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Ice, this time at least try to be a challenge to me!!!

Ice, this time at least try to be a challenge to me!!!

Revenge is a Bitch!!!

[Scene: Kreeper is walking into the arena with both titles over hsi shoulders, an ICW T-shirt, and black jeans. He walks into the Revelation locker room. Where eevryone else is getting rady for their matches. Kreeper walks in, and goes to his locker and after about three minutes Bullgob runs in.]

Bullgod: If I knew any better I'd think you are trying to ditch me.

[The whole stable turns and looks at Bullgod in a odd way. Bullgod then turns and leans over holding the door and pukes.]

Big Al Stud: Who the hell is this, and what is he doing in here?

Mr. kreeper Bullgod, he is Bullgod.

Big Al StudI don't care who he is, get him out of this locker room, he is band from it!

[Bullgod leaves the room. And then Kreeper looks straight into the camera.]

Mr. kreeper: Time is winding down Ice, until we face each other one-on-one in the ring in this strap match. Being leashed to you like a dog, the dog you are, small rabid thing, you may lock like you can't hurt a thing, but underneath that defenseless looking dog there are very small but sharp teeth, that can bit like a bitch. Time ise evrything, you must do every move at the right time if you wish for it to have an impact on your opponent, you cannot try and do your finisher as the first move you walk in the ring. And soon we will be stuck to each other no getting away, just like a dog on a leash it can only run away so for until it can no longer run away at all. And it will be me who will be holding the leash in the end, controlling which way the match goes like a human controling which way the dog goes. Very few times does the dog over power the human, the one who holds the leash, and Ice is certainly not big enough to over power me. He may be able to run around me and tie me up for a few second but hat is the most he can do, and that is the most he will do. If Ice tries to be like the human and control where the dog goes it will be like a little kid trying to walk a Saint Bernard. It wouldn't work, the dog would drag the kid all over the place, just as I will do to Ice. The clock is ticking until westand face to face we are each only after the other no one else is there to fight in this match except the person we are looking at, the person that we are straped to. And Ice this is a new kind of match so I can beat you in a new kind of way. I can already feel it. I can feel what is to happen I can feel the exictment of this match as I get my hand raised as the winner, I have alread worn a strap, a day or two ago just to get used to the strap being around me. And I have already got used to being the one who kicks ass, and I got used to winning as well, so I have no fears of coming out on top. I am sure to have this tiny little dog pinned on the leash. You are to be seen as nothing more but a wahsed up Veteran once again, that will be all you will be looking like in this match. I am to be coming back from a defeat from a legend, and I will come back by beating a legend. After this match Ice you will of truly deserved the name "Wahed up veteram", and no one, and I mean no one can take that name away from you. You earned all by yourself, and you will earn a loss all by yourself tonight on FNR. You earn with your own two hands. And when you got back to your locker room and wonder how the hell did Kreeper beat me.... again? The anwser is quite simple your days of fame are over, or they aren't coming back any time soon, they are fading away. Enjoy that Tag Team title because that just might be your last title, and that is the only title Revelation needs for them to control each, and every title. That might be your last sign of fame holding that title that you hold now, or you might hold five more titles, but I don't think you should count on it. You though have been doing horrible in singles matches lately, out right horrible. Now correct me if I am wrong Ice, but last time I check that last singles match you won was against the Charter. This match surely won't redeem your singles matches, it will do the opposite. The Charter is nowhere close to in my league, and from the looks of it was pretty damn hard from you to win that match as it was. You have probably progressed some from then but it still looks doubtful from the looks of it that you will be able to beat me. Maybe this match you will understand you aren't the best in ICW anymore, one of these days after all the singles losses it should go into your head that you should hang up the boots, and find something else to do. "Hang up the boots" is a term for retireing if you didn't know that Ice. And I suggest you do that.... soon! You don't want to remember your last days in this great fed, as horrible days that you couldn't win a stinking match anyway you try to. And you don't want to remember your last days in ICW as having a fued with Kreeper where you lost every match you tried to beat him in.

