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| AIM: ImYaH0okUp | E-Mail: Zx6PiMpDaDdY9xZ

||- Roleplay Title: Comin At Ya-|| ||- Roleplay Number: #1 -|| ||- Current Match: Main Event At Mayhem -|| 

XxX Scene XxX
||x|| The Scene Opens to the backstage area..WWE Cameras focus on The Locker Rooms..Everyone is gathered around, waiting for one of the best talents to step foot in Wrestling..This being, Scott Steiner..The Cameras walk into the locker room..All WWE Superstars are gathered around in two seperate lines..Down the center of that line, leads to Scott Steiner..Steiner is sitting down, back facing to the Camera..He's strapping on his boot's, and stretching a bit..Suddenly, A WWE Staff Member comes up..He tells Scott.."Its Ready.." Steiner rises, and looks toward the Camera. He Smiles, and then continues down the line..WWE Talent stares at Steiner, Some stare with respect, some stare in fear, while others stare wanting to hurt him..Steiner ignores all of them, And then heads out of the locker room. The Purple Warrior himself starts to make his way towards the ring area..Camera's fade, and reappear to the titan tron..Throughout the whole arena, you hear.."Big Poppa Pump, Is Your Hook Up, Holla If Ya Hear Me!" Sirens blare of the P.A System, and out walks The Man himself, Scott Steiner! Scott Steiner walks down the ramp a little bit, but very slowly..He pause's and stands..The Cameras zoom up, Lights flash, and the whole arena is going crazy..Steiner flexe's his arm, raises it to his lips, and kiss's his muscle. Big Poppa Pump is showing just why he is a Genetic Freak. This man, This Talent, Is in the World Wrestling Entertainment..And what better place for him to be, other than here..Already this man has put fear in others..Already, he is going to be Main Eventing..And thats just the kind of guy Scott Steiner Is..Just look at him..Steiner continues walking down the ramp..He finally steps foot in the WWE Ring for his very first time, ever! He looks around a bit..The size of this man is undefinable. His structure is perfect, and he very well may be the best ever in the WWE..The best ever, anywhere..Steiner motions for a mic..He quickly recieves one, like he's god..Steiner talks for the first time in the WWE. ||x||
XxX End Of Scene XxX

||x|| "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner ||x||
Thats Right! The Big Bad Booty Daddy Himself has come to the WWE! And let me tell all you little son of a bitch's who dont know me, just who the hell I am! I am Big Poppa Pump..I am The Genetic Freak..The Purple Warrior..And I am Comin At Ya! I put the E, In Entertainment..Some of you freak's in the back might be thinking, why is Scott Steiner getting so much attention? Why is Scott Steiner getting The World Title Shot On Mayhem? Well I'll tell ya why! It's simple..It's because their's nobody finer...Then Scott Steiner! Oh and, just to let some of you know..I am not just any type of man..No..You see, I am Superman!! When I signed with the WWE..I wanted one thing..World Title..Now, The First time WWE sent me a Contract, I didnt sign it..Yeah..It might Guaranteed me over a Million Dollars of Money..Yeah, It might of gave me my own private jet, limo, and so on..But the thing it didnt guarantee me, was The World Title, or, the Shot..So I took that contract, and ripped it into shreds..The best, deserves the best..And thats not what I was getting..Later that week Vince McMahon himself called me, saying, that when I come to WWE..The following Mayhem, I will get my World Title Shot..Now, how can I pass up that offer? So I didnt..Which is why I am here..This Match might have some cons in em'. But, im not one to worry. This coming Mayhem I face Five Other Men..Five? That's all? Heh, I was hoping bout Eight, I need a Good Warm-Up in my return to Wrestling after a short break. Five will do..Whats odd about this match, is that, I have a Partner..How can I have a partner, If its for The World Title? Whatever..I think im supposed to whoop his little ass too..Who is it again? Oh yeah, Matt Hardy..Mattitude..Oh Wow Mattitude..Screw Mattitude, I got Attitude..Matt Hardy, Partner or not, In The End I will wind up kicking your ass..See, in the end, their is no teams, theirs just one! And that one will be me! Matt, we might have to bare with one another in the beginning, but when the time is right, and i have the open shot, watch out, because Big Poppa Pump will be comin at ya!

