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I wrote this Role-Play's contents. I hope you know it is all 100% story line purpose. Don't take anything serious. This is a Role-Play. This is for a fed. Feds are ment to have fun with. So have fun don't take it personal.

//-End Of Disclaimer-\\

//-Tha Fashiz's Info-\\
-Role-Play #- -People Mentioned- -Record- -Achievements-
Who Cares?? Just Read the Damn Rp 1-1-0 None YET


[ Its a nice warm day back in New Jersey... The Sun is shinning and the Grass is green... Then people hear tires burning... Then a car comes to the Arena... The Smoke clears and its a Thunderbird... Niz "Tha Fashiz" Rock and "The Icon" Chris Wall step out of the car with there bags and head into there locker room... Then You see Them Talking.]

|Niz| Yo Man... Sorry to hear about your minor injury... I thought we would Tag this week but of course i have to tag with That Newbie "Double J" He calls himself...Well... I know that with me on that team that we can whoop that stupid Darth Vader or Maul or whatever...And that stupid ass Clown Justin Sayne... Hahahaha.. What kind of name is Justin Sayne... Yo!!! I just made a Rhyme !!! I am a poet and i didn't know it!! Ha... Well any way... Congrats on your title man!

|The Icon | Ha.. Thanks man... I know that you can beat that Mofo!! I mean they couldn't even beat me... Darth Maul even did his little Finisher on me... And Guess what!! I am still the Intercontinental Champion!! Now... When you face that puss ball Justin Sayne and that Woman Darth Vader ,Maul whocares... You will be victorious!!Why cause you got Me.... THE ICON in your corner!

|Niz| You know it man.... Now Dawg... Me and you are probally the best in this Buisness... You see... I know that you wanted to face The Rock But you know... He is to much of a baby and he quit... I was just earning his respect until that... He walked out on US!!! On EAW!! Any way I just cant wait to beat That MOFO Justin Sayne!! I mean... He thinks he can beat me? HAHAHA... I want to kick his ass like his mama Raped him!!You know holmes!! Lets go out!!

[ They leave the locker room and Head out to the ring... Then " Move in now move out , Hands up now hands down" Is heard all through out the arena and sparklers fly out and up...Then out comes THE ICON Chris Wall and Niz "Tha Fashiz" Rock.... They slap hands and slide into the ring and Niz Grabs the Mic]

| Niz | Hey yo in tha hizzzzaaaayyy!!! Yea... Now... In twenty four hours i will have to face those losers that call them self Wrestlers Justin Sayne and Darth the Freak Maul... Last week i had to face MMP... I lost.. I admit it... I had an off day. But , since he beat me , and didn't attack me afterwords... I respect him. And now i have to say good bye.. Good bye to that little sucker... Wel will all Miss you! Anyway... Lets get back to those suckas... Justin Sayne... You went head to head , Mono e mono with my home dawg "The Icon" Chris Wall.... And your little puss of a friend Darth Maul even helped you and you still Lost!!! Hahaha.. You wanted to drive my good friend insayne you call it... With that dink of a move The insane bomb... You are the one who is insane.. Well.. ha.. I guess you allready know that... So why don't you get your punk ass out of EAW??? IS it because you have no were else to go?? Huh?? Now Homie.. The only thing that you will drive insane is your DICK!! Well Justin... I hate to tell you... But you are just another wannabe... you want to be like the Insane one... Insane Ivan O... And when You come down to this ring in less then twenty four hours... You will be beggin for a rain check!!! You Dig? Well.. I don't think you do... When it comes time.. I will Fashiz you!!! I will put you in the fahizinator... And i know that you will cry to your mommy!!!! HAHAHA

Now , onto that disguisting piece of STAR WARS Trash!! Darth.. Me and you have met before dawg , and for you... Hahahaha.. It wasn't pretty to sya the least... you happened to get your ass kicked... When i Fashized you!!! You haven't been the same since i fashized you!! Now your head is alittle... Well Lop sided... and You sick F-F-F reak!! I mean look at you you A-hole... Now your face is like a cunt and me and you one more time... you know ever since i beat you... you have been having a hard time... SURE you won a match but let me remind you... Jeff Hardy was feeling Sick and he is no match to this guy.. NIZZY!! And you know... the sickening thing is... You think you have a chance of beating me.. Which is simply impossible.. Why?? Because i am the Shiz Nig!! The Rizzo... you catch my drift Holmes.. And when i lift you up... HIGH above my head you and drive you down... You will be fealing Fashized... Don't MESS WITH ME!! AHHHH.. No!! They are starting... The Voices..(Chris Pats him on the back and he calms down) thanks... Anyway... You will have to feel the wrath... OF THA FASHIZ!! I know that you and Justin Sayne are crazy but i also can be crazy!!!

Jeff Jaret... It seems like me and you are going to have to tag.. Well... Just to say... Its Cool with Me SLAP NUT!!! WORD LIFE!!!! Lets GO

[ "Rollin" hits and they leave.. and EAW Fades to a commercial]

People Beaten Darth "Tha Freak" Maul ----- -----
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