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WARNING: The following event contains materials and violence not suitable for those under the age of 18. Parental discretion is advised. (TAPED 7/14/03)

The seeds have been planted and now sprouted out of the darkness of a squared circle emerges a hardcore hell of sorts. A place where out of the ashes of pain and horror a king will finally realize his fate to be crowned the king of the death match for now…the king of the death match forever. Always to be etched into the annals of UiWF history and never to be forgotten. The losers? To walk away empty handed and be labeled warriors among men but on one night…on this night just regular human beings unable to achieve a goal. The concept of the death match was realized inside of the confines of Japan and now it will end for in 2003 the uiwf returns to the promise land. As I said once from the hardcore legend that is New Jack to the superstar that is Road Dogg Jesse James it is now time to crown this year’s…KING……OF THE DEATHMATCH 2003!!!

The event kicks off in the Tokyo Dome on the grounds that are Japan! Huge cheers are heard going around the arena like a wave of sorts these fans some American…some Japanese nevertheless they are all more then ready for the final conclusion of the KOTDM. Fireworks stream off at the top of the ramp as the camera’s span the arena for a second showing the ring where the competitors will compete it looks like hell on earth! The camera then finally stops focusing in on the backdrop showing New Jack & Road Dogg with a golden shadowed figure in the middle that will now be realized tonight as the trophy will be handed off the new king. ** One Step Closer – Linken Park** blasts across the PA system. Out from behind the curtains is Just Jerry from his meltdown days! Also known as Jerry Ortner the over seer of this year’s king of the death match 2003!! Ortner is wearing a very expensive suit with his hair slicked back he is looking his best tonight as he has a strut kind of walk as he walks down to the ring and steps up the steel steps. He gets into the middle of the ring and looks around at the crowd as they are cheering loud, Jerry demands a microphone extremely hyped up for tonight’s festivities….he begins to speak….

Jerry Ortner~ Let me first off say that it is an honor to be in of all arena’s…the Tokyo dome! The original place where the death match was constructed and built to be what it is now today a stepping stone to many…and a respect vessel to stars wishing to be a hardcore king.

The crowd screams with pride as this was the exact arena that housed many of the original death matches.

Jerry Ortner~ you’re exactly right and I am proud to welcome you officially to the final uiwf king of the death match bout. The final challengers to the trophy consist of three men all still jacking for position in the uiwf and not yet realizing their true potential…but after tonight one of these men will realize…and cement for all time their claim to the king of the death match 2003!!! But before the final match and the king are finally crowned I have requested and was allowed to set up a video feed live from the legendary uiwf hardcore icon! The original uiwf king of the death match! The Original Gangsta! New Jack! That’s right folks….

New Jack appears on the huge video wall above the stage in what looks like his living room. His appearance gains a large pop from the crowd.

NJ: You know, when I was laid up in the hospital just watching UIWF After burn and stuff, I always thought to myself “why the hell do people put themselves through glass, barbed wire, and flaming tables and shit like that”. I mean, what do you gain from it? A little pop, a few guys in row Z chanting your name? This ain’t the world title tournament; this is the King of the Death match tournament. You don’t get no magazine covers or appearances on the Letterman show with this title. All you get is a trophy, a trophy and a shit load of respect. You don’t go through match after match of blood, pain and anguish for any ordinary title, you do it all for respect, that’s the prize in this tournament. Respect means a lot in this business, winning the Death match crown meant that I’d achieved everything that was hardcore and was given a new challenge…wrestling. I got the chance to wrestle properly, and it got me the world title. Look at Road Dogg? He’s gone for strength to strength and is one of the most accomplished wrestlers in the world today, always putting on a strong match, even if he is a fucking dick.

This gains another large pop from the crowd.

NJ: Juvi, Saturn and Sabu. Tonight these three men go to the ring in a match where careers can be ended in the swing of a chair, or a dive from a ladder. However, tonight, careers can also be made. For one man, tonight will be a stepping stone up allowing them to further their careers and making people sit up and take notice. Good luck to all three competitors. But y’all know that I’m the Original King of the Death match and back when I weren’t a cripple I’d have kicked all your asses with ease. If there was a paraplegic King of the Death match, everyone here knows I’d be taking that title! Let’s get ready to mother fucking rumble!

The camera cuts back to Jerry Ortner in the ring clapping…

Jerry Ortner~ what more of an official introduction do you need? Let’s go!