||x|| "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner ||x||
Enough about Matt..It seems I have a few others I need to speak of..Such as Rob Van Dam, The Undertaker, Kane, And Kurt Angle..Now dont get me wrong..All these men have a lot of potention..All these men, have what it takes to be a Champion! But what these men dont have..Is the ability, or the strength to beat me, The Man above all men, Scott Steiner! Rob Van Dam..You have heart kid! Which is why I will enjoy tearing it apart! Everything you ever dreamed off, Everything you ever hoped for..Lies in my hands now! I dont take any shit from anybody! I do what I want, when I want to! Rob, Ill be damned If I let some bitch like you, stop me from becoming World Champion! Thats the thing..I wont have to be damned..Because unlike you, I will be World Champion..And unlike the rest of you, I have what it takes! Bring your Five Star Frog Splash's, and bring your Van Daminators..But in the long run..Just like them all..You will all take a seat in the Steiner Recliner! Undertaker..You and I..We seem to see Eye To Eye..We are both here to get far..Only one of us, can get their at a time though..Who will it be? Time can only tell..Unless youd like me to..I'll tell you anyways..It will be me, going the distance..I will take that long road on becoming WWE's first ever World Champion. Taker, Respect you want? Respect you will get! That is if you show me what your made of on Mayhem! Taker, Your the Big Dog..You own this Yard..So defend yourself...Defend your Land..If You Can!Undertaker, You might be on your Last Ride for once..Your a Has been Taker..You need to give people like me, Room to move on..Your just in my way! Your only making it hard for yourself too..Your just one person I need to get by to get to the World Title..You actually think you still have it in you do be A Champion? Please, Ten years ago maybe..Now..You should be going for the Legends Championship..Face it, Your old, and yeah, your a Legend! Im not here to Compete, Im here to win..Im here to kick ass..Your ass is one that will get kicked! Onto your brother, Kane..Kane, You Big Red Retard, Your just as stupid as the next guy, or stupider because just like them all, you'll be stepping in the ring with me..Look at me! Look at me real good too Kane! Do you see these arms? Do you see these biceps? Im more of a man than youll ever be! Youd be luck if ur were even half the man I am! You sure proved yourself last Mayhem..Getting defeated by Christian..Thats beyond Pathetic! If you cant be a Leightweight like Christian, what makes u think you can beat a Heavyweight like me? Thats exactly it though..You dont think! Kane, the best thing you can do, is suck up the pain..Pain will be the only thing you'll witness coming from me..I sure as hell wont show Mercy! Last, And, probably the least, Kurt Angle! Angle is a perfect name for you..Kurt, In the Ring, Theirs four Angle's right? Watch out at all them Four Angles, Because I can be coming from one from of them! I can come from all Angles! Kurt, You cant handle this! You cant handle what the Big Bad Booty Daddy has to offer! Thats True..Oh It Is! You think you can be Champ? Yet, your nothing more than a Chump!Them littly medals of yours cant help you in this match! As far as those medals go, you can shove them as far up your ass as you can! But that wont be the only thing going up your ass! Because so will the end of my boot! Who knows, it might be coming out from your mouth..That wont feel good I bet! I want you to try one thing Angle..Try to Snap My Ankle! That will only encourage me more to snap your Spine! See you all at Mayhem! This wont be the last you've heard of me either..I leave saying this...Big Poppa Pump, Is Your Hook Up..

Holla If Ya Hear Me!

XxX Scene XxX
||x|| Scott Steiner drops the mic..No matter how many people might hate him, The Whole Arena is going crazy still..The Sirens play again..Steiner exits the ring and walks back up the ramp..He heads backstage and the WWE cameras Fade to commercial ||x||
XxX End Of Promo XxX