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Lorenzo Machiavelli


Wounds heal, and people heal, and then they move on. This simple phrase would describe Lorenzo Machiavelli, if only his wounds were healed, and in fact, they are not. As we recollect on the latest week in Over The Top Wrestling, a new superstar emerged. His name was mentioned earlier, but, that's completely beside the point. Lorenzo took a crucial fall down the twenty-seven stairs in his home the last time we saw him, and we were left with a cliffhanger, was his tailbone broken, fractured, or just bruised. Maybe there was no injury at all, just a sore back. Had the telephone call from Doctor Morris been made yet? The answer is yes, Doctor Morris did call. And yes, Lorenzo tailbone is injured. It is broken in two places, and some minor injuries occurred to his the center of his back. Doctor Morris specifically instructed Lorenzo to stay away from the squared-circle, but, like the last time we saw him, Lorenzo is full of anxiety and denying the convalescence from happening. For the past couple of says Aimee, Lorenzo's girlfriend and manager if he gets back into the ring, has been reasoning with Lorenzo, attempting to stop him from climbing back into the wrestling business. But it seems like the harder she tries, the more difficult it is to get through to Lorenzo. It is obvious he has a deep, dark, cold desire to win the OTTW World Heavyweight Championship. At the present time, the entire OTTW, Aimee, Doctor Morris, Lorenzo's old best friend Tyler, and any other people around "L'Intelligente UN," Or in American, The Intelligent One. Right now, no one can change his mind about stepping back into the ring, and I for one, am not one to try and be the first to stop him...

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to step inside of a wrestling ring, and give it everything your body will endure in front of millions and millions of people? If you have, you may have some idea of how Lorenzo Machiavelli has felt as of late. You may have made getting into the wrestling ring your deepest desire, it may have been a craving that just would not go away, but the truth is you have no idea how good you actually have it. Lorenzo Machiavelli had the opportunity to get into the ring, and did so, and actually succeeded, but then one mistake ended it all. Ever since then he has been working extra hard on toning his body, and preparing, and now that his is ready for combat, everyone is trying to hold him back.

Our scenario opens in a large auditorium. Curtains hanging from the ceiling reveal the location. One curtain says "Ohatchee Indians - State Champions - 1977." So it is clear that the auditorium is actually the gymnasium of the Ohatchee High School, where Lorenzo Machiavelli attended. The red and white lines across the basketball court send a rush of adrenaline into the atmosphere. Then, a soft tune is heard, in the background, but as you listen more closely, it becomes more clear. The song "Faint" by Linkin Park is playing on the gymnasium speakers. Coincidentally, that is Lorenzo Machiavelli's theme music for when he enters the ring. After this, we notice a figure sitting in the stands. He is wearing dark blue jeans, with a light fade down the center of the front and back. The bottom of the pants are ripped, intentionally, to hang over the American Eagle boots this figure is wearing. A gray t-shirt, consisting of an Italian flag directly in the center of it, with the letters "A, E, and O" in each color of the flag. Representing American Eagle Outfitters. Clearly, this is no longer a coincidence, the figure we see sitting in the stands is none other than the preppy, Italian character who goes by the name Lorenzo Machiavelli. His long dark brown shag curls over his ears and his bangs curl into his eyes. A red hat, tilted to the right and put on his head loosely, lies on the head of Lorenzo's. A blue Pepsi can sits beside Lorenzo, Lorenzo picks it up frequently, taking drinks that are anything but sips. For such a great athlete, Lorenzo is quite the cola drinker. A brown leather bag sits next to Lorenzo, on his other side, and as he throws the Pepsi can under the stands, he grasps the bag's strap and picks it up, setting it on his lap. He unzips the largest zipper and pulls out a round gold award. It has a wrestler on top of it, and the writing on the bottom says; "Italian Wrestling Of The Year Award: Lorenzo Machiavelli". Obviously this is one of the most honorable awards you can recieve in Italy for wrestling. You get that sense just from the way Lorenzo holds, and cherishes the award. A look of deep concern is on the expression of Lorenzo's face, and maybe even a tiny tear appears in his eye. Suddenly he puts the award back into the bag and zips it up.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: It bewilders me to realize I gave all of this up, for one injury, and a woman. It's insane, what love can do to a man. It just took over me and washed me up into this wonderland, like a wave from the ocean washing me ashore. It's all been great so far, but lately, I have had this urge, to just get back into the ring and win all these awards and championships all over again. But then, there's the one obstacle. The obstacle is human, and has one of the most precious names I have ever heard, Aimee Wolfe. She does not believe I should get back into wrestling, in fear that I could expand the injuries in my neck and back. Of course, I have opinions exactly the opposite of her's, but, like I said, love can do a lot to change a man's mind.

