Randy Orton | The Legend Killer
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T H E  L E G E N D  K I L L E R
W O R L D   W R E S T L I N G   F E D E R A T I O N 'S
R  A  N  D  Y     O  R  T  O  N

Opening RAW Segment

WWF's Raw starts off with a video montage of all the past moments from the World Wrestling Federation, including moments such as The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels: Hell in a Cell, clips of inVasion when wCw and ECW tried to take over the infamous WWF, and from SummerSlam, the first ever TLC match between The Hardyz, The Dudleyz and Edge and Christian, thought up by our now WWF Owner Mick Foley. Then the screen fades black and into the Raw opening video, it shows pictures of all the current WWF superstars such as The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker and Randy Orton. Then "Across The Nation" blasts all around the arena, sending the fans to the edge of their seats, they are all ecstatic by this point cheering immensely, holding up banners like "WWF: Time To Play The Game" and "The Dead Has Risen". Then the camera's go to Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler sat at ringside.....

[ Jim Ross ] Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to the World Wrestling Federation! The WWF has had too long a hiatus and starting tonight, here on Raw, the wrestling business will pick up again, i'm sure of that! It's sure good to be back, what about you King?

[ Jerry "The King" Lawler ] Wooooo! I can't wait JR, things are going to be just how they use to be, it's gonna be awesome! I mean have you seen the roster, it's classic from top to bottom, The Undertaker, Triple H, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, aswell as The Rock! Tonight on Raw, new WWF Owner Mick Foley will be here to make some Huge Announcements, What will they be JR!?

[ Jim Ross ] Well i can only imagine King, whatever they are i'm sure they will be too good to miss, so stay tuned in folks because we've got one hell of a show for you tonight...We've got matches like Chris Benoit taking on the 7ft 500lbs Big Show! Randy Orton vs "The Phenom" The Undertaker! A Triple Threat match with Dave Batista vs Stone Cold Steve Austin AND Raven.....

[ Jerry "The King" Lawler ] That's not even half of it JR! That's why's it's gonne be so amazing...we've also got Shawn Michaels taking on Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho vs Shelton Benjamin and Two No#1 Contendership matches for the Intercontinental Championship, where the winner's of each match will face each other next week on Raw for the IC Title! The first of the matches is a Triple Threat with John Cena taking on The Rock and Eddie Guerrero, and the Main Event on Raw tonight, William Regal vs Triple H!

[ Jim Ross ] Well folks, there's the card, and we also have some Huge Announcements to be made by Mick Foley himself, right here tonight! We'll be right back.......

Raw cuts to a "Triple H" promo and then the WWF's "Don't Try This At Home" warning, before returning Live to Chicago, as "Evolution" hits the P.A. Systems and the so called "The Legend Killer", Randy Orton appears from behind the curtain and makes his way to the ring.

[ The Legend Killer :|: Randy Orton ] Well, well, well....Chicago...well done Mick, i couldn't of picked a worse place to host the WWF's return myself! Haha, i mean come on, look at all you people out there with no lives, and looking upto people such as myself, it's pathetic, actually....i don't blame you for that, take a look at me, i'm good looking, smart, everything you people want to be! The World Wrestling Federation wouldn't be able to survive without "The Legend Killer", WWF needs me. Speaking of "The Legend Killer", which Legend falls victim to me first? Oh yes, that would be The Undertaker!....You don't scare me Taker!...infact i don't think you scare anyone, you're just a washed up has been, who can't face that his career's over, just like a fellow superstar....erm...HBK, Shawn Michaels..haha. Undertaker, you bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "Old School", because things around here these days are different, people all have someone else to look upto, they want someone else's posters on their walls at home, they all know that the WWF today means one thing, Randy...Orton! Third Generation superstar, and i have got to be considered a contender for the World HeavyWeight Championship.....Mick, i like you for one thing, bringing back the WWF, but what were you thinking when you left me out of the matches for the right to win the Intercontinental Championship!? You've got alot of answers to give me Mick! It better be that you consider me more of a World Title contender? Anyway, i'll be coming to see you later on tonight Foley, and ask you to your face!...Listen up people, things are going to Evolve around here, starting tonight, no one is going to mess with Randy Orton, or they will have a huge price to pay, Taker you wanna say "Di Ende Arribals Orton. The End has arrived for you Orton" Haha...let's just say, you keep thinking that Dead Man, because after tonight, you will really be a Dead Man Walking if you manage to make it to next week's Raw!

!! DONG !!

Suddenly the lights go out as the beginning of Undertaker's music, the infamous Bell Toll's sound the arena. Orton's eyes open wide and starts to back off towards the far rope, looking petrified, thinking the Dead Man is on his way to the ring. But then the lights come back on as Orton looks relieved, but still cautiously looks around the ring.

[ Jim Ross ] Damn, i thought The Undertaker was on his way out here King, to shut the big mouth of this Randy Orton up!

[ Jerry "The King" Lawler ] He's just playing with him JR! Orton said before that he isn't scared of The Undertaker, but did you just see Orton's face, haha, he was petrified JR! I think Orton's just trying to act big and show that he can stand up to his opponent, but in reality, Orton's faced with absolute fear...

[ Jim Ross ] You might be right King, but i wouldn't want to face The Undertaker neither, who would!?

[ The Legend Killer :|: Randy Orton ] You're gonna have to do alot more than that to scare me Taker! Like i said i'm not scared of you...why would i be!? You're just trying to play mind games with me Taker, and it's not working!

Raw fades to a commercial with Orton still in the ring with a cautious look on his face, looking around the ring still.