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Stop the crap, now that I'm in EWC you can all just get on your knees. I mean seriously, does anyone have what the Hero has? You must be crazy if you think you can even put your name by name on the marquee. You know in WuW  I practically ran that league. You think this EWC is going to even be any different? Hell no, you all better all start to learn who just your hero really is. Now who's first? Oh Nightmare, what a load of dream world crap. Nightmare has a problem understanding just who in the hell Ken Hero really is. I'm no chump like he's gothic, boring, I can't figure out which eye liner color to where, I'm a satanic useless waist of a brain named oh I forgot, The Fallen Angel? Nightmare? I don't pity this guy or girl, he's dug his own grave. Time to take this guy out and regain my spot as the man, the myth, the HERO...Then again when did I loss it?

The cameras rolls, everyone shuts up. Whoa whoa, stop eating that damn popcorn chump, this is Ken Hero's time. Anyways, the scene opens up where Ken Hero is reading the Bible in the confront of his own home. Yeah the Hero reads the Bible you hell's demon. Moving on, Ken puts up the Bible and sets it neatly on his table. Ken gets up and shrugs as he walks over to his bedroom. He turns on his TV and turns it to the EWC channel. Nightmare promo is replaying.

Damn this is boring!

Ken yawns as he turns off the TV. He grabs a weight and begins to pump. Oh you know the Hero is built! The ladies will be dropping to their knees. 

Damn I'm buff. Who in the hell can compete with this? Oh I guess Nightmare thinks he has it to out do the one great one of the EWC, Ken Hero. Can you believe that guy? He's on crack or more likey he's been sniffing crack, whatever it is, he isn't worth it. 

The phone rings, son of bitch, interupting the Hero. He has killed people for less. Not really, but don't make the mistake of doing this. Warning!

This better be important!

Ken picks up the phone.


Don't what me asshole!

Ken removes the phone from his ear and looks at the phone.

Hey Ken, it's Greddy!

Oh what do you want? I'm working out the arm.

Oh I see, I told you to stop beating off man.

Shut up Greddy, we all know the Hero has no need for those measures.

Listen Ken, you do realize that you have a match.

Ken shakes his head.

You keep calling it a match. It's a warm up for my HUGE PPV match. We know that my match this weekend really means nothing.

Well you our my prodigy wrestler here in EWC. This Nightmare guy should be a walk in the park for you.

Hero laughs

Must I have to beat a guy that has no clue to who he really is facing. I mean he said he saw me in WuW. What the hell is he's problem? If he saw me, then he should know that I'm the most talented superstar to ever grace the ring. I mean I showed it very well, but what can you except when your a satanic unholy dumbass that likes to talk to Priest as if there a piece of trash. This guy has no respect at all for anything. You know what the Hero is going to do? Well it's too simple Greddy; show him he's meaning here in lose.

Don't get cocky now, I know your good at that.

Ha, don't make me start getting mad. I mean seriously I can, because I have everything to back it up. Nightmare is a chump and he'll understand that he really doesn't have it to beat the likes of the man, the myth, the HERO, KEN HERO! The only thing Nightmare needs to do is go back to his dark hole and stay there, because I'm really bored of the guy and really could careless about his wresting career. I can't believe you signed a guy that honestly to God, can't wrestle if he had a gun pointed at his head.

Hero chuckles.

Well don't you disappoint me. I brought you in for a simple reason, to become the best. I made you, and I never fail at what I do.

Whoa cut the crap Greddy. There won't be a problem with me become the best. Hell wasn't I always. Everyone in EWC was like when was the Hero going to sign a contract. They all wanted the best damn wrestling to join this league. So I played with their minds and had my fun. Oh then I said one night, I'm going to Black Out and boost those ratings. Hell Greddy, we all know that I have what no one else has. Guys like Shadow Law and Ryan Dice are chumps with no talent, all they have is there heads filled with money and their asses filled with World Titles, they mean nothing to me. I'm glad you brought me into EWC, because it's time I start doing what I should of done a while back and that is takeover. I mean Nightmare really don't have a chance of stopping me, then again did he ever. The point is Greddy, I'm the next big thing, they knew it in WuW and they'll surely know it in EWC. I can go on and on about myself, of course being the best damn wrestler. Then again you already know this information. 

Just do what your good at, I have a meeting. Just get on that plane and be 100 percent ready.

Don't act like I'm some puppet Greddy; we all know that I'm the best and I will have no problem beating guys like Nightmare. 

Hero smiles.

Well I'll call you later once I'm out, later.

Hero just hangs up the phone, no goodbyes. Ken grabs his keys and heads out to his car. The camera looks over to reveal a very much awesome looking of a car, the new Hummers. This one is pimped to belief, American Flag paint job, 24 inch rims, Chrome grill, the works. Ken jumps in the beast and start it up. He drives around for a bit and pulls into the gas station. Ken gets out where tons of people are pumping their gas into their p.o.s. cars. Ken just laughs, a lady comes from behind Ken and taps him on his shoulder. Ken turns around to see a typical white trash lady. 

Whoa, don't do that again.

Your Ken Hero.

Ken looks around with a stupid look.

Where he is?...NO you think!

Ken laughs.

Your my favorite wrestler.

Is that so? Well I'm glad EWC actually has some smart fans. So I'm your hero huh?

Well I like that Brian Graves guy, I think he's cute.

Hey you shut up.

Your a good wrestler and one of my favorites. I hope you beat that Nightmare.

Ken grins at the lady.

Your a moron right? I mean you hope! You don't hope, you demand you know, you shut up before the Hero starts to get mad. I mean seriously, your a Brian Graves fan? Oh that's the worse thing off them all, I mean just why in the hell would you like a chump like that. Then you say you hope I beat Nightmare. You like Nightmare?


Hero interrupts and puts his hand in front of her face. 

Don't even interrupt the Hero. I wasn't finished lady. Now listen Nightmare is a chump, he's going to get beat just like he'll be told in the back by that Graves guy to lay down while the Hero pins your worthless ass. It's that simple, because I put the butts into the seats. You know I'm great, you know that I have it. Now what the hell do you what really?

Can I have your autograph?

Hero rubs his chin.

Do this first, pay for my gas, then I'll get you my Autograph.

I'll be right back.

The lady takes off real quick, the Hero starts to pump the gas fast putting the total of gas to 46.33 in total. Hero puts the nozzle up and jumps back in. He waits for the lady to pay. The lady comes out and Ken takes off. 


Ken laughs at the lady as she trips over herself trying to run at him.

Damn I'm good! We all know who her Hero is now. Oh Nightmare, come Sunday Night, the new home of the Hero, you will and I mean you finally understand one thing...

Ken sniffs.

Who your hero is!

The camera follows as the Hero takes off getting farther and farther down the road.

To be continued...