Lorenzo is obviously debating, between himself, whether or not he should get back into the ring, and ignore Aimee's opinion, or stay out of the ring, and listen to her. The question is a good one, and very difficult to answer.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: Never before in Italy had a man accomplished so much, in so little time as me. Everyone knew my name, I was on every single magazine cover you could purchase. Then I ended it all, trying to please the fans, with a highflying, insane maneuver to win the World Title. That's when I broke my neck. Afterwards, all of my fans disowned me. No one knew my name, and suddenly all of my awards meant absolutley nothing. To no one, except Aimee, and myself of course. I really cannot get over how much I love her.

Suddenly, Lorenzo reaches deep into his American Eagle pockets and pulls out a round edged small box-like figure. He pops it open and there is a ring, shining brightly, inside. This is obviously a wedding band, and Lorenzo intends to propose to Aimee sometime soon.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: Now, if you are intelligent enough, no wait, if you have common sense, you would have just realized that I intend on proposing to Aimee the next time I see her, most likely tonight. Now, what do wrestling and marriage have to do with anything? Well, the true answer would be nothing, but, maybe they do. If I get engaged, I seriously doubt I am going to be able to go through with the wrestling. But if I wrestle, Aimee might not want to marry me. I do not know if I am going to be able to make a decision with this much importance.

Lorenzo looks up at the ceiling, and closes his eyes. He brings his hands into fists and sets them in his indian style lap. And he begins praying outloud.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: Dear Heavenly Father, I need your help, love, and your advice. I am caught in a life or love situation, and I don't know what to do. I have no family to help me to decide. I can either, propose to Aimee. Or, start wrestling again. I know I am still in my prime, but the injuries, God will you be with me the entire time, through each match I compete in, if I ever compete? This decision is ripping me in half. Please, just your help. Thank you lord, thank you Jesus, A men.

Lorenzo's eyes pop open, and they are now filled with tears as he does not yet know what to do. Suddenly he seems to hear a voice inside his head, as his face relieves from all the stress is once contained. The small, almost silent voice, gives Lorenzo the most pleasure he has had all week.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: Now I know what I must do...

» Epilogue: What is Lorenzo's decision going to be?! Will he marry Aimee or will he climb back into the wrestling ring and go back to the glory days when he was the most popular man in the country? What did the voice inside Lorenzo's head say... or was it a voice at all? WHAT WILL HE DO!?

Chapter 3 The Beginning Part One

One of the most controversial famous idols in American History will be former President William Clinton. Cheating on his spouse while in office, and all kinds of other transgressions. But as awkward as he may have seemed, Lorenzo Machiavelli will bring a new definition to the term controversial. He has left people wondering, so many times before. He has broken the law. And sometimes, seems to even make his own. And once again he left us in confusion. Will we ever find out his decision?

A familiar scent drowns the air, as the scenario opens up inside of Lorenzo Machiavelli's home. Once again he is on his bed. Aimee is laying beside him, and it looks as if they may have just finished making love. The curly shag we have become so accustomed to seeing is messed up now more than ever, and even sweat trickles down the forehead of Lorenzo. Aimee lies under the covers, eyes closed, cuddling with Lorenzo. Lorenzo reaches across to his pants and pulls out the box, containing the ring that we saw earlier. He gently shakes Aimee's shoulder and flicks the box open.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: Aimee Lynn Wolfe, Will you do me the honor, of being my wife?

Excitement shoots through the air, Aimee's expression goes from a tired look, to an astonished look.

» Aimee Wolfe: Oh my God... I never expected this. Yes, Lorenzo, I will marry you!

