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All News Can't Be Good.... Can it?

It’s been a little over a year since Xavier West has graced a wrestling ring. No explanation…No warning….. Inexplicably he walked out of the arena that night and never returned. Some say he was run out of town by the Owner. Others say he’d had enough and couldn’t cut it anymore. Xavier says otherwise. That is why he contacted old friends. He yearned to get back into the ‘game’. This time it’s a little different. He’s no longer the big ticket of wrestling. He’s simply one of the players now. A third or fourth tier guy in a land of superstars. But you know what? I think he prefers it this way. It gives him a chance to fly under the radar while climbing to the top. But, just how far has he fallen from that top? It’ll be both a joy and a sacrifice. Why a sacrifice? Give it time you will see….
| Scene opens to the sight of a wooden door. Writing is on the door but can’t be identified. The camera zooms in to where the letters are able to be read. |
“Medical Offices of Funderberk & Whittaker”
| The camera pans over to the typical glass window of a doctor’s office and peers in. A fairly muscular black man is shown standing near the receptionist’s window. The man signs a few papers a bids the receptionist a farewell. He walks closer toward the camera and exits the office. Upon his exit, faint rap music can be heard. It gets louder as the man reaches into his pocket and brings out his cell phone. |
Man: Hello?
Phone: ……
Man: Give me the good news.
Phone: ……
Man: Good. That explains why there’s this ass**** pointing this camera at me. But that is a needed bit of fresh air after what I’m going through.
Phone: …….
Man: The visit went fine. Nothing definitive yet. I won’t know until the results get back in about a week or so.
Phone: …….
Man: Yeah, I hear ya. So when did u say my match was?
Phone: ……..
Man: Sir James vs. Xavier West? Pay Per View? What a way to get back into things huh? You know much about this James guy?
Phone: ……
Xavier West: So know one’s seen this d*ck since the match was announced? I guess that’s good for me. Maybe he won’t show up for the match either and save me the energy and himself some embarrassment.
Phone: …….
Xavier: Dude, don’t worry about that. I don’t have any problems stopping me from performing in that ring so let’s just wait for the results. Ok?
Phone: …….
Xavier: Damn right! That’s what I want to here. I’ll talk to you later, bro. I’m heading for a workout now.
Phone: …..
Xavier: Later.
| The man, now identified as newcomer Xavier West, closes his phone and returns it to his pocket. He looks over at the camera and motions for it to come closer. The cameraman obliges and moves in. We see a slight intensity on his face as he grabs the camera. |
Xavier: Is this how it’s gonna work at The Garden? Kayla tell you to disturb me on my private time? No matter. You wanted some promo style trash talk from me, huh? Alright. This here is the thing. It’s been a long road back for me. No one knows what I had to go through to get back to this spot. No one can even fathom what I’m still going through now. Sir James, from the sound of things you seem like a smart guy. You know when to keep your mouth shut and you know when you don’t have a chance of succeeding. That’s an intelligent thing to do. Just show up at the arena and I’ll make quick work of you, trust me.
| Xavier pushes the camera away from him and begins to descend down the nearest stairs. |