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~An Official Triple H Roleplay~


~Name Of Roleplay~

~The Game has arrived~

*As WWE came back from a commercial break cameras were outside focusing on the parking lot. Then all of a sudden a limo pulled up in front of the arena in the parking garage.

Then the limo began to stop as the limo driver got out. He started to head towards to the back of the limo to open the last door. He opened it and a foot came out. Then the person came out and everyone saw that it was none other than "The Game" Triple H. Triple H looked up at the arena and started to head inside. He went inside and asked someone where the arena set was.

Triple H: Hey do you know where the arena set is?

Man:Yes you have to go all the way down this hall and make a left. The set should be there.

Triple H: OK.

*Triple H began to walk down the hall until he came to a stop. He looked at the left turn and saw the arena set. He began to head towards it. When he got to it he stopped and waited. WWE then went to another commercial break.*


Snickers Hungry


McDonalds Promo

Recap of Events

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*WWE came back from the commercial break and started to show the titan tron.

Then the arena lights went out and Triple H's theme song "Time to play the Game" blasted over the P.A. sound system as Triple H was shown on the set.

Triple H was looking down while holding a water bottle in his right hand. He then lifted his watter bottle up and poured water on his head as he looked up and headed down the ramp.

Triple H continued to walk down the ramp when the ring announcer, Lilian Garcia, began to speak.

Lilian Garcia:Ladies and gentlemen making his way down the ramp from Greenwich Connecticut weighing in at 260 pounds and reaching a height of 6'4........The Game.......Triple H!!!!

Triple H walked all the way down the ramp and walked to the side of the ring. He then looked at the crowd.

Triple H then hopped up on the apron and looked at the crowd again.

He then took his water bottle and he took a drink. He began to throw it at the crowd. He then looked up and he spit the water out of his mouth as it turned into mist.

Triple H then went through the ropes and headed towards the turnbuckle. He climbed up on it and lifted his arms in the air as he taunted to the crowd.

He hopped off it and got out of the ring. He went over to Lilian and grabbed a mic. He then went back into the ring as his music stopped playing. The fans had a mixed reaction for him. He looked at the crowd for a little bit.

He then began to lift the mic to his mouth as he began to speak.*

~The Game~Triple H:You know it actually feels good to be back! (Crowd boos and cheers) Now since "The Game" is back I am ready to kick some ass! And I can now do that cause Vince McMahon gave me a match on Smackdown. There is this World Title Tournament and I am in it! I have a match against Stone Cold Steve Austin! (crowd cheers) Yeah whatever I know you guys like Austin but I have bad news for you guys! This Thursday I will leave Austin in his own damn puddle of blood! You see Austin and I have been in many battles before and I have beaten him in every single one of 'em! (crowd boos) And I will add another one to that win list cause this Thursday I will once again beat the man you guys love which is Stone Cold Steve Austin. Now I saw Austin's return a few days ago and he kept talking trash about Hogan and the Undertaker! I noticed that he didn't even say a damn thing about me! And I know why. He never said anything about me cause he is afraid of "The Game"! He is afraid of "The Cerebral Assassin"! He is afraid of Triple H! Now I came here to prove a point! I came here to show everyone that "The Game" is the top athlete in the world and I will show you how! I will become the WWE World Champion and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it cause I wont allow it! Austin this thursday on Smackdown you are going to wish you stayed in the retirement center cause when I win you are going to be in a world of pain! (crowd begins a Triple H sucks chant)


~The Game~Triple H:You know what you guys better just shut the hell up cause you are pissing me off! (crowd boos again) *Triple H stands there with a furious face* Let me speak! (the crowds boos begins to diminish) OK now that I shut all of you up I can talk again! Austin this Thursday you will never get out of this one alive and thats because I am The Game and I am that damn good and no one is gonna stop me! And one other thing. When I beat everyone else I will become the next WWE World Champion!

*As Triple H finished his last statement he dropped the mic as his theme played again. He got out of the ring and headed up the ramp as fans booed. He went through the curtains and walked down the hall. He then went to the locker room area and went into his locker room. The screen began to fade to a commercial break.*