And there you have it, these two have now become engaged but now we become more confused than ever. Did Lorenzo just give up on coming back to wrestling, even after he was assigned a match for this Monday against Chris Jericho? For some reason I highly doubt he has completely given up on it...

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: Heh, Aimee, I have one more question for you, and it is probably not going to please you as much as the last one did.

Aimee suddenly has a look of concern on her beautiful, smooth face.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: I am begging you, to not be frustrated with me, for getting back into the wrestling business. I know you told me you did not want me back in it. But I do not think I can live without wrestling. I went to the old high school today and thought about this decision over and over again and I just could not come up with a decent answer. I asked God to help me and he did, he told me to try both, and that if you loved me enough to marry me, that you would let me get back into the ring.

Aimee looks shocked, once again. Lorenzo appears to be waiting patiently on an honest answer.

» Aimee Wolfe: Well to tell you the truth, lately, I have been reconsidering my opinion about you and wrestling. And ecspecially after tonight, I know I have changed my mind. I would love it if you could get back into the ring, and do what you love, and that's just because it makes you happy.

The telephone suddenly rings, but neither Lorenzo nor Aimee even take their eyes from each other. They lay there silently. And they hear the answering machine pick up.

» Answering Machine: Hello, you have reached Lorenzo and Aimee. We are not currently available to take your call, please leave a message and we will call you back as soon as possible.

» Caller: Yes, this is Christopher Jericho from the OTTW. I just wanted you to know you're GETTING YOU'RE FUCKING ASS BEAT MONDAY LORENZO!!!! Just kidding, just kidding, this is Tyler man. I heard about you getting in Over The Top Wrestling. I just wanted to congratulate you on getting accepted and I wanted to wish you good luck. I'll call you back later man, and tell Aimee I said hi. Later.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: Sometimes I wonder why I hang out with him... He is crazy, calling here in the middle of a moment like this, screaming into my answering machine.

» Aimee Wolfe: You never told me you had a match on Monday with Chris Jericho. Why didn't you tell me?

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: Well I didn't figure it was that important, I mean come on it's Chris Jericho, there is nothing vital about that name. I'll start off my wrestling in America like I usually start off... undefeated.

» Aimee Wolfe: I love that about you.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: You love what about me.

» Aimee Wolfe: Everything. But the confidence you maintain, really turns me on.

Lorenzo lays on top of Aimee and kisses her. The scenario fades...

» Epilogue: Lorenzo has the best luck of any wrestler in OTTW right now, he is getting married and getting back into the ring. But we still haven't heard much about Chris Jericho from Lorenzo Machiavelli. It should be a great match, but right now, it's only the beginning.

Chapter 3 The Beginning (Poisioned) Part Two

A feeling of urgency, and a feeling of calmness mix in the air. We don't know what to think of this. They seem to twist together and form a thunderstorm ... and this thunderstorm happens to be named Lorenzo Machiavelli. Green walls cave inward, towards Lorenzo who sits at the kitchen table, in the same clothes he had the day before. He is writing in the notebook that seems so familiar to us.

So many years have passed by, where will I find the strength, I used to soar through the air so high, Now what will they think, Everything is hard, I can't even blink, Things have become difficult, such as washing my hands in the sink, But I will never give up, I will never faint, I will leave blood on Chris Jericho like red paint, I will have won my first match, fair or cheated, I will leave Monday Night Raw, Undefeated,

This must be Lorenzo's version, of talking about the upcoming match that he has this Monday Night on Raw with Chris Jericho. It's a pretty equal match, except Jericho has not been away from the ring for so long.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: I wonder what will happen? Will my injuries come back and haunt me all through the match? Or will I find the inner strength and build off of it, and then come out with a victory? Or...

