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Monday, February 13, 2006

Now Playing: Joseph Arthur - In The Sun
happy birthday Dianna, but that's not important. you got to be fucken kidding me. so today, i went to eat at the chinese food place and those people are so nice, and yeah, the fortune cookie they gave me didn have an wrapper, it was just on a napkin..but whatever. so whenever i get asked the question, "what is the best advice you ever received" i always tell them that i once got a fortune cookie that said "don't worry about money, the best things in life are free." and so after i finish eating, i ate the cookie and i was thinking to myself, "it'll be cool if i got that fortune again"..and yeah, i read it and it said it. So fucken weird, but awesome. maybe it's a sign. 1:45pm. It marks the beginning of something new.

Posted by Kick City 903 at 1:57 PM PST
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Friday, February 3, 2006

Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: The Fray - How To Save A Life
It’s Dennis’s birthday, but that’s not important. I haven’t worked out in the last three days because I’ve been napping and waking up near 10ish. So today, after school, I took a nap and woke up around 8ish and I missed Stacy on “Dancing with the Stars,” but she scored a perfect 30. Damn. And then I took some Tylenol and went to bed. Woke up at 3am and here I am. So I’ve been replaying Golden Sun because I wanted to replay it before I play Golden Sun 2. That’s keeping me busy. The puzzles in GS2 are crazy fun. So last Wednesday was my first day of school. I went to class at 7:30 cuz it’s my bio lab. That class seems very much laid back and the teacher was nice. I went to the library afterwards and I didn’t bring a laptop so I wrote in my story journal. Had class at 10:30. The teacher in there reminds me of carrot top because of her orange hair. It’s a cool class, another simple one.

I ate at McDonalds and when I was walking back to campus, there was this nice looking girl wearing green and so I’m checking her out and she looks back, and then she goes, “do you know where the DH building is?” And I go, “isn’t that Duncan Hall?” And she goes all innocently, “uhm..i guess so.” So I point to the building and she said thanks and we walk our separate ways. But moments later, I’m thinking to myself, I have 30 mins to kill, why didn’t I walk her to class? And so for the rest of the day, all I could see was a green sweater with that awesome smile. And last, I went to my bio lecture class and the teacher said that it wasn’t a GE class. So hmm, if I drop it, then I’ll only have 9 units. So I ended up dropping it.

The next day, I had art color. Yay. The teacher remembers me. And there was like two other people from the last spring semester. There was this girl sitting next to me and she put lotion on which smelt nice, but she was in the wrong class so she left. Aww. Class was blah blah. I went to the bookstore to check up on the prices. I have meteorology at noon. That guy seems boring, but if I come to class everyday, I don’t think I’ll need to study. He does his lectures with a PowerPoint.

On Friday, I just wanted to chill at home. Nhan wanted me to go play poker, but I don’t like poker anymore, or maybe it’s just the group. It’s the same old people. Stupid Nhan and Andrew came over to my house .. trying to convince me to go but I didn’t want to. He said I was being selfish for not going. Uh huh, I don’t think selfish is the right word. Rosa had a party of some kind, but I didn’t go.

Sunday was the Royal Rumble and my house can watch PPV for free now because my brother has satellite. Overall, the whole PPV was dissatisfying. Cena won the belt back and Ray won the rumble? That’s not cool. Sunday was also New Years, but I didn’t care about it. New Years happens on the 1st of January.

Monday, I bought 40 dollars worth of paint. There was a color called “hooker green” which I thought was cool. There was a sale of paint so I had to buy them now. Tuesday, I bought 10 dollars worth more of paint. My group for art is kinda lame. There’s this guy who I knew from last spring and he sounds like Kien. As for the two girls, they look older like…25ish. So you know how sometimes I like to touch things…yeah, one of the girls was like, “you’re like a kid, stop touching everything.” But yeah, it was only because I was looking around. So after, I went to my second class and I had my art bin with me which had all my paint so I placed it underneath my desk and took la la…and after class, I just left. There were so many people taking the elevator so I just took the stairs and walked down 5 floors, and then outside, I felt a little weird. So yeah, I left my art box in the room. I wasn’t worried that it’ll be stolen because it’s college. Unlike high school, if you leave your stuff lying around, someone will steal it. So I was more pissed because I had to walk up 5 floors of stairs. So I’m huffing and puffing and yeah, my art bin was still there. Yay.

So Thursday morning, I woke up with a dried itchy throat and my nose started to run so I took a pill. During class, Chris, the person who sits next to me kept asking me if I was okay. I didn’t talk much in the class because I ddint want to talk. My voice sounds weird so I just waved. I saw Michelle, my cousin today as I was walking towards the bus. She’s short. And that’s pretty much it. I’m taking 9 units. Lol.

Posted by Kick City 903 at 4:33 AM PST
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: The Decemberists - Castaways And Cutouts (album)
It’s the day before school. How you feeling? Well…this could be the beginning of something good or the final chapter of losing. The good news is that my color art teacher just happens to be the same as my line art teacher. Cool. I’m taking bio and some weather class. Blah. But it’s just the same as another other class. I have to read. We have to read City. There’s nothing holding you back, there’s no pressure of being anything. Just do it for you. Part of me is scared of failing, but why should I be….i’ve already done that. I’m scared of dropping. You’re behind in units dude. We can do this…I know you can. As for Anna…just let her do what she has to do. If she needs someone to listen, go ahead…but don’t be all uptight and worry. She’ll be alright. And that’s all I got to say Christopher. Believed in yourself. “move me on to any black square”

Posted by Kick City 903 at 7:53 PM PST
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Friday, January 13, 2006

Now Playing: Lifehouse - You and Me (Studio Acoustic)
I'm just thinking. Part of me is concerned for Anna, but I know she's okay. People are putting pressure on her and she told me she doesn't eat and she has lost some weight. Yeah. While I was trying to sleep, I had her in my thoughts. So what's new Christopher? well uhm, I downloaded this 8 mins abs video off of LL and it's hurting me. but I'm sticking to it because you want to be sexy right City. Blah, all I really want is someone to hold.

Posted by Kick City 903 at 10:45 PM PST
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Friday, January 6, 2006

Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Goo Goo Dolls - Better Days
I sent Come Back Down to Anna. This was her response.
c0wgoo innk (10:49:41 PM): this song says it all
c0wgoo innk (10:49:50 PM): how the hell does lifehouse come with such great lyrics.

Posted by Kick City 903 at 12:54 AM PST
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