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People Mentioned -
EAW Record -
Next Match -Kid Rock Vs Ivan Morena (Technical Title/Ladder Match
OOC Comment - Morena you've fucked with the wrong Pimp
People Used -Kid Rock, Coach, Robber Guy, JR, King,
::The screen lights up and we see the inside of the Canada Airport where a plane from Detroit has just flew in and the passengers are unloading.....and out from the off ramp walks Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson.....and as soon as he steps into the airport a huge crowd of people surrond him and start asking him to sign their stuff......Kid signs a few of their shirts and takes a few pictures with some kids.....then he walks through the airport still with a crowd following him......he gets to the cargo pick up where he and Pam wait for their bags to come around and they see them but before they can grab then some guy runs by and grabs Kid's bag and starts running away....Kid chases after him and eventully catches him and throws him to the groud::

[--Kid Rock--]

[--Robber Guy--]
::I didn't want to Morena sent me.....he said if I didn't take your bag then he would make me pay!::

[--Kid Rock--]
::Well you go tell Morena to start waisting his time on bags and start worrying about Monday!::

[--Robber Guy--]
::Yes Sir Mr.Rock Sir.....I'll go tell him now::

::Kid then lets him up and the guy runs off out of the Airport and Kid gets up and picks up his bag and walks back to Pam and he gets her bag from the Cargo pick up and they walk out of the Airport and get into a long stretch Cadilac Escalade! and it drives off as we cut to break::


::We come back a little later and we see the parking lot where Kid Rock's stretch Cadilac Escalade pulls up and Kid and Pam get out they start to walk into the arena but their stopped by The Coach::

::MR.ROCK may I ask you a few questions?::

[--Kid Rock--]
::Yeah sure whatever just make it quick I have ring time coming up::

::Thank' Mr.Rock you and Ivan Morena have been having problems with each other as of late.....can you shed any light on the subject::

[--Kid Rock--]
::Yeah I see this Ivan Morena guy come's into EAW thinking he's Mr. Big Shot thinking he can come out at every event and attack me.....well that's not how it works with me Morena you see if you want respect then you have to earn it.....and to earn my respect then you need to start by facing me like a man and not from come out to the ring and hit me with your I-Slam and think your bad and you make me lose to Suicidal no diss to Suicide I think he has major talent but come on really everybody knows that I had that match won until Morena stuck his big fat nose in my business.....but I'll take care of that on Monday and if his little bitch Valintino wants to get involved then he can because they don't call me The American Badass for nothing......and I have yet to unleash The Early Morning Stoned Pimp Drop in any of my matches so on Monday I break it out on Morena and retain my Technical Title because he just doesn't have what it takes to face a talent of my caliber......Morena I've felt you I-Slam and really it ain't SHIT!!! I've now taken it not once but TWICE!! and still got up to walk out of the arena....but Morena when I hit you with the Pimp Drop I promise you wont get up OH NO you'll be down for the long run I garandamtee that.......and Morena if you wanna play dirty then that's fine with me cause I'm down with that::

::Strong Mr.Rock how do you feel about it being a Ladder match and this being your first Ladder Match in your career::

[--Kid Rock--]
::Yeah it's a Ladder Match....but does that scare me? HELL NO......I knew what I was doing when I signed that EAW Contract and I'm ready for whatever EAW can send at matter what it is I'll take it head on with no fear......and just because I've never been in a Ladder Match before doesn't mean shit because I'm as bad as they come I'm from the street's of Romeo, Michigan.......I've stood tall against the best of em and Morena is no differant........I'll go against him with no fear whatsoever.......I'm not afraid on Morena, I'm not afraid of anybody in EAW whether it be Booker T.....The nWo.....Ric Flair.....Steve Austin......I'M NOT AFRAID ON ANYBODY!!!::

::Now Mr.Rock the latest rumours are that your going to join one of the two major groups in EAW at Breaking The Rules this can you let us in on your plans?::

[--Kid Rock--]
::My plans are to go to that ring beat Morena retain my Title go to the back tap some ass and go home now does that answer your question?....if not then I say this.....I have heard the rumours about me joining the nWo or The Legacy.....but you see I'm a solo act I don't ride with stable's that's not how The Prodigel Son runs things......I'm a Lone Ranger if you will I don't play second fiddle to anybody and I mean NO ONE!! Couch I say don't listen to rumours::

::No my name is COACH not Couch::

[--Kid Rock--]
::Does it look like I care what your name is? your Beavis I want to call you that now is that understood? better yet this interview is OVER!!::

::Kid and Pam then leave Coach in the parking lot and they go into the arena and EAW cuts to another break::


::We come back from commercial and we see the inside of the arena and the camera focuses on The King and JR who are talking about Breaking The Rules::

[--Jim Ross--]
::Welcome everyone we're live here in the Air Canada Center and we're here for the Breaking The Rules Pre-Show special, I'm good ol, JR and this is my co-announcer Jerry The King Lawler::