(Daydreaming) The scenario has changed, now a blue mat, no wait it's a wrestling ring, surround the area. A body lays on the mat, close to the left turnbuckle, on the left turnbuckle, you see a familiar figure. Is that... ? Yes, it is Lorenzo Machiavelli. Everyone in the audience is screaming for him. He stands up, ready to leap. He does a little taunt with his hands that really gets the crowd stirred up, and then leaps. He slips on the turnbuckle and his momentum drives his head straight down into the mat. (Daydreaming)

What we have just witnessed has got to be the injury of Lorenzo Machiavelli's neck. Quite possibly one of the most disgusting videos in Florence.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: That was going to be my last match in Italy. And it was, because to this day, I have not stepped into a wrestling ring in Italy. As a matter of a fact I have not stepped into a wrestling ring anywhere. But all of that is going to change this Monday Night. The anxiety my body is flooded with, no one could understand. The blood races to my head every time I think about it. But I calm down, each and everytime I see that Over The Top Wrestling World Championship and realize I will be winning that in just a few weeks.

An iniquitous grin appears on Lorenzo's face, and obviously he has everything plotted, or even scheduled. He is ready, is Jericho?

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: Too bad for Chris Jericho, his ego will probably be the main factor in the match. He is preoccupied boasting about past accomplishments, that he does not realize he is about to go up against one of the best. I am much more intelligent than Jericho, I will know his every move. When he tries the Walls Of Jericho, I will have something to counter it with. And when he tries his springboard moonsault, I will know exactly where to roll over to, or exactly when to put my knees up. Chris Jericho will be a pity when I am finished, even more of one than he is now.

Finally, Lorenzo has quoted something about Chris Jericho. The long, complicated wait is over. Basically what he has said is that, no matter what Chris Jericho does, it will not work in the match, because Lorenzo will always have a counter.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: Monday Night marks the beginning for me. My record is reset. And it's like I never even won of all of those titles in Italy, because quite frankly, now they don't matter. I will rise to the top of this place in a matter of weeks. If I start a tag team, it will be the dominant tag team. If I start a stable, it will be the inevitable stable. And if I decided to remain on my own again, I will be the best single's competitor you can find in the United States of America.

Suddenly, Lorenzo's feet touch the floor and his body rises into the air as he stands up. He walks over to the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of liquid. The label says "Smirrinoff Ice, Malt Beverage." Lorenzo pops the cap off the top of the bottle and gulps about half of the bottle down. Once again, you may wonder how he stays in shape and so coordinated, drinking so much cola, and now this, malt beverage.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: Damn. American alcohol doesn't even taste as good. This country is pathetic!

You get the sense that Lorenzo is trying the best he can to find every single problem wrong with America. And, believe me, he will continue looking until he does. Lorenzo throws the bottle across the kitchen and into the trash can, it looks as if he may have rehearsed, or practiced this some other time. He walks to the refridgerator once again and instead of pulling out one bottle, pulls out two six packs, one of the six packs has one bottle missing. In the refridgerator, sets two empty bottles of Jack Daniele's, Lorenzo drunk both of these earlier. So, he is pretty drunk, and each drink he takes is getting more and more dangerous to his health. He opens the next Smirrinoff bottle and begins sipping on it. He speaks in a new tone, a confused tone, you can now see he is drunk, just by the amount of cursing he does.

» Lorenzo Machiavelli: That Chris Jericho is one crazy mother fucker to step into the ring with me. I'm the fucking intelligent one. I won all the damn titles back in Italy and now no one fucking respects me.

Lorenzo stands up and walks about four yards when...


The scenario changes once again, just as we learned a new personality trait of Lorenzo's. He is an alcoholic. He is addicted to caffeine. And he is returning to wrestling this Monday night. And, he just fainted, due to alcohol poisoning. Then we begin to hear voices.

» Aimee Wolfe: I try telling him all the time to stop drinking but he never listens to me!

We see Aimee standing in the waiting room, screaming at the doctor. Lorenzo is located in the back somewhere, in a coma.

» Doctor: Ma'am we're going to have to ask you to calm down, your fiance will be fine, trust me.

Aimee sits down in the chair, and shrugs her shoulders.

What will happen to Lorenzo? Will he recover from the alcahol poisening in time for the match Monday, or will he recover at all?! ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 309 Lines Comments: This role-play was cut off at the end... I got a really bad case of writer's block but there is one more part to it, so I just ended it with another cliffhanger. Send me some feed back. Quality: 7.5 - 8 Quantity: 9.5 - 10 Total: 9/10 A good role-play overall, just trying to grow into my character and set up for the big storyline.