'The Oh So Sexy Kristina'
Roleplay Title: Debut Of The Sexy And Talented Kristina
W.W.E Record: 00 - 00 - 00
Upcoming Match: 'The Sexy' Kristina Vs. Unknown
Promo Number: # 1

The scene opens up and sees a lady walking with her purse outside of the arena.The girl looks up and the crowd can see the Kristina has finally arrived.She continues to walk as she goes into the arena.She looks through the hall way for her name

Those Of Who Kristina Has Beaten:
Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come;
W.W.E Acheivements:
Joining The WWE; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; - Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come; Soon To Come;
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