We cut to a short commercial showing clips for Summer Slam; both Dean Malenko & Triple H are being advertised heavily as the crowd erupt with cheers anticipating summer slam!

The video wall then opens up as **Linkin Park - In The End** Showing clips of the KOTDM Round 1 threw 3. All the huge bumps and whatnot finally gaining speed and showing clip after clip of all the terror bloody faces. It then slows up showing clips of the final three opponents fighting tonight for the crown! First the sick Arabian Facebuster into the pit onto The Undertaker retiring the deadman by Sabu! Then slowing up as the screen shows that of a heartbeat of sorts showing Juvi grabbing Bill Demott and driving him into a C4 Table!!! Stopping now with the view of Perry Saturn & RVD fighting atop a ladder a barbwire punch sends RVD over 20 feet off the ladder and onto a table outside the ring! The promo ends showing Three frozen clips....One of Sabu pointing up to the of Juventud Guerrera giving the middle finger as he did at the end of round three, and then a final one of Saturn raising his hand wrapped in barbwire high in the air! The promo then.......ENDS.

The Crowd are on their feet ready to view the king of the death match there is about a five minute break before we return back for the match of the night…the possible hardcore match of the commences…

Triple Threat of DEATH

Perry Saturn Vs. Sabu Vs. Juventud Guerrera

A siren beat is heard first out of the PA; Out from behind the curtains as they flutter open walks Perry Saturn who steps onto the ramp and stares around at the crowd holding both hands together and in the air but he slowly drops his head and hands in depression some would seem…Saturn doesn’t seem to have that desire that got him to the king of the death match final. Saturn stops midway down the ring and looks at the grand set up. No ropes on 2 sides of the ring, 2 pits on the sides with no ropes, 1 of broken glass, 1 filled with barbed wire. Ring ready to explode after 10 minutes, 5 balloons with different amounts of thumbtacks in them hovering above the ring as every 3 minutes the pressure will bust one after another and so on….The 2 sides that have ropes are barbed wire ropes lit on fire. Sheets of glass are in the corners with ropes and exploding nail boards in the other. Barbed wire bat suspended above the ring; a ladder is in the middle of the ring, no cell. Saturn shrugs his shoulders and rolls into the ring grabbing hold of the ladder shaking it around a bit and then looking towards the ramp. Next out to an Arabian beat with a white turban like thing on top of his head. Golden silk wrestling attire with no shirt on is SABU!!! The homicidal, genocidal, suicidal mad man looks rearing and ready to go as he pauses at the top of the ramp talking off his turban and handing it to a fan not even looking at the fan his eyes are fixated on the ring as his eyes span the hell that he is about to step threw. Sabu flashes a sadistic smile looking towards the ring then is about to continue his walk to the ring, it is cut short though as a Hip Beat is heard across the PA system.

Juvi…storms out from backstage and threw the curtains with a steel chair in hand……he cracks Sabu in the back of the head!! The chair has been dented across the back of Sabu’s skull!! Juvi is talking trash to Sabu as he lies motionless on the steel ramp way holding the back of his head….Juvi brings the chair high in the air and brings it crashing down onto Sabu’s back! Juvi then drops the chair onto the floor and starts to laugh at the fallen Sabu. Juvi looks towards the ring as he sees Saturn who has his back to him looking around at the crowd with his head down. Juvi charges the ring and slides in as the bell now sounds for the match to begin…….

Juvi is in the ring as Saturn just turns around the two men come face to face as Juvi pauses for a moment….Saturn suddenly looks like he has an out of body experience and is in survival mode no longer depression…he cant hold his head down in this match…he must try to survive or else his opponents will destroy him and leave him for DEAD! Saturn puts up his wrapped white fists ready for a fight as Juvi smirks he then starts to unload punch after punch as Saturn begins to back up towards the barbwire ring ropes lit on fire, the heat begins to burn away at Saturn’s flesh as he kicks Juvi straight in the gut…Juvi backs up and then Saturn and Juvi lock up and Saturn hits Juvi with an arm drag takedown….and another…AND ANOTHER! Juvi gets up quick holding his back…as Saturn then takes him down with a big time clothesline…Juvi’s back slams into the canvas. Saturn then looks down and is ready to give pain to Juvi with an arm lock. Juvi begins to scream out in pain for about a two minute time period Juvi struggles to get out of the maneuver. Some quick movement and Juvi has broken free…Juvi stares up for a moment and looks up moving out of the way as one of the five balloons explode open stabbing at the chest, back and face of Saturn…as Saturn falls to both knee’s the tacks many of them are stuck to his face as he belts out a yell….the camera’s pan back towards the ramp way as Sabu has gotten up the back of his head…his hair mostly is drenched in blood from the vicious chair shot from Juvi before the match even begun…. Sabu gets into the ring and sees Saturn on both knees and then right away attacks Juvi…with a FIREBIRD SPLASH!!! Juvi slams onto the canvas as Sabu is like a man possessed he quickly grabs hold of Juvi and Irish whips him with much strength straight into the barbwire that had been lit on fire…



