD is left in pain staring down the ramp after being screwed out of winning the EWA United States title.

 What a prime example of team work and more importantly what a prime example of showing the black people of America how do get things done. Now for the black people sitting at home, its ok for people to get help from white people, it should happen more often. Now hard feeling to RVD he just had to be a made an example of. Now Mack has forgotten all about the events of last Monday. He achieved what he aimed and that was to retain his United States title. Now a week later from Chaos comes another dose of Chaos, this Monday Rodney Mack will go one on one with Eddie Guerrero in a none title match up. I mean c’mon do you think a Latino cheat should get a shot at Mack’s title? Neither do I.

With a successful defence of Mack’s title under his belt he has decided to see how popular his appearance has become. Mack has decided it is time to see how many people he has effected in the heart of wrestling. With so many millions of black American people in this country you bet your bottom dollar Mack will be as popular a bottle of milk with a spout. How can Mack see his improved fan base I hear you ask, well Mack is going to take a visit to an official EWA merchandise shop to see how many sales his t-shirts have made. The camera comes in with Mack and Gillberg sat in back of a yellow cab making there way to the shop. The driver is an afro-Caribbean WHITE man and is sporting a huge hat to cover up his dreadlocks.

Rodney Mack O Man, I am so psyched at defendin’ this title. But hey I gotta’ owe a bit of it to you G. You played your role well playa’ keep up the good work. For that good work here is 4 dollars. Yep that’s right it’s double your usual wage.

Mack hands Gillberg lots loose coins to a pleased Gillberg. Gillberg grabs all the coins dead quick and places them into his fanny pack.

Rodney Mack You earned them G, you earned every cent of them. But hey don’t forget if you do the same week in week out I might even give you a dollar note. Yea that’s how big the prizes can get by workin’ with me.

Gillberg has a huge grin on his face as Mack tells him of these lucrative deals.

Rodney Mack This week I gotta’ face some cheatin’, connivin’ little son of a bitch. Eddie Guerrero is his name and that chump thinks he can play with the big dawgs now! Well this Monday I am gonna’ show him I am a dawg who doesn’t jus’ bark all day. Y’know what im sayin’?

Gillberg Laaa! Moonsharrrrrr!

Rodney Mack What does it take to be a big dawg? Jus’ look at me. You gotta’ have a title which I got, you got be a tough ass mutha’ like me and you jus gotta be god damn sexy…also like me. He aint even on my level. He so shit you betta’ than him man. O yea and finally to be a big dawg you gotta’ shift products out of tha’ store like me. That’s why were goin’ to this joint. O yea and by the way I would like to get there sometime soon Mr “I wanna be a black man”

Cab Driver Damn man, why you so harsh. I am black you fool!

Rodney Mack Black…? I don’t think so. You are as black as Michael Jackson.

Cab Driver I don’t think so man, I am full grown black. Anyway you hear now and that will be 9 big ones.

Rodney Mack Here takes 9 small ones and here’s a tip, get a really job!

Mack steps out of the cab with Gillberg. There are stood at the foot of a EWA merchandise store. Young kids are coming in and out of shop with there merchandise.

Rodney Mack You see all those bags G? There all filled to the rim with Rodney Mack accessories. From t-shirts to figures and from figures to Vibrator’s for there moms. I am a marketin’ fortune in its own right. I must make EWA millions each week. C’mon lets go in and see how I am doing.

The shop is filled to the roof with all kinds of EWA products. Each wrestler in the EWA has it own section of items. The Rock, HHH, Jericho. They all have there own section. All the stars of EWA are selling there products alright by the look of it. There shelf’s are emptied but that’s until you look at Rodney Mack’s all of this section is still there, yes and your right. Even the vibrators are there. Mack spots this and has a woeful look across his face. Mack walks over to the counter near his section.

Rodney Mack Hey yo, you! What the hell is goin’ on here then? Why aren’t any of my products sellin’?

Shop Assistant O Rodney Mack what a pleasure to meet you. Im sorry to tell you this but you don’t seem popular to the fans of the EWA.

Rodney Mack Say WHAT!? The fans love me. Week in week out I sell all the tickets for the EWA. When I come out onto the ramp it’s another story. I have women crying in the crowd jus cause’ they see me in the flesh.

Shop Assistant No I think the people cry is because they are crying with laughter at you. The people find you extremely funny because you say you are black.

Rodney Mack I am black, I aint gonna argue about this again. Now I want figure of my t shirts sold. I wanna know what is goin’ wrong.

The woman pulls a book from underneath the counter and opens it.

Shop Assistant Your weekly sales on average of t shirts are 2 a week, a poster of you is 3 a week and your own endorsed Vibrater “The Shaft” has sold 1. Im sorry Mack but you are not in demand like Jericho and The Rock.

Rodney Mack Not in Demand! Have you not seen this thing over my shoulder? It is a United States title. Do you see The Rock or Jericho with one of these things? I don’t think so. So I demand more reasons why my products are not sellin’ you got that?

Shop Assistant There is only on explanation for it and that is the fact that you are not liked by the fans. And as for the black folk who you say are your fans, they don’t believe you are black.

Rodney Mack Ok then if my products are not selling then whose are?

Shop Assistant At the moment Rock, Jericho and now Eddie Guerrero.

Rodney Mack Eddie Guerrero? Why is he selling products? He aint nothin’ but a Latino throwback.

Shop Assistant He is selling because he is tipped to beat the US champion on Monday.

Rodney Mack I am the US champ damn it! He aint gonna be shit!

Shop Assistant Well obviously to the fans he will and trust me it isn’t often they are wrong. I mean if you look at these figures they are outstanding compared to you.

Rodney Mack Why? What shit is he sellin’ which I aint, Huh?

Shop Assistant He has shifted around 1500 t shirts this week. Also he has sold theft kits in the hundreds. This man is on fire at the moment and is a fast money maker.

Rodney Mack Well I got to be a earning more than someone surely. What about G, hey? Gillberg he cant be sellin’ much.

Shop Assistant In fact Gillberg has become a fast selling man who is also on the increase too. since his impact last Monday everyone wants his Gillberg. His mouth slime has sold thousands world wide. Your fellow partner has become an overnight global phenomenon. The people believe he should be holding your US title.

Rodney Mack O MY GOD! I think im gonna kill myself. Gillberg is shifting more sales than Mack, The playa? The only positive black man in America? I don’t think so. My fan base is unparallel no matter what you say. I have millions of fans.

Shop Assistant Your fans originate from the streets they don’t have money to buy products. Maybe that’s why your sales are so low.

Rodney Mack Yea your right, my fans are god damn scruffs! Why the hell do I bother with them? They need jobs that’s why they aint buyin’ my shit. Well I am going to change all of that. I would like to buy 500 t shirts of Rodney Mack. No wait how much are they?

Shop Assistant $11 each

Rodney Mack 11 BUCKS! No thanks. No wonder my products aren’t sellin’ my average fan base wage is only $10 a year. C’mon G lets get outta’ here this place is ruinin’ my image.

Mack and G leave the shops disappointed. Not only because Mack’s lack of selling but because he has realised his fan base is full of tramps. You almost feel sorry for them but Mack doesn’t. The only thing Mack can think about right now his Match this coming Monday on Chaos. Mack Vs Eddie Guerrero! Don’t miss it.