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[At 4 A.M. in the morning Brian Watts wake up from sleeping. Watts looks at the clock.]

Watts: Oh man I overslept! I was supposed to call him.

[Watts runs over to the phone in his living room and starts dialing number. The phone rings 4 times]

Watts: I hope I don't wake him up.

[After many rings the answering machine picks up. The voice sounds familiar. AFter the beep Watts leaves a message]

Watts: Hey Barty, it's me Brian. I just got here and you are probably sleeping. Call me back when you get home or wake up. See you later cousin. Bye.

[Watts hangs up the phone. Watts gets up from his chair and walks around the room.]

watts: Man how can I get through this match against DJ Hype and Steve Murdock. They might hurt me!

[watts is scared. watts picks up the phone again and trys to Call Barty again. he gets the answering machine again]

Watts: DAMNIT!

[He leaves another message after the beep again]

Watts: Hey barty. when you wake up please call me. you need to show me some tricks to get through the match against DJ and murdock. They could kill me in thr ring. I don't want to lose my first match! Well call me back, ok? Bye.

[Hangs up the phone]

Watts: Well maybe I can go out for an ice cream or something. Maybe even hook up with some chicks.

[Laughs. Picks up his keys and leaves. Watts goes down the street to a snow cone stand]

Watts: Well this isn't ice cream but this will do?

[Watts goes up the steps and wait in line. Ten minutes later Watts makes his order. Watts looks at the chick who is taking his order]

Girl behind the counter: What are you looking at?

[Watts just laughs and plays it off]

Watts: Nothing I just like the may you have your hair.

Girl behind the counter: What hair? If you didn't already notice. I am wearing a hat.

[Watts freezes]

Watts: Oh uh um ah. Well I can see your hair in the back. I like the color.

Girl behind the counter: Oh ok. Well may I take your order?

[Watts laughs]

Watts: How about ditching this job and going out with me?

[She laughs. Suddenly a middle-aged and over weight women runs flopping over to the counter.]

Fat Lady: She only 15, you bastard!

Watts: I uh I didn't know! I swear!

[the fat lady reaches down into her purse and pulls out a can of pepper spray and sprays it into his eyes. Watts screams like a 7 year old girl]

Watts: My eyes! I will never be able to see again! Ouch! It's burns! It's hurts so bad!

Fat Lady: I hope you learned your lesson you damn pediphile!

Watts: But i'm not a ahhhhh!

[Watts falls down the steps and lands down hard on his arm. They shut the window and go to the back. Watts begins to cry]

Watts: Ouch! My eyes! My arm! Oh it hurts!

[Watts gets back to his feet. As he does, the window opens. The fat lady throws the snow cone he ordered right at his head. Watts falls down on the sidewalk again]

Watts: Ouch! My snowcone!

[Watts begins to crawl back home. Watts gets back home. Takes off his long sleeved shirt. His arms are gashed and his face is bright red. Watts goes into the bathroom and puts water on his face]

Watts: Ouch! It still burns! I sure hope I can wrestle at 100 percent. I don't think I can wrestle like this. But I will give in my best shot.

[Watts reaches into the cabinet and pulls out a bottle of peroxide and a bag of cotton balls. He soaks up some peroxide with the cotton balls and puts in on his arm.]

Watts: SHIT!!!!!!!