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First of all, I had a sinking feeling this was coming. I knew when those OOC wars got out of hand and when I talked to the 1 guy who was pissed off for allegedly getting "screwed" that this thing would bottom out, again! Like it always does. And first of all to set the record straight, everyone who ever joined this fed and were in the GCL and the WLWA knew the prez that Martin is. They knew he worked his butt off so everyone could be happy, but face it people, if two people are against each other, one of them HAS TO LOSE! Yeah, I know losing sucks! But you know what, its not everything. Who the hell cares if you are the World Champion in any damn fed for the past 8 months if the fed lasts that long. You want a f**kin medal for that? Would it not be more enjoyable to get into a feud and develop a really cool angle that you can play over the course of a few months than to have a label attached to your fake character you made up that says hes the best and thats only the opinion of one person? I mean, grow the hell up! I have been doing this for about 5 years. I started with John(Ministry) and Frank(Anselmo). We had one of the BEST presidents you could ever have asked for. He was fair, he was just. He worked his butt off, but I rarely remember too many people complaining until towards the end. I lost matches I also won a few which helped me create the character of Johhny the Homicidal Maniac (in no way related to that gay ass comic that goes by the same name). Fact is, when the fed closed, it wasn't because of OOC wars, that fed closed because people just drifted away and couldn't go no more. A fed after that, where i met people that blew me away in rp quality was one of the other great feds I was in. It closed, because the owners went out on THEIR terms. It had an 8 month life, which in efed terms, is pretty f**King good. It led me to other feds that were much more competitive. Feds where you had to post a 15K rp to have a prayer at winning. Feds where the rps were meticulously judged by every little bit of the rp where a misspelling could be the difference between a win and a loss. I had differences with many presidents, some of whom I thought were unfair. Some guys had a different opinion of what a wrestle should be. Some presidents I had believe there was no such thing as a TRUE face anymore, the typical good guy ala Bret Hart during his first title reign where he refused to finish match by cheating. There were presidents who believed certain characters need more time before they could have a shot at a major title. Did I complain? I don't remember but if I did it was very, very, rare. The fact of the matter is this. I don't care why the fed closed, I know why it closed. It is because people in this fed did not appreciate what they had. And I would like to think I know Martin and he tries, he tries to please people. It wouldn't make sense for a guy to walk in and win a title in his first week, regardless of the quality of rps he puts out. I mean, and I never complained about this and I could have had a case, my character Johhny the Homicidal Maniac suffered the worst jobbing in all of Martin's fed history. I was gone, I knew it would happen. I didn't say anything about it. But its far worse than anyone in this fed could ever say that they got "screwed." Thats another thing, YOU GOT SCREWED? No, WE GOT SCREWED! Everyone that wanted to put in the time to have fun, everyone that wanted to stay out of the bickering and be the voice of reason, WE GOT SCREWED! JR, You screwed me. Whoever complained about rp limits, or matches or whatever, screwed ME! And Martin, You screwed me. And its partly my fault. You know the saying "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Well, I guess we could add fool me a thousand times. I actually thought this fed had a shot at going somewhere. It wasn't because of you that I wanted to make a return, it was because of guys like Joe, Geddy and Frank that I wanted to back. I enjoyed rping with Joe and Geddy, I enjoyed everything we had going. I didn't care if we won or lost, I just wanted to have fun. Besides, me and Frank have crossed paths many times and I always wanted to see if Pete Anselmo could stack up against the Violent Amishkilla(for PECW people.) I guess it won't happen here, maybe it will happen some where else. But Martin, what I don't get is how you say this wasted your life? How did efeds waste your life? Did the efed come knocking to your door, drag you out of your house and force you to rp and write matches? Is it a drug, this is something I do not get. Maybe you have a problem or something, seeing as how you open a fed with brand new intentions, how everyone is going to have fun and at the first sign of trouble you close up and shut it out. And I know, and you will not agree with this, but I know that somewhere down the line, a few weeks, a few months, you will open again and say you are ready to give it another chance. Well, whatever you do, don't ask me to join. I won't go through this crap again. I am sure you are a good person, but honestly, you really should take your advice and give this up. Get back to the life you are missing because apparently, you can't have a life and be in e-wrestling. So, I guess everyone that is married or has a girlfriend or still goes out every weekend and has a blast should give up e-wrestling, because you can't have a life without e-wrestling. Well, you know what, I hate to burst the bubble, but i have a heck of a life. I played in a rugby tournament today Sevens rugby, seven a side, reserved mostly for backs, I go about 5'10 320, yeah I didn't score, I nailed a few people and we almost won the damn thing. Point is, I guess I do have a life.I am about to go out and get drunk with some friends and have a great time, so i guess efedding hasn't deprived me of a life. Whatever you decide to do, go ahead and do it. I don't care. I don't care at all anymore. DON'T hit me up on IM because I won't answer you. Don't email me because I will block your address. If you want to respond and speak your piece, go ahead. Its your board, it WAS your fed. And its always been your fed, you always owned it. But it was OUR memories. And that is something that will never shut down. Cya later Martin, have fun doing whatever you missed out doing while you were running this fed. I was going to end with a cheap remark, but I won't. I'll just say this.You disgust me! Sincerely, Justin aka Mike Vengeance w/Dane White aka Johhny the Homicidal Maniac w/Atlantis