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Welcome to The Rage Page of Kage

Thanx for visiting my webpage. I just started this page so there might not be much so far. I'm still working on it and I will be working on my site from time to time. I was born in Elizabeth,NJ and now live in Miami,FL I'm 25 years old and I enjoy the sport entertainment of wrestling and If you guys like my site, well folks there's going to be much more to come. Also don't forget to check out our federation the American Wrestling Federation (AWF) that started back in 1992 but was cut off by the FCC. 10 years later the AWF is back stronger than ever and our show will make it's comeback on Sunday July 27,2003. There is a link provided at the bottom of my page. Hope you like what you see. Till then enjoy. ***Kage*** (AWF Rulez)

AWF Website Link