[--The King--]
::Yeah JR and I'm pumped up for tonights events and do you know what I'm looking forward to the most?::

::I can only guess::


::I saw that coming......but down to business King tomorrow nights show is going to be a doozy! it that time again and we're back for another Pay Per View and this one is Breaking The Rules......and we have a jam packed card......we have Booker T headlining the event as he goes up against Slim Shady in a Three Stages Of Hell match::

::Yeah JR but don't forget LITAAAAAAA::

::Oh I'm not King she'll be taking on Trunks Atreides in an intergender match up......Gravity will be taking on Scott Steiner a member of the New World Order in a first for EAW a CHAIN MATCH!......Kaje Stele will be putting his Extreme Title on the line against Suicidal Kidd......and Scotty will be defending his US Championship against TJ Roberts.......Steve Austin and Johnny Bollocks vie for the chance to face either Booker T or Slim Shady after the PPV......we also have the Tag Team Title's being put on the line when The Outsiders face off against Tag Champs The Sick Hex Faction in a Tag Team Cage Match.......and The Early Morning Stoned Pimp Kid Rock will be defending his Technical Title against Ivan Morena in a Ladder match.....King it should be a slobber knocker of a Pay Per View!::

::Yeah JR and I bet Kid Rock will be here with guess who! PAMELA ANDERSON WHOOHOO PUUPY'S!!!!::

::Just then King is interupted by huge RED...WHITE....AND BLUE....pyro shooting from the stage and "COCKY" By. Kid Rock blast's over the PA and on the ExtremeTron American Badass flashes across.....just then Kid Rock wearing hits white fur coat walks out from behind the gorrila position curtain along with Pamela Anderson to his right......the crowd gives him cheers but are mixed in with boos because of the American pride that Kid brings along with him......Kid and Pam walk down the ramp and they get into the ring and Kid goes over to the corner and jumps up to the second rope and raises his arms into the air and then he jumps down and Pam hands him a microphone and he looks around before holding the mic to his mouth and saying the famous words!::

[--Kid Rock--]
::MY NAME IS KID!!!...........KID MOTHER FUCKING ROCK!!!!!!!.......Now I'm out here today to talk about a man that is too scared to take me on face to face.....he has to resort in attacking me from behind......and this pathetic worthless excuse for a man is Ivan Morena for the last week you have been a thorn in my side a hemroid on my ass.....but you see soon I will elimanate the problem.....Monday Breaking The Rules Kid Rock verus Ivan Morena Technical Title Ladder Match......and oh what a match it will be because It's my first Pay Per View first technical Title defense and the first time I'm going to beat your ass say your a tough guy? well how can you be a tough guy when you attack people when their backs are turned or while their in a do you think that your worthy of facing me for this Title? I really want to know......Morena Ric Flair once said "To be the man you have to beat the man" but see Morena he didn't say anything about attacking then from behind like a coward! see Morena you'll never be half the man I am you'll never have a chance of ever EVER beating me for this Title......your not worth my time Morena but Flair thought it would be good to book me in a match against you so I'll beat your ass down.......I'll make you pay for attacking me twice in one week......I'll make you pay for ever stepping in the same ring as The Prodigal Son....The American Badass.....The Early Morning Stoned Pimp......The Devil Without A don't have the brains nor the talent to keep up with me in this ring.......and seeing as how it's a Ladder match makes your chances go straight down the shitter as if you ever had a chance.......I mean face it Morena I'm just plain better then you......your nothing Morena just a coward that walks around with his little boyfriend that's a faggots name if I've ever heard one......Morena your in line for one hell of a fucking up......I am so ready to beat your ass down and then when I hit you with The Early Morning Pimp Drop and your laid out for the 1.......2.......3 it'll be all over and you and Valentino will have to go back to your locker room and do whatever it is that you queers Morena you think because you won your match against Jericho because he didn't show up means something?......well don't think it's because he was scared of you......well I take that back he probably was scared.....scared that you would try humping him or something.........fuck if my Title wasn't on the line i wouldn't show up but your not getting anywhere near my ass......and if you do then I will not hesitate to knock you out with the Ladder.......Morena you talk big but when it comes down to you getting in the ring and showing what you have you just don't measure you think I won this Title by sitting on my ass?.....HELL NO I had to beat one of the toughest Technical Champions in the history of EAW Big Morena don't think that when we go one on one that I'll be some easy task because if that's what you think well then your in for a surprise a very BIG SURPRISE because I'm going into Breaking The Rules with all guns loaded and I'm ready to fire away......and if the crosshairs point to you then you'll be blown away!! Morena get ready for the Pay Per View because you will be doing the J.O.B to The Early Morning Stoned Pimp!!!!::

::Kid Rock then drops the mic and he and Pam leave the ring and start walking up the ramp and that make it to the top and Kid turns around and shoots a bird to the Canadian crowd before walking through the curtain and EAW's Pre-PPV Special cuts to commercial break::