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(Oh how so will this, SCW, not rot under the control of Ramsus Palantiri? People make too many assumptions, DANGEROUS assumptions.)

(A light flickers on just ahead of the camera, a scene comes into focus. A completely modernized apartment, full with the stylish crimson pleather couches, all the way to the flat screen plasma TV hanging on the wall. The multi-leveled flooring, the big sheik and sleek windows, this is the American Dream. The camera zooms downwards on the pleather couch as some techno juxtaposes over the scene. More than likely some Paul Oakenfold, the intelligent ear could even pick out that it is, in fact, the song “Dread Rock”. Loose pant legs come into the view, black pleather, oh how fitting that is. The man by his feet location clearly has turned towards the camera. Tilt up and we see his knees bend as he relaxes back on the chair. Some more tilt, the camera man has succeeded on showing us the rest of his body, a black shirt with the letters “SCW” clad on the front of it encompass his upper body. This man, of oriental dissent is Kouun Senshi. His eyes are killer, he hates you already. He begins to speak in broken English, with a clear oriental accent.)

Kouun: He... Hello S-C-W. Yes... I am – Kouun Senshi. And I, I would like – to be your next. Cruise-air weigh champ-een.

(He looks downwards, then snaps his head up, refreshed, with just as much malevolence in his glare. In perfect English, no accent he continues on.)

Kouun: Is this what you expect of a man or Asian descent. Do you expect me to be slow in the glorious language that is English, do you expect me to be half witted to be the butt of your joke? This is society’s problem, more specifically the people with-in it. It’s yours, and yes I mean you, at home. YOUR problem. You have let the media do this to my people, to ALL minorities. Sure, they have the right to depict us as they want, as allowed by our supreme constitution, but if you’re looking for a portrait of an oriental stereotype from me, put down your god damned brushes because I am just as American as any one of you. Any white man, any black man, any Hispanic. THIS, THIS- is what makes our country, MY country so great.

(He stands up, the camera follows, he continues his cold glare, but with a small amount of joy as he gloats about his home, the United States.)

Kouun: All things wrong in America, that we consider wrong are the people’s faults. Our government was designed around a constitution that made sure everyone, all around the country had the same rights. It was instated to make everyone equal. And it has started to do this for us. But some stubborn people, who do not deserve to call themselves Americans, yet they label themselves patriots, would like to see the fibers of America ripped one by one from the flag. These PUNKS have the right to speak as they want, but I have the right to persecute them on their beliefs. So this is an open warning to ALL, that if you speak down upon my country, it may not do anything, but I, personally will take pleasure in f(beep)king you up.

(Kouun moves slowly out of the foreshowed area, and over to a punching bag. He begins to demonstrate his lighting quick kicks, his expertise in martial arts, especially with his calculated killer feet. He stops, with very little wind in his voice.)

Kouun: People like these, they reside everyone, not respecting the president. Not respecting their betters, because they will never measure up. It even happens here, in SCW. In less than a week, without this man even being given a chance, people are already taking shots at him, cracking jokes upon him. Like my only opponent who has cared enough to appear this week, Jay “Wildchild" Aguilera.

(Off camera a voice is heard, Kouun acknowledges it and laughs.)

Kouun: Ah, Jay “Darkchild” Aguilera, I was mistaken. But did the crew jump on me for making one little mistake here or there? No, they pointed out my small fault and let me proceed, after fixing the problem. Ramsus maybe had made small mistakes in his past, but to condemn him this early, would be a crime.

(Kouun delivers one more kick to the upper-part of the punching bag, right below the chain.)

Kouun: He is your leader, and as your leader, your president, your CEO, or even your manager he would deserve respect from you. He is a well enough person to allow you to stay aboard in this fine place, S-C-W. Even after you injured his son, permanently. Yes, I saw it, I watched XHCW and saw you BOTCH a move landing him on his neck, landing him in a hospital, landing him unemployed. Does this make you feel like a big man? Shall I drop you on your neck and climax as I hear the snap? I do not think so Aguilera? It would be justice after all, deserving for you. Deserving, all the atrocities you’ve committed. You’ve disrespected order and rank everywhere you’ve been.

Kouun: As you wish to stop Ramsus before he starts, I wish to stop you from making that attempt. Saturday I may just do so, while picking up the highly coveted prize of the Cruiserweight title. Jay, you must understand, I am a patriot for my country, and I am a patriot for my federation. I will fight you and any forces you may enlist at every turn. I will defend the honor of Ramsus Palantiri and SCW, fighting for him, as I am to do this week. I will not let you proceed and try to tarnish something so great, so early into its existence.

(He opens the bottle and takes a swig, there goes half the bottle, the first five ounces.)

Kouun: I am currently, and will always be Ramsus’ militia to fight the doubters, I will fight in his honor, as any true patriot would.

(He takes another gulp and finishes off the bottle. He begins to walk away, and we see him drop the glass bottle blatantly into the recycle bin. He moves through the doorway, flicks the lights down, and there goes the scene.)