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*It doesn't happen everyday, but every once in a while an elite wrestling federation such as the IXWF is graced with the arrival of a talent who will forever change the future of the company and the industry. But this just happens to be one of those days for the IXWF. Today is the day that the IXWF will look into a Smackdown ring, and see the very future of not only this company, but of the wrestling business as a whole. For it is on this day that the IXWF will be graced witht he arrival of its saving grace, of the very man who will redefine the wrestling industry. For today marks the arrival of....Sean O'Haire.......This week O'Haire has his debut match on Smackdown!, when he steps into the ring to face both Matt Hardy and Mick Foley in the opening match of this week's show. Its a match that will show the entire IXWF roster and staff exactly what to expect in the coming weeks. Its going to be a glimpse into the future of the IXWF....But I'm not telling you anything, you don't already know!*

Fresh morning dew hangs from the thing, fine, silk threads of a spider web, the sun glistening off of each little dew drop, casting a rainbow of colors onto the grass below. The web shakes suddenly, and several of the dew drops fall from the silk web, splashing down into the blade of grass below. After a few seconds, the movement stops, only to be replaced by a more gentle and more precise movement. A thin legged, smooth bodied, black spider comes into view, crawling across the web toaards the origin of the movement. As this happens, the grass and everything around and behind the spider web disappear, turning into a plain white background. The web itself begins to move away from the camera, turning into more of a background as the spider finally arrives at the spot where the flie has gotten itself caught in the web. As the spider slowly begins wrapping its prey in fres webbing for safe keepin, a wild haired man wearing a very nice three piece suit, and a long trench coat walks into the center of the view, his head down, looking at his hands which are pushed together at the finger tips, almost in a semi praying fashion. The man stands there a moment, and as he does the spider on the web behind him is seen slowly sinking its fangs into its now completely helpless victim, and as soon as this happens, the man looks up, a demonic look on his face that would make one believe him to be the devil himself.....

O'Haire:"What makes a man a man? Can you answer that question Mick Foley? Can you tell me what it takes in order to be a real man in todays world? Is it the ability to take obscene amounts of punishment, and still be able to come back for more, time and time again? Or maybe being man means that you take extreme amounts of pleasure in having your skull bashed in day in and day out. Is that what it takes to be a man Foley? Of course, in your book, it probably is. But are you right about that? Hell, are any of us right about what it takes to be a true man in todays world? I mean who are we to judge one another on the basis of who is and isn't a real man? Are we really so high and mighty that we are justified in judging people as to their true sexuality, and their true masculinity. Well, to answer my own question, people like you are Mick Foley. People like you pride theirselves on judging what they think a real man or woman is or should be. Mick, just because you can walk out into the middle of the street, get yourself run over by a mack truck, and then smile about it just before you died, that doesn't make you a real man. No, all that makes you is absolutely, one hundred percent, certifiably, clinically insane. Foley, you shouldn't be wrestling, you should be locked away in a straight jacket, in a nice padded room with no windows. Preferably a room in the basement, that way nobody even knows that your around. Mick Foley, your a disgrace not only to mankind, but to the world of wrestling."

"Foley, I saw your little in ring promo that you did. I watched you walk down to the ring carrying that garbage can full of weapons that you like to use on people, mostly yourself though. And I listened to every word that you said about Matt Hardy. Hell, I even paid a little attention when you talked about how you took a sledge hammer shot to the balls. But Mick, that doesn't make you a man, that makes you a freak. And to be honest with, because somebody obviously should, nobody gives a damn if your out to impress The Rock. Hell, to be honest with you Mick, if The Rock were to walk his homo-erotic fetish ass to the ring, I'd do to him the samething that I'm going to do to you. And just what is it that I'm going to do to you Mick? I'm going to give you something that somebody should have given you a long time ago. I'm going to give you a good old fashioned ass kicking, just like a "man" such as yourself deserves. Mick, I hope you weren't trying to scare or intimidate anybody with your little can full of weapons. And if you were, well it might have worked with that half a man Matt Hardy, but all I say in the trash can were ways for a coward to beat up his opponent. C'mon Mick, your a real man right? Don't you claim to be a man's man? But if your a man's man, then why do you need all those weapons to win a match? Why can't you do it on wrestling ability alone? Oh, wait! its because you don't have any wrestling ability in that fat, out of shape body of yours. Its because you don't know how to wrestle, all you know how to do is fight dirty, by using chairs and ball bats, and two by fours wrapped in barbed wire, to beat your opponents senseless. Well Mick, when you step into the ring with Matt Hardy and myself later tonight on Smackdown, once I'm finished with that idiot Hardy, I'm going to give you something else that you should have been given fifteen years ago when you first broke into this business, and thats a good old fashioned wrestling lesson. But I'm not telling you anything, that you don't already know."

