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-|[ Began in April of 2000, with Rob as the Owner and José as Co-Owner and Commisioner. ]|-

-|[ The champions where announced. The superstars then said which title they wanted in or out and then crowned themselves as champions with Rob and Jose agreeing with them. ]|-

-|[ Rob named himself the Polish Champion at school during Recess, then Dan said to defend the title so he did, and Rob lost to an Indian Burn and had a big red mark on his forearm when he went back inside. So Dan had his first title in JRF and is the Polish one. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Dan New Champion ]|-

-|[ The first match ever taken in the new JRF was a Triple Treat match. Rob (C) Vs. Nick L. Vs. Luis. The match started good and a few double teams here and their happened. Then submissions took place as Referee Jose watched the match. Then a few hard close lines taken from Nick and had taken Rob out of the equation so that Luis and Nick go one on one. After Rob came back in and got into the Walls of Jericho and then Luis trying to save the title for him self close lines Nick from the front yanking Rob's legs to touch his head and then getting Nick in a finger hold and Nick gives up making Luis the new champion. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Luis New Champion ]|-


-|[ Royal Rumble, José, Nick L., Ryan, Luis, Rob . . . . Rob's Brother Chris and Kyle Oaks, Meghans cousin come and everyone back's up and then they give a 3D to Rob. ]|-
-|[ Winner: No-Contest ]|-

-|[ In 2002, the JRF had many matches and some where not official but one of the greatest matches was the European title defense. Rob Vs. Ryan (C) in a Lumber Jack, Pool, Special Referee Match. With Jose as the Ref. for this match Ryan and Rob had no chance but to get a pin fall or submission on to win. Ryan in his first match takes Rob down a lot of the times and then gets dragged into the Lumber Jack area getting his ass kicked. Then Jose gets Rob out and then lets Rob and Ryan to continue. Moments later the Lumber Jacks broke out and started hitting Ryan and then Rob making them suffer. Rob tries getting himself up and climb the pool but Nick L. stops him in the tracks and then just with power pushes him back down landing on his back. Ryan then gets a call from his Dad and has to leave so Jose gets a pin on Rob and then makes Ryan the winner. After that Rob is still out and laying in the middle broken then Jose gets on top of the deck and then lands a 5* Frog Splash ending Rob with a bloody mouth and nose. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Ryan Still Champion ]|-

-|[ Rob Vs. Dan the Polish rivalry. Rob Vs. Dan (C) Polish title. Rob getting in Dan's face and then gets down and grapples him. Dan then goes for a headlock and then Rob counters by getting low. Rob then counters the head lock by turning to the front and then getting a spine buster in. The owner of the house comes out and yells and calls the cops. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Dan via No-Conest ]|-

-|[ The tag title's where given to Rob and Jose. The first title defense was against. Ryan and Nick H. The match turned out good and having Nick fight his first match. Rob and Nick just kicked and then faked punches while Ryan and Jose fought it out. Ryan taken down a few times and help from Nick get Jose down to the ground. Then a few other people come and then it turned out into a Rumble making it a free for all and then getting some shots on Jose. ]|-
-|[ Winner: José & Rob via No-Contest ]|-

-|[ Tag titles never defended and the tag team turmoil started. Dane A. and Luke formed a team and coming along with Dan S. they where entered in the match. Luis and Kevin S. went into the match and didn't do all that much damage. Nick L. and Jose started off and Rob was the Ref. Nick and Dane battled and then Dane goes up for a vicious headlock making Nick's face turn red and then lose breath Jose then got tagged in and Dane tried to fight it out but never got it done so he gave a tag to Kevin. Kevin in the beginning started talking a lot of smack and then got his ass kicked in about 10 seconds and that was with one move the STF applied by Jose. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Jose and Nick L. and New Champions ]|-

-|[ Since Dan has not fought for a while, Rob stripes Dan of his Polish title and gives it to himself. ]|-

-|[ Rob (C) Vs. Dan for the Polish title. Rob got challenged by Dan and then took the challenge not ready to fight he just went off and took a little beating. Dan then got a headlock up and then with some hands to the face made Rob bleed. Rob taking that to fire up and then fought back tackling Dan down. Rob then gets back against the fence and then just stays their getting counted out. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Rob Still Champion via Count-Out ]|-

-|[ Intercontinental title defense. Nick L. took on Rob and Nick H. for the IC title. Rob and Nick H. scared not knowing what to do if to attack or back down but got thrown around by Nick L. Nick then got put in the Walls of Jericho and then tapped. Then leaving Rob alone Nick L. was a little injured from a slip he made. Rob then getting closer to Nick and backing down so he doesn't get hit and then just kicks him and then Nick L. grabs the leg and then puts him in the Walls. As skinny as Rob is he counters by getting trough the legs and then Nick L. shoves him back down and then goes down much lower leaving Rob in pain and making him submit and Nick retains his prestigious title. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Nick L. Still Champion via DQ, Submission ]|-

-|[ Jose Vs. Anthony for Hardcore title. And Ryan the speacial Ref. Jose just went straight for Anthony with no problem he then was finding himself on the grass and was hurting when Anthony a 200+ pound kid sat on him. Jose didn't give up and then got out five minutes later he then hit the J-12 and got the cover he won and retained his title. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Jose Still Champ via Pinfall ]|-