Both men tumble getting very badly burned over the barbwire ropes lit on fire both athletes are now laying on the outside of the ring motionless. As ring side EMT’s are equipped with fire extinguishers….no man is caught on fire though. The barbwire ropes lit on fire are blazingly high from the pressure of human flesh hitting it. Juvi’s back is badly burnt. it’s actually a mixture of blood red with some black burn marks. As for Sabu he has some minor fire burns as well but not nearly as bad as Juvi. Sabu rises to his feet after merely a few seconds and grabs hold of Juvi bringing him to his feet and then grounding him with a fireman’s suplex!…After a few moments of both men recuperating Sabu is the first up as he grabs a dazed Juvi up to the ground and begins to choke Juvi on the ring apron outside of the ring inches from the barbwire ropes that are fire. Juvi’s is yelling in the fire is doing some real damage…in desperation Juvi hits Sabu with a kick to the mid section! Sabu then falls to one knee as Juvi steps forward and hits him with a stiff knee shot to the cheekbone. Sabu falls onto his back as Juvi begins to stomp away at him crazed. Juvi then grabs hold of the guard rail as security is telling him not to he shoves one of the security guards and then slams the steel guard rail onto Sabu’s face as it bounces off and then lands with a thud draped across Sabu’s body. Juvi back steps getting back onto the ring apron he is attempting something….but it is quickly rejected as Saturn is back in this bout grabbing hold of Juvi right over the fire…How could these men be near this blazing fire Saturn quickly tosses Juvi over the barbwire fire ropes and back into the ring. Saturn then grabs up Juvi to his feet and sets him up bringing him down hard onto the canvas with a devastating CRADLE PILEDRIVER ONTOP OF THE TACKS!! Juvi lies limp bodied as Saturn turns toward the camera his face a bloody mess and his eyes cut open from the tacks that cut him up from the balloon exploding moments ago. Saturn then grabs hold of Juvi brings him to his feet crashing him down with a northern lights power bomb! A devastating maneuver! Saturn gets up as he looks excited he is in control. Not paying attention in a split second the tides turn as Sabu must have thrown that guard rail off of him he is now back in the ring and charges Saturn with a savate kick. Saturn hits the floor hard as Sabu then grabs him up to his feet and unleashes some massive chops…..Sabu then kicks Saturn and hooks him up with a Snap Suplex! Dropping Saturn with a thud on the canvas! Saturn is back up on Dream Street after a minute or so as Sabu has been stalking him. Saturn is sitting up in one of the corners with his back lying on the sheets of glass!! OH NO! Sabu runs towards him and smashes Saturn with a quick baseball slide……….


Saturn lets out a moan as the glass pieces are stuck on the back of his head and back. Saturn lies there with his eyes fluttering here and there….blood is seeping from his back! Sabu is a little bit dazed from the move as glass pieces have shot in his face. Nonetheless he is in control. Sabu gets back up and begins to walk slowly he looks towards the pit full with glass and suddenly the second balloon explodes near Sabu shooting all in his face!!! Sabu has tacks galore on his body…as the camera catches a sick scene showing Sabu pull a tack out of his eyelid. Sabu’s entire face is bloody as he opens his eyes……







