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A normal XCWA recap broadcast is taking place on a typical Sunday night. Grey and Viper are going on about how this week has been the wildest the XCWA has ever seen, and The Horsemen are back and definitely in charge. Videos are shown of The Horsemen reuniting at Thursday's edition of Assault. Then small flashes of Suicide and Shawn Owens bowing out of the Elimination Chamber are shown. Viper and Grey are getting ready to give their comments on this current situation that has arisen when suddenly the broadcast begins to experience technical difficulties. The television monitors turn to a fuzzy screen. Static is heard and random lines begin racing across the screen. The television sets then turn to complete static with silence as a "human" figure can be seen walking closer and closer, almost appearing that he could walk out of the monitor at any given second. His face can not be seen, but his words can be heard clearly, it isn't much help since the words appear to be masked behind some sort of device.

Voice: The Elimination Chamber has been the talks of the XCWA for the last three weeks. This match has been hyped as the greatest battle between any wrestlers in the X.C.W.A. One man has been forgotten by all but Sin. That man is me. I have experience in the wrestling ring like noone else. I have competed in matches that have defied the laws of man. I am unpredictable and that is what makes me so dangerous. My name is, Well That is a suprise to be unveiled at the Pay Per View. For the next four days, the world of Xtreme Championship Wrestling Association can refer to me as Mr. X, or Mister E, if you prefer. Mister E, because a mystery I am. I have had encounters with Jeff. I have faced "The Vicious One", Ms. Vixen. I have faced off with Sin. These are the biggest threats to me in this match, and they are the people I have focused my attention on. I have been refered to as a leach sucking the life out of this very federation, and that is what I plan on doing at Breaking Point. The rejects of the X.C.W.A that never really belonged here dropped out of a main event Pay Per View. The cowards Suicide and Owens have given me an oppurtunity. The oppurtunity to rekindle a fight, a fight with the Horsemen. Suicide and Owens, You are a disgrace to the X.C.W.A and I pray that you rot in hell, especially Owens. Shawn, You had an oppurtunity to face for a title that actually means something. You had the chance to fight for X.C.W.A gold, and you threw it away. You signed a contract with the devil himself. Vince doesn't care about you or anyone else on that roster, and soon we will see your washed up face littering the gutter somewhere. Shawn, you went from being a a worthless wrestler, to being a worthless WWE prick, and for that the fans in attendance have every right in the world to boo your guts out. I hope Randy Phillips tears up your contract and black list you from ever returning.

The television monitors finally return to normal. Viper and Grey are sitting behind an XCWA table, there papers that they were talking from are scattered around and they do not know what to do.

Grey: Viper, What in the hell just happened?

Viper: Grey, I think that was one of the Elimination Chamber challengers. That was certainly an unorthodox way of introducing himself. Who do you think it is?

Grey: I have no idea. The only person that comes to mind would be E-

Suddenly the lights and mics in the room kill. The room is silent except for the breathing of the two commentators. Footsteps are heard entering the room. A confrontation is apparent as moans and grunts can be heard. A couple seconds later the lights come back on. Viper and Grey are lying bloodied on the floor and a masked man is standing behind the table with a wooden baseball bat in hand. His mask is a solid black, and a black X.C.W.A hoody is pulled over the mask. His pants are also black adding to the mystery. His hands are even covered in black by a pair of gloves.. "Mister E" makes his way to Viper's seat and sits down. He puts his legs up on the table, and then he crosses them.

Mister E: I wasn't done talking. The traditional baseball bat. You see these little notches in the bat? That is from the face of Viper and Grey. I didn't hit them too hard, they should be well by Breaking Point. Double J, I have been in the back listening to you and your Horsemen. I have eyes and ears all over the X.C.W.A backstage area. I knew about the attack that was planned on Shawn, a week prior to that I knew about the assault on the CEO. There is nothing that happens here that I do not know about, and soon, real soon, I give you the "Shock of Your Life". You will find out that your "manipulations" as you put it, mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Mr. Jarrett, when you are in the back confinements of your dressing room talking with your fellow Horsemen, when you think you are alone, I am there. I have been scouting you. I know that as this broadcast is being sent out to millions of viewers The Horsemen are watching, planning even. They are plotting the biggest seek and destroy mission the X.C.W.A has ever seen, but search all you will, because I am invisible. Your games of attacking opponents and making them victims before the match will be futile. I am the feint whisper you hear in the shadows, the sense of recognition. That feeling you get when all the hairs on the back of your neck rise up, sensing someone is lurking around you, That is me. The Horsemen will feel my wrath!