The camera zooms in on O'Haire's face, his purely demonic grin stretching from ear to ear as the scene fades out to white, red, and finally black as big, bold, dark red letters that say......Sean O'Haire.....quickly come into view, and then fly off the screen as if heading for your living room......

Later That Night

The scene opens up to a dark and freshly rain soaked parking lot. The sounds of car doors and engines starting fills the night air, and the lights from the street lamps in the parking lot glimmer in the pools of rain water that have filled the holes in the pavement. The camera pans around the parking lot, stopping on the front of a store, and then up to the bright green sign above it.....

Barnes & Noble

The scene begins to fade once the sign is in view, and a few seconds later it comes back up on the inside of the store. The camera moves through the book store, weaving up and down the aisles, and finally stopping at the end of an aisle in the autobiography section. Sean O'Haire stands at the end of the aisle, his hair now a bit wilder than normal due to the humidity in the air, an odd look of deep thought on his face as he slowly, and carefully studies the book he has in his hands. After a few moments, O'Haire closes the book, keeping one finger in it to mark his place, and he looks up at the camera and smiles......

O'Haire:"How does somebody so boring and untalented get an ego such as yours Matt Hardy? I've been standing here reading the book that Jeff and you wrote, and so far I'm enjoying it. I'm enjoying it because it proves to me, and the rest of the world that your just a second rate Hardy. No wonder you wanted to get away from your brother so bad, you were tired of him always showing you up. Where was your "Mattitude" then Matt? Where was this so called "Mattitude" when the Hardy Boyz were a tag team on the decline, scratching at the dear in hopes of digging up a treasure trove of hope for a second great run? And then, when you saw that the tag team that had once dominated the tag team division, and had captivated the hearts of thousands was going to die, you left Jeff. You turned your back on your brother. Matt, that was an absolutely sickening thing to do...and I aplaud you for it. But that doesn't change the fact that your a second rate Hardy. Hell, to be one hundred percent honest with you, your a second rate zealot. Running around here, preaching the ways of "Mattitude" to the masses, as if it were some great religion that the rest of the world should follow."

"Matt, do you want me to tell you what "Mattitude" really is? "Mattitude" is your attempt at making yourself believe that your worth a damn. Its an attempt to boost your ego, and make yourself seem important to the rest of the world. And whats with this "Version One" crap? Are you afraid that somebody is actually going to copy what you have done with your career or with your life? Because take it from me, nobody is going to copy something that pathetic Hardy, and if they do, then it only means that they had a more pathetic life than yours, a life kind of like Mick Foley's. Oh, and lets not forget that little offer that you extended to Victoria and The Hurricane earlier this week. Matt, your more hard up than I thought you were. Now you've got yourself convinced that you need followers and that people should actually convert to "Mattitude". Matt, your dillusional, come back down to planet Earth. Nobody in their right mind would ever convert to follow your teachings. Your not Hitler, but in the end, when all is said and done, your fate will be more tragic than his was. Matt, Hitler was able to committ suicide before the Russian army could get to him, but unfortunately for you, I'm going to get to you long before you could do the same. Matt Hardy, you are a fool for believing that The Hurricane and Victoria would ever join you. Hell, your a fool for thinking that anybody would ever join you. The offer that you extended to them was rediculous and absurd. Hurricane is much better off here with Eric Bischoff and myself as a member of the Bischoff Administration. And as for Victoria, the lovely Victoria....I'm extending an offer to you to join the Bischoff Administration. But the offer is much more than that Victoria. Its an offer to brighten your day, and to take your depression away. Victoria, its an offer to be by my side, and to have me by yours. But don't make up your mind just yet, sit back and watch me dismantle Hardy and Foley first, and then you tell me what you've decided. Now, Matt, this is my debut match here in the IXWF, and I intend to make it a very impressive one. And the only way to do that is to completely and utterly destroy the both of you. Hardy, the days of "Mattitude" are over, and the days of anarchy and chaos have begun. Matt Hardy....Mick Foley....your three minutes are up........But I'm Not Telling You Anything, You Don't Already Know!"

O'Haire pulls his finger out of the book and slams it shut, tossing it back onto the top shelf of books as he runs his hand through his hair and walks away, disappearing into the maze of book shelves as the camera fades.....