Sabu goes flying into the glass pit as the glass pierces his body. Sabu belts out a loud scream and then jerks his body back onto the glass lying motionless inside the pit twitching every couple of seconds. Juvi is looking at the car wreck he just created and then backs up a few feet….Juvi then leaps into the pit with a 450 SPLASH!!!!!! Juvi lands straight onto Sabu as the glass drives into the back body of Sabu and glass chards shoot up at Juvi’s FACE! Juvi rolls off of Sabu and struggles to get back to one knee but falls back down onto the ground; Juvi is on his hands and knees. As this happens the camera pans back to the ring showing Saturn back on his feet dazed and confused he goes over to the ladder and falls onto it holding himself up by his arms. Saturn’s head then looks up as he stares up seeing the barbwire baseball bat hanging high above the ring. Saturn steps onto the ladder still a little bit shaky, he starts to climb up the ladder rung…by rung…by rung….finally he looks up bloody and all seeing the barbwire bat just inches away….Saturn grabs hold of the bat and then raises it high in the air atop the ladder as the crowd erupts with cheers..Saturn is about to get down from the ladder but…

Suddenly………without warning….






The ladder flies up in the air eventually getting caught in the barbwire ropes. As for Saturn he is flung into the barbwire pit at extreme speed as he drops the barbwire bat onto the broken ring….the barbwire stabs into Saturn’s skin and locks into him like a pit-bull with lock jaw. Saturn cant move as his entire body is blood red; for about 5 minutes he is struggling to break free from the barbwire pit but everywhere he touches he is pierced with razor sharp wiring. Saturn it seems passed out. The camera’s pan back to the glass pit as it shows Juvi halfway out of the pit….he has forgotten about Sabu though as all this time has given Sabu’s body rest. Sabu is back up and stumbles right after Juvi grabbing underneath Juvi he then holds him high in the air bringing him crashing down into the pit with a JUMPING POWERBOMB! Sabu lands on his knees to apply more pressure onto Juvi’s neck. Juvi lies there with glass all in his hair and stuck on his face…Sabu gets up and then stumbles falling to one knee he gets to the exit out of the pit as he lifts himself back into the ring….a balloon filled with thumbtacks explodes to far away to cause any harm to Sabu. Sabu looks over and watches the thumbtacks explode showing a sick facial expression. Sabu steps over the rubble of the decimated ring and finds the barbwire bat! Sabu holds the bat at his side stopping to do his trademark pose as he points high up in the air with one finger which gains some “Sabu” chants from the crowd……Sabu is trying to release the steel ladder from the barbwire ring ropes it is caught in. Sabu is looking towards Saturn and spits out some blood onto the ramp pausing for a moment holding his back….Sabu must have punctured something inside his body from that hit into the glass pit a little bit earlier. The referee shows up on the titan tron as they finally realize Saturn’s movement is no more……..they begin the count……..


















Saturn is still alive? After that explosion earlier who knows what Saturn is going on…possibly steam! Saturn struggles covered in blood to get up and get out of this situation as he crawling over the top of the barbwire it pierces his hands and one even slashes at Saturn’s chest…this pit really might have spelt the end for Saturn….wait..what the hell!?! Something is happening out of the camera’s view……










The move cracks against the skull of Saturn open as blood begins to pour Saturn doubles over to his side as both men lie helpless inside the barbwire pit…….Sabu just put his body extremely on the line! No movement for about a 6 minute time period then the camera spans back to Juvi showing the fourth balloon filled with thumbtacks is released as it hovers above the glass pit and then explodes hitting Juvi on the back…Juvi climbs out of the pit and rolls into the broken down ring tumbling into the middle of the ring as basically the entire squared circle has somewhat collapsed! Juvi stands up and screams in pain as the there is glass covered in his hair and thumbtacks still stuck to his back. Our camera’s pan away from Juvi for a moment as we see Sabu grabbing hold of Saturn and dragging him threw the barbwire pit…the barbwire rips and shreds away at Saturn’s skin… much of his body is blood red. Both men get to the end of the pit as Sabu struggles and gets back into the ring. Why is Sabu dragging Saturn out of the pit? Does Sabu have a change of heart? Does he not want to win this competition!?!

Sabu lifts himself back into the broken down ring and then grabs Saturn by the neck dragging him back into the broken down ring. Sabu then begins to savagely stomp Saturn into the canvas. Sabu now grabs Saturn up by his neck leading him to his feet. Not a very bad idea it would think finish Saturn off now! But Sabu has forgotten…when you have a mad man beat……..leave him beat! Saturn SNAPS! Saturn opens his eyes and spits blood in Sabu’s eyes he then proceeds to lock up Sabu’s arms and unleash five devastating head butts! Sabu’s entire face is bloody…as he falls backwards and trips over a part of the broken down ring falling onto his back. Saturn lets out a possessed wild scream as the fans explode… Saturn goes to charge towards Sabu to lift him to his feet but out of the corner of his eye spots Juvi attempting a MULE KICK! He misses! Saturn sidesteps Juvi and locks him into a rabid head lock pulling choking the life out of Juvi…some desperation from Juvi as he uses his body to slowly but surely push Saturn near that exploding nail board! He does so…….Juvi then charges with all his mite slamming Saturn into the nail board…………..Saturn releases the hold as Juvi then leaps forward with a SUPER KICK! Saturn’s back slams into the nail board with much pressure.





