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(It's a dark, cloudy night in El Paso, Texas. The ACW is having a small house show here. A couple of matches into the house show, they head to commercial break. During commercial break an unknown man hands the guy who plays the theme songs and tells him when they come back from commercial break to hit this music. About 30 seconds later we go back live to the ring and "Overnight Celebrity" by Twista comes on, blaring loud over the PA system. The fans stand up in anticipation for who could be coming to the ring as most of these fans, if not all have never, ever heard this theme music from an ACW superstar. From behind the curtain walks a tall, fairly tanned man. He is wearing a pair of baggy FuBu jeans, a black muscle shirt, a pair of all white K-Swiss shoes, Oakley E-Wire sunglasses with dark blue lenses, two diamond earrings and a huge KJ diamond studded chain around his neck. He walks slowly and surely toward the ring where the ring announcer says nothing. He walks up the ring steps and climbs through the second and top rope. He walks over to the middle of the ring and stares at the fans. After about twenty seconds of silence, he motions to the ring announcer to throw him a microphone. He takes a step back and catches the mic in his left hand. As he moves the mic toward his mouth, he smiles to the fans and..........)

Kris Jaxson: Ladies and gentlemen of the American Championship Wrestling, welcome your newest superstar, KRIS JAXSON! Now that the ACW has met me, I want to meet all of you guys in the back. Every single wrestler in this company will feel my pain and wrath. Many people have doubted me all of my life and you guys do too. No one gives me a chance. Look at me. I am 6'1, 210 pounds of pure muscle. Everyone walking in the back will be scared of me. You champions, yes I'm talking to you guys with all the belts, beware, I will slowly knock off each and every one of you until the World title is around my waist. No matter who you throw my way, I will defeat them. I will run the company. I can take a company, place them on my back and make this the best company out there. Take notes folks, you have just seen a legend in the making. Watch how I tear this company apart. So for my debut here in ACW, I am issusing an open challenge. Anyone back there wants a piece of me, bring it. Step up to the plate and see if you can run this. Watch how I walk all over you and take you down. No one can compete on my level and no one can beat me. Bring the noise, cause I'm going to bring the PAIN!!!

(Kris Jaxson drops the mic and walks out of the ring. "Overnight Celebrity" by Twista comes back on the loud speaker and KJ walks back up the ramp. He tosses his sunglasses into the crowd and lets some lucky fan get a piece of history. He walks back behind the curtain and the house show continues as scheduled.)