Mister E rises to his feet. He throws the bat to the ground and reaches into his pockets pulling out a silver razor blade. He rolls up his sleeve and begins cutting into his arm. Blood begins to drip from the fresh wound. E, not seeming happy with the first cut, crosses over it again making an X. Blood begins to gush from the open wounds. A dark red oozes over the X.C.W.A table. The masked man looks into the cameras, his eyes filled with anger.

Mister E: Sin, you asked if the title is worth my blood. Sin, you do not know me or you would not have made such a foolish accusation. My blood has been spared for the title on numerous occasions, but unlike you. I plan on walking out of Texas the Heavyweight Champion. I am not getting stretchered out, I will not crawl out. Sin, you proposed a good question. Is this title worth blood. I like to think so, but I am going to have to reply to you, is this title worth your life? I am losing blood as I speak, and the only thought on my mind is what can I do to keep from completely losing it before Breaking Point. My mindset is not on eating. Drinking is out of my mind. I do not care about if the fans believe they know my true identity or now. I am focused on the X.C.W.A Pay Per View, where once again, I become champion. The sands in the hour glass are winding down. There is no telling what the outcome of Breaking Point is going to be, but I am predicting pain. Body parts will become numb from pain, superstars will fall. Bodies will be broken, and Breaking Point will be the Pay Per View that shortened careers. Our careers shortening will be happening during the sounds of cheers from the crowd, but I promise, The Horsemen will fall by my hands. Sin, These are not words from a friend, but words from someone experienced in dealing with The Horsemen. Sin, hide at Breaking Point. Make yourself scarce. If The Horsemen find you, they will find a way to single you straight out of the match. They will handcuff you, or they will barricade you in your room, or they will just straight out beat you into a hospital trip. Sin, do not let those hoodlums cheat you from a championship match. Sin you have earned the right to fight for the championship strap. Sin, I'm not saying I am laying down, but If I am competiing for that title, I want to know I beat the best the X.C.W.A has to offer. Sin, I am ready to bleed for that title. I am also ready to to go to new unimaginable heights. Sin, Good luck in the match. You're facing The Horsemen, The Psychotic X.C.W.A Female, and me. Get Ready, because this is going to be the end of a controversy.

Mister E pulls his sleeve down covering the open cut. Blood begins to collect on the sleeve of the hoody. The man doesn't seem to care as he notices Viper is beginning to rise to his feet. Mister E crouches down, he is taunting Viper to get up. Viper reaches his feet and turns around looking for the masked man when suddenly E is up on his feet and delivers a Super Kick to the face of Viper. Viper's neck whiplashes and he goes flying backwards, sprawling across the table.

Mister E: With three simple seconds the fate of the match can change. Vixen, Congratulations on being the first female Heavyweight Champion. But, just like proven here, in three simple seconds you can be out on the mat staring at the ceiling lights. Vicious, you are no doubt tough, or you would not have that strap around your waist. Sin mentioned you might have signed a deal with The Horsemen. Now for me to assume otherwise would be fatal on my behalf. Vixen, I am not assuming anything, but deep down inside me, I have seen your battles with The Horsemen. You hate them just as much as the next red blooded American. Vixen, until you prove me otherwise, You are not Horsemen material in my eyes. Vixen, I believe you are the woman who is leading the way in women's equality. For that very reason, I am giving you one hundred percent at Breaking Point, I believe you would have it no other way. Vixen, when I said you are not Horsemen material, I did not mean that as an insult. You are a wrestler who knows what she wants. You do not need the direction that Jeff is offering his allies. Vixen same advice I gave Sin, make yourself scarce. Believe me or not, but there is strength in numbers, and at the moment. The Horsemen has the numbers. At Breaking Point, come Elimination Chamber. The Horsemen will not have numbers as they must enter the match one at a time. I'm not suggesting a revolt against the Horsemen, not yet atleast. I am suggesting a match to be remembered as my greatest match. Vixen, I am sorry. At Breaking Point, I am leaving the champion. Try to prove me wrong.

Mister E picks up his bat once again. Grey begins to rise to one knee. His face is bloodied from the last attack. He staggers to his feet and Mister E raises the bat high into the air signaling for a home run. Grey turns around and his eyes are that of Deer in the headlights. Mister E lowers the bat and pats Grey on the head. The Mysterious figure makes his way out of the room. Carnage fills the once peaceful setup and the camera's stop rolling.