Saturn has been on the brunt end of two explosions during this bout! Saturn is sent flying across the ring as is Juvi as both men lie without movement flung to the other side of the ring. That explosion just might have left some lasting effects on Saturn as smoke is coming from his back and he is twitching every second. Juvi lies with his head down lying awkward his hear face down at the mat and his body slowly slipping downward as the ring had exploded causing the squared circle to break in half! A referee immediately shows up on the titantron…as EMT’S also charge down the ramp way…they know there is no way that Saturn could go on in this match up…..the amount of blood loss he has suffered must be extremely dangerous. Also along with the EMT’S Just Jerry walks down the ramp quick with urgency to him…a worried expression is on his face! The referee begins to count for Saturn to rise……..


















Saturn is Eliminated!

The EMT’s come down to the ring on the left side where the barbwire ring ropes are and look all around at the two pits at the top and bottom of the ring….then farther away seeing the barbwire ring ropes lit on fire on the right hand side…..not to mention the broken ring and two competitors still moving bloody and beaten inside the ring! The look of horror on their faces could not be explained. Many EMT’s grab hold of Saturn dragging him underneath the barbwire ropes and then onto the stretcher strapping his body in and leaving his arms free..Jerry the handler of this year’s King of the Death match tries to speak to Saturn but gets no response….Saturn is hoisted up as the fans show their respect for Saturn’s effort. A loud “Perry!” Chant is heard throughout the arena. Saturn is being brought up the ramp as Jerry follows….what the hell? Theirs movement from Saturn!?! Saturn struggles and then brings his arm in the air as the fans explode! Saturn then is brought threw the curtains no doubt to be taken to the nearest hospital. What heart and determination Saturn showed with buckets of blood lost…any other man would have surely given up! Finally our camera’s pan back to ring side viewing Juvi rolling out of the ring and under the barbwire ring ropes. Juvi grabs hold of something underneath the ring………..






IT’S a 2X4!!!!!!!

We all remember from the 3rd round king of the death match Juvi used this in the very beginning of the match to crash over the back head of Sabu! Juvi raises it in the air turning towards a crowd member as he gets a loud disapproval….the people are not very fond of Juventud Guerrera. Juvi begins talking smack to a fan acting like he is about to swing the 2X4 at him….he doesn’t realize though. Sabu is standing right near the barbwire ropes he grabs hold of the ropes as they pierce Sabu’s hands and then swings himself up and over the barbwire ropes onto Juvi with a 180 SLINGSHOT SPLASH! This completely catches Juvi off guard as Sabu’s entire body weight comes crashing down on top of Juvi….The final balloon filled with tacks then explodes outside of the ring a few feet away from Sabu….he sees this happens and grabs hold of Juvi’s hair which is filled with glass and such. Sabu brings Juvi near the puddle of tacks and them brings him crashing down with a BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX ONTO THE TACKS!!!! Sabu gets up a few moments later and grabs the only steel steps that had been set up ring side. Sabu grabs up Juvi and then begins to smash his face into the steel steps over and over…and OVER AGAIN! Juvi lies motionless on top of the steel steps as Sabu then turns around and grabs the 2X4. Sabu then rolls back inside of the ring and stares around at the carnage and wipes his face as it is full of blood. Sabu grabs the 2X4 and walks over towards the barbwire ring ropes lit on fire..Sabu lights the 2X4 on fire!!!! FOR GODS SAKE WHAT DOES HE PLAN TO DO NOW!?!

Sabu steps forward and raises the 2X4 high in the air as “Sabu” chants are heard throughout the arena. Sabu stumbles over towards the steel ladder that had been down on the ground and lifts it up with one hand bringing it close towards the barbwire ring ropes and towards Juvi…..Sabu sets up the ladder and begins to climb it with the 2X4 in hand. Sabu gets to the very top as the ladder seems like it is about to topple over as both the legs are extremely loose! Sabu raises the 2X4 one more time in the air and then leaps off the ladder with the 2X4 lit on fire!!!!!!!!!!! The ladder snaps in half as Sabu leaps off it!