Mr. kreeper: If what Pyro said was true about me being a teenager, I guess that would make both of you all shits. You know almost everything there is t know about wrestling why are you fighting me? Maybe, most likely it is because when people first start getting old they think their body has the same skills it did when they were younger, and stronger. But they still have the brain, they still think in a smart sense, yet it is mainly physical skills that help you advance in the ring. And yet you are still making a mistake you can't get over, you think your body is still able to preform moves like no one else could but you can't. You are gonna try and prove the threoy wrong about your physical skills lowing slowly day by day, thinking, this time I will really show them I still have it, I still have the strength that I did when I won those World Titles. Well you are about to come back to reality where you can't do the same moves, you can't put the smae strength in your kicks, and you can't really beat ass all that well, or you just can't period, which is more realistic. And once you actually figure out that you can't win matches any more you break, your self esteem lowers to as low as it can ever go. And at your worst you hang up your boots, when you are no longer ahead of the game you quit. So right now you should be in these matches for one simple thing Ice to be at a good place to retire, to be in a honorable, and respected place you can retire at, like Bret Hart was planning on doing. But the road you are taking isn't the road you want to be on if you are trying to get to a good respected place to quit at. This is not the way I advice you to take, but you are stuck on this road right now. You are stuck facing me tonight, you are stuck in a bad position where you are bound to lose your match. You are stuck in a place like hell for the time being, where their is no joy or happiness just pain, sorrow. You should try to do what Reaper did, end all with respect, and dignity. Where is the respect and dignity when you are getting your ass kicked by Kreeper? I don't see any respect at all. You had the chance before, but you thought you can get some more title reigns under your belt first, well not with out suffering at extreme costs. You are to suffer much from extreme costs tonight live here in this staduim, with every pair of eyes that are here fixed on just me, and you, thinking "what a match this will be, a guy beginning to climb the ranks with great strength against a legend of ICW who has great speed, and intellagence." Well yes, but you are beginning to move slower Ice, you are beginning to freeze up, and the same goes for your career. Ice you are one who is highly against me since we are in opposing stables, but do you really know me, do you have any other reasons of hating me? Ah yes I and Jacobsen have kicked your ass before that must be why, am I correct? Well tomorrow you will be twice as angery at me if that is the case seeing how I am gonna kick your ass twice as much as I did last time. But don't worry I will be ready for the anger that lies in you once I kick your ass again. When will you career bite the dust though? When will you quit this foolish nonsense trying to get somewhere you can no longer get but once were able to? When will it all stop? I will do my best to stop it all tonight, but Ice is one hell of a fighter when it means giving up something so big as his career. But I shall try as hard as I can, you should thank me in the end if I am able to. Stopping you career before it gets worse, and it can get worse, much worse, like really losing to the Charter, that worse it could get. So I have taken it up to try at least and do the good deed of ending the legend Ice's career. But the refs must do their job uin this too, if I lock the Electric Chair in and Ice taps the refs have to let me keep the hold on and possibly break a few bones to keep him out of ICW for a long time. That is my goal, and wouldn't you be thinking that winning would be a bigger goal. Well... yeah, but that won't be too hard to do making Ice retire from ICW would be hard though. It would be very hard. I HAVE SAID IT BEFORE AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN... ICE YOU ARE WLAKING THE GREEN MILE BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE PUT IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR! AND AFTER THAT....PREPARE TO RIDE THE LIGHTNING!!!!

Johnny 'The Star' Jacobsen: Shit man people are trying to get ready for their matches, and shit. Which includes concentrating.

[Kreeper looks over at Jacobsen who is trying to adjust his U.S. and Stables Titles so the are in the exactly in perfect position. Then he starts to do the same with his sun glass. Kreeper then turns away, and starts getting ready for his match

[Camera fades....]

_-=**** Please don't take any of the words above, and for that matter an of the actions above personally, it has all been done completely in character****=-_

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