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.::Time To Read A Kidman R/P::.

..::Time To Read A Kidman R/P::..

Title: "We Are Unstopable"

[[The AWO cameras veiw inside The Corporation locker room. The Corporation is in the locker room and they are all talking when Billy Kidman walks in. They all look at him and then they all welcome him in the room. Kidman smiles and he puts his bags down. He sits on the couch and Don McMahon sits down besid him.]]

[[Kidman: Don this has got to be the life! I mean now I am going to have a team behind my back that actually cares for me! There is only one bad thing about being here, I had to leave Skye.]]

[[Don: Don't forget Billy, Skye was planning on leaving you anyways. Trust me she probably still has plans with Chris Stone...]]

[[Kidman: Ya, well Chris Stone is going to be happy, but I am happy to! Skye is going to be the one who is going to have the loss. I mean I am going to be a champion soon and that is something Chris will never acheive. At the next AWO Pay Per Veiw I am going to kick Edge's ass and become the NEW limitless champion! Thats the way it will be!]]

[[Billy gets up and waves to all of The Corporation and he leaves the locker room. He smiles on his way out and then he looks over as Edge is seen sitting in a chair just down the hall. Billy's smile leaves his face. He walks up and looks at Edge and his title. He begins to laugh.]]

[[Kidman: You know Edge, it is pretty damn amazing that you won that title. Sorry that I laughed but I just couldn't help myself. I mean you and that title really don't mix. You sure don't look like a champion. You look like... like trash. I noticed that Torrie gave you her phone number, that you offered her a spot in the Dark Side. Too bad for her, I was going to invite her to join me. Instead she wants to be with a team of losers. I guess Torrie changed her mind about being with someone who is great, someone who could win a match without almost killing myself. Edge you know that you are facing me soon right? You know that its for your title. That is when I am going to laugh at Torrie. She is going to have to help you from out of the ring. You see she first wanted to team with me and she kissed me, I had a girlfriend and now I realized she is a skank. She walks up to some poor loser and gives him her phone number? Ya this happened like one day after she tried to win me over from Skye. Well although you may have Torrie in your arms and I don't have Skye that won't save you from getting your little ass beat and losing your title to me! You see Edge, at Vengence you will be titleless and I will be laughing and Skye will be coming back to me. Edge don't even try to make me feel scared because I won't get scared from some loser like you. Now go and I am sure Torrie Wilson will cheer you up!]]

[[Billy laughs once more and he leaves as Edge looks on with an angered face. Billy walks away not looking back.]]


[[After the break Kidman is seen stopped at Skye's locker room. Suddenly he is tapped on the should, Kidman turns around and he sees Skye. The two just look each other in the eye until Billy begins to talk.]]

[[Kidman: Hey Skye. Uh, it is good to see you are back. I was just passing by. I will be on my way now?]]

[[Billy begins to walk away but Skye pulls him and stops him from leaving.]]

[[Skye: Billy. It is great to see you again. I want to be friends, if that is ok with you...]]

[[Billy nods his head and then he gives Skye a quick kiss. He turns around and walks away from Skye. She watches him leave and then she walks into her locker room.]]

[[King: Wow, I think Billy wants Skye back. You know what JR Skye should come to me!]]

[[JR: I think that Skye and Billy made a good couple. You really think someone like that would want to date you? Don't you think you are a little old? I do.]]

[[King: Hey don't say that! You are so rude!]]

[[Billy Kidman's new music then begins to play over the arena! Kidman walks out from behind the curtain and some people boo him. He just ignores them and slides under the bottem rope. He doesn't taunt and then Kidman grabs a microphone. He waits a while then raises his microphone.]]

[[Kidman: Well here I am, ready for my match against BloodStoner. I don't get where that match is coming from. Well Blood you are going to be the first victom of my Corporate Star Press. Don't you just feel special now? You see I am with a new team and I have a brand new attitude. See Skye was going to leave me for Stone or something but I left to The Corporation, now I am not saying I wish I hadn't. You see the think is Skye is great and I miss her but we are not together anymore. Blood you are going to get a taste of my anger. I am very pissed. I am pissed at these stupid fans for one. They boo me? Why? All I did was join the AWO's best, because I wanted to be one of the best. Now you guys can just miss me, once I proove I am a lot better you will start cheering again! You know it! Well anyway, that isn't why I am out here. I am out here to ask you if you really think you have a chance. I may be smaller than you but I am a lot quicker and a lot smarter. I bet I would outrun you easy. I have more strengths over you than what appears. You see Blood, I am going to use these and since you wouldn't expect them then you are going to have them come to your surprise. Isn't that just great? You will get hit with the Corporate Star Press and this will be another victory for this so called kid. This match will be just one to proove that I am better than what most people see in me!]]

[[Billy drops his mic and slides under the bottem rope then walking up the ramp.]]

Don't Mess With This Kid