Sabu crashes onto of Juvi’s back with an Arabian face buster using a 2X4 lit on fire!!!!!!! Juvi’s entire body crushes into the steel steps as Sabu bounces off of Juvi landing with a thud on the concrete his back hits it with a splat. The 2X4 is snapped in half and the match just might be over. Juvi’s head is turned towards the floor with his eyes open they are glazed over….Sabu is crawling and clawing away trying to get to his feet as a referee steps onto the top of the ramp way commencing a count for Juvi to get up or raise a arm to show any sign of movement…….


















Juvi is Eliminated!

What a bout! That’s all I can say…I believe no one can say anything about these men’s efforts tonight’s even the two men who didn’t walk out the king. Because you see Saturn & Juvi did something that many men in this federation couldn’t do and that’s enter into a tournament that is solely based on pain…and brutality and they made it to the final damnit! They deserve respect…they deserve admiration…they deserve a standing applause!

And that’s exactly what Juvi is getting as EMT’S rush the ramp with also Jerry Ortner in toe who is worried once again at the well being of a UiWF competitor. The EMT’S hoist now Juvi onto a stretcher and begin to wheel him up the ramp no movement from Juvi though….the fans are showing their respect and giving Juvi a standing ovation! Juvi is brought threw the curtains as Jerry Ortner looks over at Sabu and helps him to his feet. Jerry then rolls under the barbwire ring ropes getting into the broken down ring with a microphone. As Sabu follows after a few seconds….Sabu is in the ring and falls to one knee bloody and all as Jerry begins to speak……

Jerry Ortner~ Ladies and gentlemen to give out this year’s king of the death match trophy will be none other then the last king of the death match…….the Road Dogg…Jesse JAMES!!

The crowd is not too happy at this idea as…..something starts up on the PA….


The Road Dogg steps out from behind the curtains with a smug look on his face holding the 2003 king of the death match trophy in his hands…the Dogg gets all the way down the ramp way and looks at the wreckage in the ring has some memories and shudders for a moment thinking about them….Road Dogg then puts the trophy in the ring and then gets inside of the broken down ring. Road Dogg walks over to Jerry Ortner and snatches the microphone out of his hands……

Road Dogg: “Who are you to call me out like your on my level? Your nothing but a meltdown booker reject! A column writer! You’re a nothing compared to me Jerry so as they say sometimes harsh measures must be reached to teach dumb people lessons.”

What was Road Dogg speaking about with this delusion? All Jerry requested was for him to give out this year’s trophy since he was the last king of the death match to be crowned. Road Dogg begins to unload lefts and rights on the lowly Jerry who stumbles backwards from every shot! What disgust in actions from Road Dogg. Road Dogg then kicks Jerry and sets him up near the glass pit. HE WOULDN’T! HE COULDN’T! Road Dogg brings Jerry high in air and drops him with a release Pump Handle Slam INTO THE GLASS PIT! Road Dogg looks down at Jerry in disgust and raises his arms in the air. Road Dogg then turns around and looks over at the microphone….he picks it up. Slowly looking at the KOTDM 2003 Trophy and then Sabu.

Road Dogg: “As for you…”

The Road Dogg picks up the trophy as Sabu is just getting to his feet very wobbly. Road Dogg shoves the trophy into Sabu as Sabu grabs onto it. Road Dogg then shakes his head and exits the ring and up the ramp!! That’s a surprise Road Dogg didn’t go and ruin the trophy over Sabu’s skull! Road Dogg is shown bad mouthing the crowd up the ramp as Sabu is finally shown in the ring raising the KING OF THE DEATHMATCH TROPHY HIGH IN THE AIR! HE HAS DONE IT! HE HAS ACHIEVED THE MOST BRUTAL CROWN IN UIWF HISTORY.

Sabu is bloody with still fresh blood coming from his entire body he looks like a mess but he is still able to enjoy this moment. As Sabu yells out in victory cradling the king of the death match trophy in his one arm. He then collapses to one knee in pain as the show goes off the air with the chants of "Sabu!" We fade to black with the logo of the “UiWF”.