mentioned /Used Occ.Comment  Boyfriend/Manager  Roleplay.number
 :..good question...:   :.......: one yet..:   :..# 1..: 

"Not Gonna Get Us" by the lovely ladies of Tatu rocks over the PA system and the lights dim a purple, blue, then pinkish color. A few seconds pass by and the newest Diva known as Lita steps out from behind the curtains to a huge ovation from the crowd. She stands in the entrance a moment, then starts her way down the now glowing red steel ramp. She walks around the side of the ring tapping a few hands at ringside, before sliding into the ring and taunting the crowd for a moment.

~*Lovely Lita*~
Well, first off, what is up IWF fans?! That's right, as you can tell the newest, hotest, a most definatly most talented diva has arrived in the IWF. But hey, I'm not out here to brag about how good I am, that'd just waste mine and your time, and no one wants that. Now I've been looking around this place, and damn, there's no diva competition around here. Now ya know I prefer to fight women, but hair pulling, bitch slapping, cat fighting just isn't my style, so little boys back stage, don't get on my bad side, believe me you'll regret it. But hey, who am I to talk, I'm just the newbie right. Well it's all good, I"Ll prove myself soon enough, sooner than you may think, perhaps Danger Zone...
~*Lovely Lita*~
But before you people get all pissy at me, and get this whole ego attitude thing going on, uh, let me warn you. I'm not the diva you want to mess with, I"m not the blonde helpless, carry me backstage type. I've got no problem starting a fight, I"ve got no problem finishing a fight, it doesn't matter who it is, or where it's at. See I've had my training, and I"ve had my experience, just because I"m new doesn't mean that I"m weak. And if you think that, you'll have one major surprise coming your way pretty damn soon. YOu don't want to step in the ring with me, it's never a fun experience for my opponent. Because I will maul you, I will bloody you, batter you, bruise you, and send your ass out of there on a freaking stretcher. And hey, that's just the least of it, sorry I don't take anyone lightly. I show mercy to no one, so frankly if you get in my way of victory, you're going down. I"ll burry you in that ring a water you, hey, maybe you'll grow into something. So I hope that you take what I said to heart, or if you don't, step in my way, I dare you.

Lita drops the mic as her theme hits the PA once again. She stands there a mometn with a smug look on her face. After a moment, she hops out of the ring and slowly makes her way to the backstage area into her locker room as the scene fades off to a commercial~

This layout was my by Ann for Ann, stealing is against the law ya know, so if you'd like to stay outta trouble with the law, but most importantly me, then you won't take it., emial me if you'd like one

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