-|[ Dominic and Anthony Vs. Jose and Jeremy. More info coming. . . . ]|-
-|[ Winner: Jose and Jeremy ]|-

-|[ Rob changed the Polish title into the Light-Weight because their was no other Polish man around. So he defended against Jeremy. Reason being is that Jose said the Jeremy a little 5th grader can take the belt away from you. Rob proved him wrong even though their was interference on Jeremy's side he got the Pedigree on and got the "White Out" on and Jeremy just taps out. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Rob Still Champion ]|-

-|[ Rob Vs. Minh the whole series. Rob and Minh had been going at it for about 1 year already. Ever since Rob got a win over Minh with the White-Out they still think they are better than each other. So far Rob has a 3 to 2 advantage over Minh, and what will happen  for Rob's Revenge after he had his wrist snapped and fractured for about 2 Months. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Rob-3, Minh-2 ]|-

-|[ José, Rob, and Luis Vs. Jason. The match started off with Rob sitting out saying he didn't want to participate leaving Luis and José still confident Angel Matos and Rob just watched the match and Jason  was trying to fight back then within a minute of fighting Luis tags Rob in and then Rob applies the White-Out on Jason and within a few seconds Jason taps leaving him the second man ever in JRF to tap out to a submission within a few seconds. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Jose, Minh, Rob, and Luis ]|-

-|[ Jose Vs. Rob for Hardcore title and World. More info coming. . . . ]|-
-|[ Winner: Jose Still Champion via Submission ]|-

-|[ Royal Rumble 2004. the first match of 2004 and the first ever Royal Rumble that came to an end. Before the match had even started. The contract was sighed and then the match didn't start for another hour because of playing snow ball fight. Rob had inadvertently hit Luis in the face and then Luis took a plastic bat and with the hardest part of it rammed it into Rob's knee and elbow joints so he wouldn't be able to compete. Well then in the beginning. Jason and Angel started it off. Jason got into a submission and tapped out within a few minutes. Then next up came Minh. Minh fought a little bit and then got down to his feet then before time came Minh and Luis where beating on Angel then it went all over until Angel caught Minh and then put him into the Trailer Hitch. Then Rob had come out and went after Angel then Luis and then got thrown around. Simon then came in and gave Rob another beating throwing and slamming him to the ground. Then an unknown member but good friend Alex Figueroa came and made his fight. He went after every one and then after Rob when he had a submission called "The White Out" was set in on Angel and then both Luis and Simon went to try and break out. Alex then got eliminated and left Rob in the final four along with Simon, Angel, and Luis. Rob tired out and wounded from the attack before the Rumble match cost him to take out Luis. Rob then getting closer to the frozen pool and laying on the barrier got jumped by Luis and then Angel squashed both causing Rob to bleed from the nose and mouth. Then all 3 men gained up on Rob and then got him eliminated in a sandwich. Angel then after got himself disqualified by attacking Esvin the special Ref for that match. Luis and Simon then hit off and then in the end Luis came victorious because Simon had walked off. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Luis, Royal Rumble 2004 Winner ]|-

-|[ José and Angel got into a little confrontation, and both men agreed, to go out and fight for the Hardcore Championship, it was a slow start but pretty intense when Rob and Minh saw Angel fly from a Puerto Rican Slam, (Showin Love José = ] lol) José and Angel had pretty much the same strategy to make the other man tap, a few near falls happened and both men strong enough to kick out or pick their shoulder off, Angel was left one option to make Jose tap out. Jose drained the power with countless submission to the left arm. Angel got Jose in the ankle lock Jose twisted out of it. Angel and Jose collided into each other trying to do the spear to one another. Angel tossed Jose into a tree Jose rebounded with a clothesline from hell. Jose hit numerous knee shot to the shoulder. Angel felt that it was over and tried to hit the Crippler Cross-Face. Jose screamed in pain. Angel couldn’t hold Jose in it. Jose got out and hit a very hard STO landing on his left shoulder. Jose then hit the Black-Out to make him tap out. ]|-
-|[ Winner: José Still Champion via Submission ]|-

-|[ Jason and Minh ]|-
-|[ Winner: Jason New Foreign Champion via Pinfall ]|-

-|[ Angel challenged Luis for the JRF Championship and Luis accepted it. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Angel New JRF Champion via Submission ]|-

-|[ Jose and Rob defended the Tag-Team Titles against Luis and Jason with the speacial Referee as Angel. ]|-
-|[ Winner: José and Rob Still Champions via Submission ]|-

-|[ Rob fought against Angel for the JRF title. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Angel Still Champion via Submission ]|-

-|[ Jason Challenged Angel in a Iron Man match for the JRF Championship. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Angel Still Champion via Time-Limit ]|-

-|[ Jason put in another Iron Man match against Angel because last time these two met, the Time was off by minutes and as a result this match came about. ]|-
-|[ Winner: Jason and Angel Champions via
No Contest ]|-

-|[ Luis becomes the new JRF Champion after Angel fore-fits his title match giving the title up. ]|-